Apology accepted....

I saw that at the Drive-in when I was little. Right before he does that, he says "I'm gonna my right leg and kick you on that side of your face, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it".
Billy Jack was the baddest Indian,without really being an Indian ever.
Until it is officially announced then I believe. I am sorry but after getting burned by "those in the know and with sources"". Nothing wrong with giving a opinion I do that but always claim I have no inside contact. Sometimes people get it right and sometimes they don't. But it is a fun and games right. Nothing else to do during off season. One thing I do know. I am sure as hell enjoying the ride with cal. GBB
So now i am a woman or 14 years old....lets put this back on him..that will show him...and i am the 14 year old
What about Bolden? Did you say your ban you're self on that? A couple of people have asked but you keep avoiding addressing that

QUOTE="ulismyman, post: 4628787, member: 12798"]So now i am a woman or 14 years old....lets put this back on him..that will show him...and i am the 14 year old[/QUOTE]
My Bolden source while reliable, was like he heard from this guy type of info...the Lee source was from the horses mouth so to speak thats why i was so adamant about Lee returning
You should doubted me from day one on Lee...i knew i told you i knew and you crapped all over it...go listen to last call of KSR this morning in 1st hour...the caller Terry...thats stay off my ass

You really are letting the fact you're a poster on this forum go to your head. Even though you post a lot and guess at a lot of things, you're not famous. You might be known to be a bad poster, but that's not fame. When you get to the point you're at, it's time to step away from the keyboard and take a long break. When you start to understand your opinion doesn't mean as much as the next that posts in a thread, that's when you should make your return. Just some friendly advice.
That doesn't make much sense because you were dead set on the bolden thing being written in stone, I don't know anyone who would say that if it was only hearsay. On what thread did you say Lee was transferring. I recall you said NBA or Europe but nothing about transferring so maybe I just missed that part. I do know that there were many on and I think some on here who said transferring was a option a month ago with Lee so it wasn't really secret news

QUOTE="ulismyman, post: 4629483, member: 12798"]My Bolden source while reliable, was like he heard from this guy type of info...the Lee source was from the horses mouth so to speak thats why i was so adamant about Lee returning[/QUOTE]
Quincey...go to Matt Jones show today and listen to last call in first hour...that is answer oruginal question...i said Lee was gone period..didnt specify pro europe transfer just that he wasnt coming back...and it was before he ever mentioned the combine
I don't need to go on there because many people said awhile ago that they think Lee was transferring so it's not really shocking to me nor was it as big of a secret that only you or a few thought would happen. Maybe you did know but the thing is a good amount of other people knew as well

Quincey...go to Matt Jones show today and listen to last call in first hour...that is answer oruginal question...i said Lee was gone period..didnt specify pro europe transfer just that he wasnt coming back...and it was before he ever mentioned the combine
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The humble man would wait for others to give him credit, rather than demanding praise or fishing for compliments. Here's what I've found. If I've done something truly worthy of honor, there is no need to parade it around. A good deed is its own reward.

Would you consider running for POTUS ? :americanflag:
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Look..i never get scoop and i happened to get it on Lee and worked out the other did guys can go back to your reindeer games
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Ulismyman, time to self ban. You're 0-for on everything you've ever done on this board. Go back to your home.
Umm I was kinda actually feeling bad for you. But above you posted you knew this about Lee straight from the horses mouth. But on the call to ksr you say it's simply a guess.

So you are caught in lie, admitted on air you guessed and then come on claiming sources. Fake fraud phony