Another clinic by Sheppard

Saw this move, for what felt like a dozen times in his freshman year. He had such a nose for steals like that.

And I see no reason he can't win ROY. It's certainly not a strong draft and some of his competition at the top are bigs who will probably take more time to transition (especially being several euro bigs).

The problem is that houston wasn't that bad last year, being dead even at. 500 basketball.. so it's clear they already have an established core. But it's a young core and no reason Reed can't put up numbers in due time.
Wow. He was actually starting to flirt with quadruple-double numbers. 22pts, 5 steals, 7 assists, 6 rebounds.. 9 for 15 shooting, only 2tos and 1 foul.

Rockets are 2-0 and will likely be one of the few teams in the mix for the summer league title.

That, to me, means after these two performances from Reed, he's for sure in the running for summer league MVP. And might even in the lead for it now.
Looks pretty damn good with the ball in his hands as a playmaker too

Cam was an absolute STEAL for Houston last year. Guy was supposed to be top5 and he had very mild rumblings that his motor wasn't great.. fell to like 22nd or something.

In a sense, Houston has FIVE top5 draft picks over the last 4 years. They were 41-41 last season, with a core roster whose average age is like 22. The future is bright
Cam was an absolute STEAL for Houston last year. Guy was supposed to be top5 and he had very mild rumblings that his motor wasn't great.. fell to like 22nd or something.

In a sense, Houston has FIVE top5 draft picks over the last 4 years. They were 41-41 last season, with a core roster whose average age is like 22. The future is bright
Love him. Was injured much of his frosh year at Nova and really fell in the draft. He and Shep will be a nice pair for them for a long time.
Cam was an absolute STEAL for Houston last year. Guy was supposed to be top5 and he had very mild rumblings that his motor wasn't great.. fell to like 22nd or something.

In a sense, Houston has FIVE top5 draft picks over the last 4 years. They were 41-41 last season, with a core roster whose average age is like 22. The future is bright
I don't watch the NBA but watched the Rockets last two games this summer. Cam is a player. He and Reed look good together.
I won't argue that BUT Reed had all the chances in the world against Oakland and was absymal. I mean he was HORRIBLE in that game.
Reed is a tremendous talent, no question, but you are absolutely correct about the Oakland game. He was a no-show and felt the pressure. There is little doubt he learned from the experience and seems more comfortable with the Rockets, obviously looking confident under the pressure of showing he deserved where he was selected.
I enjoy watching them but man it makes me mad. Reed and Rob should have started every game and only come out for short breathers or foul trouble. Instead they split time with guys we were force fed as starters all year.
I understand the sentiment, of course, but we had the second-highest scoring offense in the country last year. Scoring points was not our problem. Defense was.

Against Oakland, all of our Freshmen pretty much succumbed to the pressure and the bright lights of the tournament … unfortunately.

I understand the sentiment, of course, but we had the second-highest scoring offense in the country last year. Scoring points was not our problem. Defense was.

Against Oakland, all of our Freshmen pretty much succumbed to the pressure and the bright lights of the tournament … unfortunately.

Unfortunately everyone started the NCAA game nervous and cold including Oakland, by the time REED WAS SUBBED INTO THE GAME DUE TO NOT STARTING, the Oakland players were starting to get in a little groove and found a rhythm, which is hard to compete with when you’re a freshman BEING SUBBED IN THE GAME DUE TO NOT STARTING WHILE THE OTHER TEAMS BEST PLAYERS HAVE BEEN GIVEN TIME TO FIND THEIR GROOVE. This unfortunately also happened in the second half WHEN OUR TWO BEST GUARDS ALSO DIDNT START THE SECOND HALF.
I’m sure those Oakland guys are a lot better than these G-League guys busting their ass trying to make an NBA roster. No chance he can succeed in the NBA because of that Oakland game.

Wow dude, your reading comprehension skills are woeful. Have someone rearead the thread to you and relay to you that I was politely responding to a post about him playing a bad game in response to the ongoing narrative that Cal is horrible because he's playing good now. He played terrible against Oakland and had all kinds of playing time. He had a bad game. Period. It happens to the best of them. Nowhere did I say he wasn't any good. Ignorant post on your part. Shoot first and read the thread later or don't even read the thread. Pathetic.
Reed and Rob were both bad in that Oakland game. Reeves carried us.

However, when you start and play non sensical lineup combinations it can throw everyone off.

Once again we did not play our best lineup(Reed, Rob, Reeves, Justin/Adou, Tre/Z) nearly enough minutes. Cal trotted out DJ, who was startistically the worst point on the team, and then two centers in tre and ugo. Kind of hard for anyone to get into a rhythm when you start 2 centers and 3 non shooters against a zone.

Cal set everyone up to fail. Honestly he might have just been trying to get the season over because he knew he was gone.
Reed and Rob were both bad in that Oakland game. Reeves carried us.

However, when you start and play non sensical lineup combinations it can throw everyone off.

Once again we did not play our best lineup(Reed, Rob, Reeves, Justin/Adou, Tre/Z) nearly enough minutes. Cal trotted out DJ, who was startistically the worst point on the team, and then two centers in tre and ugo. Kind of hard for anyone to get into a rhythm when you start 2 centers and 3 non shooters against a zone.

Cal set everyone up to fail. Honestly he might have just been trying to get the season over because he knew he was gone.

Fair post. That game bugs me like no other.
Lmao Cal didn’t have our guys prepared for a zone defense AGAIN! His very first tournament here, he lost to a zone defense. His very last tournament here he lost to a zone defense. He just can’t coach against a zone. He isn’t a good floor coach period.
You make a good point. We often struggled against zone defenses under Cal.
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Cal sucks so bad. My god Sheppard Dilly and Reeves were amazing.

It’s not possible to watch Reed Sheppard and not realize he’s a symbol of just how bad of a coach Calipari is. I said it last year over and over, the ENTIRE SEASON should have been the Sheppard show. He should have been given the reigns of the team and the rest told to play through him. Calipari absolutely sucks, and it shows now more than ever. What coach worth a damn wouldn’t have made the entire season about the best in state kid maybe in history. Think about that, and this clown convinced thousands he needed to come of the bench for “sparks”. It doesn’t get more ridiculous than this. The entire season should have been played start to finish through Reed and Dilly with Wagner and Edwards on mop up duty.

Remember the game against Mississippi State? Calipari told WAGNER to go make a play LMAO. Even Wagner knew to pass it to Reed. I’m sorry it’s the most pathetic display of coaching in the history of the NCAA for me. I can’t remember a worse coaching job. Reed and 4 scrubs should have at least been in the second round. Calipari really is a complete sht shown of a coach. Said it since 2015 and we just kept on and kept on.

Play through Reed and he would have grown in confidence early on and not been so hesitant either. But Calipari refused to groom him for the lead role in fear he’d over shadow Wagner. I hope Calipari absolutely tanks the rest of his career and is laughed at in history when all look back. We wasted Reed because “we can’t be good until Wagner is elite”. I will never forget this stupid crap.
I just wonder how bad he would have been that game if he had actually..........oh, never mind. Just keep blaming the players.
Everyone who played in that game should have gone up to Reeves and Mitchell after the game and profusely apologized for their lack of contributions. Shep, Dillingham and Wagner combined to shoot 3-19. Z played like he had been eating buttered popcorn and forgot to wipe his hands when he came into the game. Bradshaw and Onyenso weren't any better and Edwards blew at least two gimmies at the rim. If ONE other guy had managed to play an average game, we win and advance. I'm glad Cal is gone, but at some point, guys have to step up and make plays, and none of those guys were up to the moment except for Reeves and Mitchell.
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I understand the sentiment, of course, but we had the second-highest scoring offense in the country last year. Scoring points was not our problem. Defense was.

Against Oakland, all of our Freshmen pretty much succumbed to the pressure and the bright lights of the tournament … unfortunately.

Doesn’t matter what our offensive ranking was. Not starting the best players and playing the combination of the best guys all season sets up a team for eventual failure. The lack of minutes Reed, Rob, & Reeves had together on the court is criminal.
I see shades of Mark Price and Deron Williams too. I think Reed’s athleticism is better.

I have nothing against the two French guys, they are both nice prospects. But the Hawks and Wizards may look back someday and regret passing on Reed.

I’ve said for a while to me if Stockton / Deron Williams / Redick had a baby together Reed comes out.

Ive totally tanked for the Rockets now he’s brought me back into the NBA. Love that kid, if he ends up a HOF’r he’ll go down as the goat of the state all time. Gotta go hard for the Rockets from here on out.
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