Armed home invader shot dead in Estill County

We have laws down here and they are posted on the side of the road.

If somebody comes in my house they are dead as dead gets. And it's going to hurt first, too.

I'm too big of a crime buff to not kill somebody sneaking into my house. I just came across a story then looked up the case of an elderly retired couple down in Georgia a few years back that is still unsolved where the old man was found in the garage with his head cut off (they took the head with them) and his wife was kidnapped then found sunk in a lake 10 days later. No motive. Nothing taken. The kids all have perfect alibis and passed lie detector tests.

Scary world full of nuts who kill for no reason at all. If they come in your home I'm solidly in the "kill the shit out of them" camp.
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When you kill someone defending your property you are basically saying that the property is more valuable to you than that humans life!

Sure enough.
Uh huh!
It's more of a situation where I'm not asking somebody who broke into my house and is walking around, typically with a weapon, whether then would like my TV or Playstation or if they are there to do me or my family bodily harm. I'm going to go ahead and assume the latter and protect them and myself. For anyone to want to take that right away from any person in the US to me is 100% against the second amendment.