Apparently a Syracuse player badly bit Matt Jones last night


Dec 12, 2007
There is a picture on the Duke rivals board, in the Vent thread, which allegedly shows his hand after the game, which a very visible bite mark. If you click in the picture it blows it up. Don't know for sure it is legit because you don't see his face. It looks nasty.
There is a picture on the Duke rivals board, in the Vent thread, which allegedly shows his hand after the game, which a very visible bite mark. If you click in the picture it blows it up. Don't know for sure it is legit because you don't see his face. It looks nasty.

It makes you wonder why Jones had his hand in his mouth?
If anyone can tell me the difference between teeth marks and a bite mark, I'd appreciate it. If I swing my hand at your face and hit your teeth, I expect to come away with an arc of abrasions. I've got no way of saying what happened but just pointing out that there are 2 scenarios. Which is apt since the film record is ambiguous.
Kinda looks like a bite mark, not a bite mark

There is a picture on the Duke rivals board, in the Vent thread, which allegedly shows his hand after the game, which a very visible bite mark. If you click in the picture it blows it up. Don't know for sure it is legit because you don't see his face. It looks nasty.
Coach K probable bit him to get some sympathy for losing so many games in a row... I feel a back problem coming on for K.....
A handshake is a gesture to show respect, I can't blame K for not respecting someone with a man bun.
Not sure how that's difficult to understand....unless you are in fact a german shephard. If so, well done for getting this far!

Jones was scratched. It just so happens that the scratch kinda looks like a bite mark. No one bit him.

How do you know it was a scratch? Not saying it isn't, but a scratch that looks that much like teeth marks is hard to believe. Oh, and the gif was because it read like you were saying it looked like a bite mark and didn't look like one too. So, I was confused. Now I understand what you meant.
Jones said it happened on the last play, no way, not even close.

Him getting bit on that play is about as unreal as Duke not getting the foul call on that play.
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One thing is clear. From the angle of the teeth marks it would have come from his mouth. I think itd have to be from a scratch.
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Look at the play where he collided with the Cuse player on the 50/50 ball. It looks like his hand swung around and hit the Cooney kid in the face. Could have happened then. Has anybody checked the book depository or the grassy knoll?
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The angle of those scratches looks like someone took a backhand to the chops with their mouth wide open. No way it's a bite unless he did it himself.

signed, Perry Mason.
He snubbed like 3 kids did all of them bite Jones?

I'm not sure about the bite mark, however, I have read that K didn't shake the hands of the last few kids because he say some Duke students yelling at some of the Duke players and he wanted to make sure prevented anything further from happening.

Jim B. even said that in his press conference as well.