Arkansas vs. St. John's - Who You Rooting For?

If Arkansas and St. John's Play in 2024-25, who are you rooting for?

  • Arkansas

    Votes: 7 4.8%
  • St. John's

    Votes: 138 95.2%

  • Total voters


Jan 13, 2002
Since Pitino is trying to get back in our good graces again (including admitting he now realizes why we didn't like him at Louisville), who do you pull for next year if Arkansas and St. John's would play on the hardwood.
Is this a question? St. John’s. Who in the world would root for Arkansas and John Calipari in any game? I’d pull for the Nazis first. Pitino is going to retire and be brought back in some capacity too, a lot like Larry Brown when he ended his career. Can’t wait, we need to cement his legacy here and have him remembered for UK. It’s really good for our history and this program.

I really hope Calipari isn’t brought back in any way until 80+ and even then unless he can change his twisted mind and narcissism I don’t even want it then.

I will never root for that guy and never really wanted to. Hated him at Umass growing up, hated him at Memphis with passion, hated him at UK and held my nose. At Arkansas? I’d throw him to a pack of wolves and walk away.
Only way I'd ever even start to accept Cal again is if he came out and said something to the effect of "I regret squandering away my last few years at KY. I lost my way and let down the University, the State and the fans. I should have respected the program and I'm sorry I didn't." But he will never say anything close to that so he can kiss our big blue asses.
How you can hate Cal and be willing to give Pitino a second, third, fourth chance is beyond me.

Pitino, while clearly an amazing coach, is a vile human. The things he has done that we know about are probably just the tip of the iceberg. He brought bookers into dorms for underage recruits. He banged some skank on a table in a nasty restaurant. I know, it only lasted 3 seconds, but it still counts. He then did his part in ending the pregnancy.

While Cal didn’t always put the players on the floor we wanted, or prepare as much as we think he should have, or put more emphasis on winning, or whatever, neither he or his players ever put us in a position anywhere close to what Pitino has done. Cal has done a ton for the people of KY. I think the worst we had was the Willis DUI thing, and that was nothing. In 15 years, that was it. I respected the way Cal and his players acted outside of the arena.

Bash me all you want, but I can never look up to Pitino. He is disgusting.
St. John's.

I'll cheer for the coach who took us from probation to #1 in the nation in two years over a coach who tried to turn us into Indiana.
The coach who left us only to return to Louisville, bang skanks in restaurants, give prostitutes to underage recruits, flip off UK fans in Rupp….

Yeah, let’s cheer for that guy. He’s someone you should look up to.
Is this a question? St. John’s. Who in the world would root for Arkansas and John Calipari in any game? I’d pull for the Nazis first. Pitino is going to retire and be brought back in some capacity too, a lot like Larry Brown when he ended his career. Can’t wait, we need to cement his legacy here and have him remembered for UK. It’s really good for our history and this program.

I really hope Calipari isn’t brought back in any way until 80+ and even then unless he can change his twisted mind and narcissism I don’t even want it then.

I will never root for that guy and never really wanted to. Hated him at Umass growing up, hated him at Memphis with passion, hated him at UK and held my nose. At Arkansas? I’d throw him to a pack of wolves and walk away.
Keep Pitino away from anything UK.
Only way I'd ever even start to accept Cal again is if he came out and said something to the effect of "I regret squandering away my last few years at KY. I lost my way and let down the University, the State and the fans. I should have respected the program and I'm sorry I didn't." But he will never say anything close to that so he can kiss our big blue asses.
I'd require him to go much further. Something like this:

"I'm very sorry to say that I was wrong in trying to turn the University of Kentucky basketball program into my own NBA Draft Pick project. I put my own wants ahead the needs of UK".

Of course that'll never happen.
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There are very few schools I'd root for Arkansas over at this point. I tried to put together a list but the only one that stuck was Louisville. I can't and will not ever root for them.
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I don't care too much about that game. If I had to pick one, maybe St. Johns. My "care meter" is:
1- UK !!!!
(a distant) 2- whoever is playing UNCheat or Duke
3- any game that helps UK's position/ranking/chances
4- whoever is playing IU, UCLA, KU, UT, UL
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The coach who left us only to return to Louisville, bang skanks in restaurants, give prostitutes to underage recruits, flip off UK fans in Rupp….

Yeah, let’s cheer for that guy. He’s someone you should look up to.
Your response is almost like a caricatured cliche of so many others who have that mindset.

I'll partially answer your question. My view towards Pitino has a lot to do with the fact that Louisville is the most imagined rival in college sports history. They are not, and have not been relevant since Ronald Reagan was in office. Once you realize this fact, his going to Louisville becomes almost comical.
I've never understood the Louisville hate beyond the early 90s (when their program took a massive downturn).

I think it does the opposite of what it intends to do. It validates Louisville. The best thing to do with Louisville is ignore them for being irrelevant (which they have been since the 1980s).

You UK fans who hate Louisville only act to strengthen their fan argument that they're relevant.
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Your response is almost like a caricatured cliche of so many others who have that mindset.

I'll partially answer your question. My view towards Pitino has a lot to do with the fact that Louisville is the most imagined rival in college sports history. They are not, and have not been relevant since Ronald Reagan was in office. Once you realize this fact, his going to Louisville becomes almost comical.
Louisville may not be an equal to UK, but they are a rival for sure. Relevance doesn’t have much to do with it. The fact is that most UK fans hate UL and vice versa. They are an hour and 30 minutes down the road. The football and basketball games between the two are some of the most well attended and watched events in the state yearly. Whether you laugh at their situation or not, they are a rival. There is no rule that a rival need to be relevant, have a certain number of wins in a particular time frame, etc.
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I've never understood the Louisville hate beyond the early 90s (when their program took a massive downturn).

I think it does the opposite of what it intends to do. It validates Louisville. The best thing to do with Louisville is ignore them for being irrelevant (which they have been since the 1980s).

You UK fans who hate Louisville only act to strengthen their fan argument that they're relevant.
They're an instate rival. Relevant or not, that's part of college sports. Hasn't enough of that died?

Tennessee hates Vandy. Bama hates Auburn. And vice versa. In State Rivalries are good for sports.
How you can hate Cal and be willing to give Pitino a second, third, fourth chance is beyond me.

Pitino, while clearly an amazing coach, is a vile human. The things he has done that we know about are probably just the tip of the iceberg. He brought bookers into dorms for underage recruits. He banged some skank on a table in a nasty restaurant. I know, it only lasted 3 seconds, but it still counts. He then did his part in ending the pregnancy.

While Cal didn’t always put the players on the floor we wanted, or prepare as much as we think he should have, or put more emphasis on winning, or whatever, neither he or his players ever put us in a position anywhere close to what Pitino has done. Cal has done a ton for the people of KY. I think the worst we had was the Willis DUI thing, and that was nothing. In 15 years, that was it. I respected the way Cal and his players acted outside of the arena.

Bash me all you want, but I can never look up to Pitino. He is disgusting.
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I grew up in Louisville. They hate UK with such passion you can't help but hate them back. Never feel sorry for them. Ever.

Moved away for a couple of years, the hate stopped. Like I actually pulled for them in games against UNC. Moved back, the hate was reborn.

Moved to Florida in 2016. Again, Louisville seems like an afterthought. But I'll never fall for the "maybe their fans have changed" notion again.
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