Anyone have an update on Rex Chapman?


Nov 8, 2006
I've been wondering if he is still in treatment, is out, has put his problems behind him or what?

I know he's persona non grata with many UK fans but I think its still a compelling story
Keep him in treatment until the season is over. Goddamn if that asshole ruined the entire championship game last year. Eff him.
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road. Some of that is probably by his own doing, and part of that is probably a result of essentially never having a normal life and not responding well to that all the time.

Basketball games are pretty meaningless when you compare it with real life. I personally hope Rex figures it out.
Originally posted by bbonds:
Keep him in treatment until the season is over. Goddamn if that asshole ruined the entire championship game last year. Eff him.
I was just thinking about this a few days ago. He really stole a lot of enjoyment from a magical NCAA run. I found his website, looks like nothing updated for 10 months. I skimed an article he had about McD's AA. Near the end of the article, he says that in 7-8 yrs, Derick Willis will prove to be the best player from last years team.

Eff him.
Originally posted by kmann0433:
Rex has had a tough road.
Originally posted by kmann0433:
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road.
Define "tough" and provide specific examples from King Rex's life. TIA.
Was awful before, still awful I'm sure. Hope he never comes anywhere near Lexington, UK or our players again. He bet big money on UConn last year, started the rumor and reaped the benefits. Good riddance and I don't feel sorry for him.
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road.
Define "tough" and provide specific examples from King Rex's life. TIA.

The roads in Palomar Glades can be tough in the winter.
Originally posted by HossCat73:
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road.
Define "tough" and provide specific examples from King Rex's life. TIA.

The roads in Palomar Glades can be tough in the winter.
Good point. Plus, he only made $22,000,000.00 in his NBA career -- and in five of his twelve years he made less than $1,000,000.00.

I really don't know how the poor, disadvantaged corksucker made it as long as he did before breaking down.
That word always makes me think of Deadwood...


This post was edited on 2/25 12:45 PM by DSmith21
Originally posted by Beavis606:

Originally posted by maverick1:
Rivals software actually allows you to type cocksucker. In this case it is certainly warranted. Rex is the poster boy for that.
I didn't realize that -- and you're absolutely right...

I pretty clearly said he's had a tough road by his own doing. Everybody gets dealt the hand they're dealt and you figure it out best you can. Yes, he made millions of dollars and clearly he had lots of people that worshipped him. I guess he's not worth forgiving, to a lot of you? Okay, great. FYI, you guys are posting on a message board about college sports and nobody gives a shit about any of your opinions/my opinion.

Do I root for someone to get their life together and learn from their mistakes? Yeah, I do. I'd love to see Rex have some catharsis. I'll never be friends with the guy, but if you want to be that childish about sports, have fun.

Some people need to have a cold bath of harsh reality to actually see themselves. I've been an asshole and said stupid things and treated people horribly, and I'm sure tons of you have, too. I'm not some Rex Chapman ass-kisser. He was a turd, yes, clearly. You do it your way and I'll do it mine. I try not to write anyone off. Just something I try to stick to in my own life.

This post was edited on 2/25 1:34 PM by kmann0433
Originally posted by kmann0433:
I pretty clearly said he's had a tough road by his own doing.
Actually you weren't clear at all. You qualified your statement with "some" and "probably," which, of course, means that you really aren't sure that it was "his own doing."

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road. Some of that is probably by his own doing,
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I pretty clearly said he's had a tough road by his own doing.
Actually you weren't clear at all. You qualified your statement with "some" and "probably," which, of course, means that you really aren't sure that it was "his own doing."

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road. Some of that is probably by his own doing,
Wow. Stupid.

Some of you are mistaking pity for grace. I'm not actively defending Rex or what he did. I'm saying I hope he gets it together. The fact that I would have to defend that idea indicates I should just leave it be.

This post was edited on 2/25 2:34 PM by kmann0433
Originally posted by kmann0433:
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I pretty clearly said he's had a tough road by his own doing.
Actually you weren't clear at all. You qualified your statement with "some" and "probably," which, of course, means that you really aren't sure that it was "his own doing."

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road. Some of that is probably by his own doing,
Wow. Stupid.
I know, right? I couldn't believe you'd say something that stupid either.

Sorry I lied. I actually believed you would the entire time.
Originally posted by argubs2:

Originally posted by kmann0433:

Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I pretty clearly said he's had a tough road by his own doing.
Actually you weren't clear at all. You qualified your statement with "some" and "probably," which, of course, means that you really aren't sure that it was "his own doing."

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road. Some of that is probably by his own doing,
Wow. Stupid.
I know, right? I couldn't believe you'd say something that stupid either.

Sorry I lied. I actually believed you would the entire time.
Originally posted by kmann0433:
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I pretty clearly said he's had a tough road by his own doing.
Actually you weren't clear at all. You qualified your statement with "some" and "probably,"
Wow. Stupid.
Hey man, don't blame me for your own doubts about whether Rex's problems are his own doing. I didn't make you type "some" and "probably."
Originally posted by argubs2:

Originally posted by kmann0433:
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I pretty clearly said he's had a tough road by his own doing.
Actually you weren't clear at all. You qualified your statement with "some" and "probably," which, of course, means that you really aren't sure that it was "his own doing."

Originally posted by kmann0433:
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road. Some of that is probably by his own doing,
Wow. Stupid.
I know, right? I couldn't believe you'd say something that stupid either.

Sorry I lied. I actually believed you would the entire time.
Yeah that'd be clever and devastating if you knew me at all or were remotely correct. I'm sure Rex has had a mix of problems by his own doing and circumstance, like, I dunno, ALL OF US? Just so happens his big problems are his fault. I just wanna make it perfectly clear: you guys are railing on me because I am showing some empathy for a person who needs to get it together. Right.

This post was edited on 2/25 3:04 PM by kmann0433
there are studies that say you can't fundamentally change your personality after late adolescence/early adulthood...and he has a personality problem as much as a substance problem. he can be sober all day and still be an ass. i know many.
Originally posted by kmann0433:
I'm sure Rex has had a mix of problems by his own doing and circumstance...I just wanna make it perfectly clear: you guys are railing on me because I am showing some empathy for a person who needs to get it together. Right.

We're "railing" on you because previously you weren't sure if Rex's problems were his own fault. After all -- according to you -- he's "had a tough life."
Originally posted by domino79:
How much would you pay to see Rex chapman play richie farmer in a game of one on one today? #kentuckyproud
Winner takes on Antoine Walker? Those are some fine examples of how athletics build character. Or not . . .
Originally posted by kmann0433:
I can't disparage a man whose experience has been totally different than mine. Rex has had a tough road. Some of that is probably by his own doing, and part of that is probably a result of essentially never having a normal life and not responding well to that all the time.

Basketball games are pretty meaningless when you compare it with real life. I personally hope Rex figures it out.
"Some of that is probably his own doing?"...Life is ALL about choices you make...RC's problems are ALL about the choices he has made that his life is where it is today...Too many people in life want to blame others for their lot in life...That said I sure hope he beats his demons...I have first hand experience with this with a son...I will NEVER understand the addiction to drugs when just a simple NO and never starting them is all it takes in the first place..
I have never really read whether his rumors about Cal distracted our guys against UConn. Anybody know for sure?
I doubt it distracted the team. These you kids don't really care that much what Chapman has to say. They are much to young and most not from this state to really have much of a connection with him or his significance in KY lore.
It did distact the fan base and a buzz was in the arena. Killed the fan vibe for sure.
I'd bet Rex 100 bucks that someday it comes out he bet money on UConn and did hit best to contribute to the cause by releasing that tweet.
Timing was perfect and absolutely no one else reporting the same rumor. He made it up to try to cash in a bet and by more pills.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Not all problems in life are a result of choices. If I need to explain this to you guys, well... sorry. When a child gets cancer inexplicably I guess we need to blame someone's choice?

It's not absolute. You guys want it to be but its not. Roll back the tape -- I said Rex has had a tough road. Road. Road. Road. He's clearly been a miserable person at several points in his life and I said I hope he gets some redemptive momentum going. What a fabulous monster I am.

You guys really are being sweepingly unmerciful and juvenile.
Why was it a big deal he bet UCONN? Also how do you know he bet big?

Further more, he didn't bet beg enough or he would t be in jail.

I always liked Rex, but one stop in his hometown Apollo and I realized he did nothing for the area as that place was awful. The good ones always give back to their community.
He posted this on Twitter four days ago..

Thrilled for my dude @tldelk00 - #TNN #TonyNoNeck today! Overdue and much deserved. Congrats, Bruthaman. #BBN
5:05pm - 21 Feb 15

He hadn't posted since September 18

Guess March is coming up, so he's going to have to be an attention whore
I'm still livid.

Cost us a GD National Title, what a POS

And CBS let him call the GDMF game Saturday night.

My blood is boiling all over again.
Originally posted by kmann0433:

You guys really are being sweepingly unmerciful and juvenile.
Well duuuuuuhhhh...... yeah.............
Be calm... have your Timex moment..... be over soon:)