All-Villain Team

Beat me to Henderson!

Marshall was fun.....his antics were funny and fflowed with the game...
Anyone remember Dewayne Scales and Rudy (KY kid) Macklin that played for Dale Brown at LSU. I remember at near the end of a game in Lexington, LSU absolutely thumping the Cats, Scales received a long run out pass way ahead of UK defense…he turned held the ball right under the basket just waiting for UK to catch up then slammed it right as our guys got there. It was an in-your-face-UK moment I’ll not forget. So….tier 2 of villains: Scales and Macklin.
LSU had another Kentucky kid, Kenny Higgs, who seemed to have a chip on his shoulder against Kentucky. He was Mark Higgs’ older brother I think.
Miles Simon or Mike Bibby pick 'em
Matt Walsh
Christian Laettner
Christian Watford
Joakim Noah