Advice to UK Fans

Jan 3, 2016

If you chose to go to a UL game with UK gear have someone ready to video interactions. There were threats of violence against your fans in the football thread during the bowl game. As far as I am concerned if you payed for the ticket, even if it was given to you, you wear what the Hell you want. I'm tired of this crap. Press charges if need be, put the video of their behavior on Youtube. We have an issue of a culture of bad behavior being accepted in Louisville and it's time to stop it.

If you have interaction with any of our thugs don't do anything, just let them dig their grave and let the rest of the world know.
I watched a little guy in a cardinal shirt get the absolute shit kicked out of him last night in BW3 parking lot. This prick wasn't but about 130 pounds but shot his mouth off like he was a giant. My wife and I watched 3 guys just brutally stomp his ass for about a minute or so then just went on about our business.
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I posted nothing but the truth in that thread, and ....... Poof! It's gone and now I'm blacklisted by Steelers.

All I said was its always nice sitting back, relaxing, watching a game between two teams whose a$$es your team had already beaten.
UL fans are sickening cowards.

But why are there UK fans attending UL games anyway? You couldn't pay me or send me the best UL hooker to go to one of their games.
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I have to go to Louisville at the end March for my sons state tourney. I always have UK stuff on, do you think I will have problems? Not sure where at in Louisville yet.
UL fans are sickening cowards.

But why are there UK fans attending UL games anyway? You couldn't pay me or send me the best UL hooker to go to one of their games.

Some live here, are grads, or just want to watch college ball. I've had on L-ville gear at games outside Louisville before. The guy that was kicked out of our bowl game was pushed into reacting by one of our fine morons. You have to remember, our fan base is made up in part by some of those same fine individuals who attacked people on the Riverfront, after a Bats game, and caused the mall in St. Matthews to be closed down. Take a look at how their online forums are run, that tells you all you need to know.
Playfully teasing one another is one thing (I once had a co-worker (a UL fan) shout "here kitty kitty kitty!" at me for example which I actually thought was kinda cute/clever) but we don't need fans physically hurting each over over a sport.
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The campus is a different beast than the games. I went to UL for 4 years and wore my UK stuff most of the time. I never had one person say a thing to me.
!st of all every fan base has the group of "Idiots". 2nd of all, I personally wouldn't pay for a ticket to watch another team esp at their place. I happen to have friends of other schools and every once in a while I get offered a ticket to go and sometimes I do. If I do go I go I dress normal because I'm 50 yrs old and don't want to be involved in any of that stupid stuff. Unfortunately it happens which is why I don't attend to many games anymore. My Wife and I just go to our local bar,meet up with friends and watch on the TV. We don't have to put up with this BS and we have a great time.....GO CATS!
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Some live here, are grads, or just want to watch college ball. I've had on L-ville gear at games outside Louisville before. The guy that was kicked out of our bowl game was pushed into reacting by one of our fine morons. You have to remember, our fan base is made up in part by some of those same fine individuals who attacked people on the Riverfront, after a Bats game, and caused the mall in St. Matthews to be closed down. Take a look at how their online forums are run, that tells you all you need to know.

Being aware that you're aligned with such evil, don't you think it's time to make the switch from the dark side? :D
I have to go to Louisville at the end March for my sons state tourney. I always have UK stuff on, do you think I will have problems? Not sure where at in Louisville yet.

I go to Louisville frequently and wear UK stuff quite often when there and have never encountered an incident anywhere. I've been all over the city at different locations with no problems and have run into many others wearing UK gear who live in Louisville. Also have come across people wearing UL stuff and, again, no problems. And, yes, I've been around the area near the UL campus and Churchill Downs area which seem kind of seedy to me with no problems. Maybe I'm pushing my luck???
Too much to laugh at in that thread. 1) nobody else from any other team in any other sport does this. 2) UK has raised generations of fans that hate Louisville to an unhealthy point--this whole thread is hating a UK fan who wore his UK shirt to a basketball game. 3) UK fans wear too much UK stuff-you would think we are all dressing like dancing man every single day. Don't wear a UK hat with your UK shirt that is just way too much fandom in UOFL's fans opinions.

Never go to that board anymore except when someone links it like the OP. They are always good for a laugh. And I guess there really is an active Twitter account noslapdix---yeah we UK fans are just ate up with hate, LOL. Carry on lil birdies, carry on!!!!!
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They're just jealous because their little Red Island in Jefferson County is infiltrated with more UK Fans than UL Fans and that their Coaches have to try and cheat in recruiting with Whores and Sex but still can't beat Kentucky
I have to go to Louisville at the end March for my sons state tourney. I always have UK stuff on, do you think I will have problems? Not sure where at in Louisville yet.

I work across the street from the Yum Center and wear a UK toboggan every day in the winter. I've never had anyone say a word to me about it even when fans are piling in for a game. There are plenty of UK fans here and you're about as likely to see UK fan gear as UL gear except on game days. I've never gone into Yum with UK gear on though. Suspect it would only be an issue if you tried to go there to watch a college game when UK wasn't playing and you happened to run into some inebriated college kids. Those buffoons on the UL forums may be grown up but they are hardly adults. Fortunately they are a small minority and I don't think you'll have any problems when you come here for the state tourney.
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Is steelers still allowed to post here?

If so, that's outrageous
he chooses not too, anymore...however, he lurks he all the time. just do a search on his name and you will see him lurking.

It is very creepy.

OBTW...I have seen the OP call out steelers on UL site. Steelers implied that he knew the OP's ip address and would somehow use that information against him
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I have to go to Louisville at the end March for my sons state tourney. I always have UK stuff on, do you think I will have problems? Not sure where at in Louisville yet.
Nah, I've lived in Lou most of my life and have never had anyone approach me for wearing UK stuff. Heck, you'll probably see more people sporting UK gear than UL gear. I honestly think there are more diehard UK fans living in the city as opposed to UL.
^ Agree wholeheartedly. You won't have any problems and will see many many other UK fans in Lou. It's about 50-50 if not 60-40 UK. Wear it and don't worry.
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I watched a little guy in a cardinal shirt get the absolute shit kicked out of him last night in BW3 parking lot. This prick wasn't but about 130 pounds but shot his mouth off like he was a giant. My wife and I watched 3 guys just brutally stomp his ass for about a minute or so then just went on about our business.
Took three guys to whip a 130 pound guy? And, you liked this because the little guy wore a UL shirt? God help us all if we've lost all sense of decency over a stupid game.
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Took three guys to whip a 130 pound guy? And, you liked this because the little guy wore a UL shirt? God help us all if we've lost all sense of decency over a stupid game.

Maybe he ran over one of their foots on his Tardcycle before he cussed them. :boxing:

I've been in Louisville for about 14yrs. I've never had one problem with gear, car plates, stickers etc.

The OP is correct, a portion of their fan base is fairly downtrodden. I've got some good/great friends that are decent UL fans.

As for the rest, when a disease riddled sewer rat is starved and under attack, they hiss and claw in response to people that approach them. Just ignore it.
Took three guys to whip a 130 pound guy? And, you liked this because the little guy wore a UL shirt? God help us all if we've lost all sense of decency over a stupid game.
Looks like we have another UL troll here. Here's one of his posts on the hooker scandal. He should've been banned on the spot.

What goes around comes around. Enjoy yourself because its Lil Brothers' turn in the barrel and try not to remember the cash in the FedEx envelope.
I have to go to Louisville at the end March for my sons state tourney. I always have UK stuff on, do you think I will have problems? Not sure where at in Louisville yet.

Like others have said: half the city bleeds blue. They like to think it isn't true, but it is. I can't go anywhere during the day without seeing UK flags, stickers, shirts, etc
I wore UK stuff to Boston several years back when me and my wife (she's originally from Malden; part of Greater Boston) visited her mother there. Here in Owensboro it's almost like "Lexington West" in terms of the BBN presence here...but in Boston I kinda felt like some alien from another planet. But hey, people from that area who went to Harvard or one of the other Ivies no doubt proudly wear their alma mater they can't fault me for doing the same, no?

Sometimes though I do half jokingly lament to my wife (who has two master's degrees and got to work with John Hopkins and a few Ivies back in her day) that my coffee cup from my UK days (early 2000s) that I still use doesn't read "Harvard" or "Yale" or whatever...instead it's what was back then called a "not yet great university" :p
I have to go to Louisville at the end March for my sons state tourney. I always have UK stuff on, do you think I will have problems? Not sure where at in Louisville yet.
Depends on what part of town you're in. Downtown and points to the east and north, no problem. To the south and west, maybe you'll catch some guff.
I'm a UK fan and alumnus living in Louisville and there are just as many UK fans as UofL fans. We're just not as obnoxious.
And to piggy back wearing UK stuff: if I'm on vacation, I make it a point to wear UK stuff because I know a UK fan will eventually come around.

I've had great UK discussions waiting in line for rides or character meets at Disney
Heck I got into a pretty intense shouting match with a couple of Tard fans going into a game at Rupp several years ago. We were playing them and two guys dressed head to toe in Card crap thought they'd start some shyt just because there wasn't anyone else around.
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Some live here, are grads, or just want to watch college ball. I've had on L-ville gear at games outside Louisville before. The guy that was kicked out of our bowl game was pushed into reacting by one of our fine morons. You have to remember, our fan base is made up in part by some of those same fine individuals who attacked people on the Riverfront, after a Bats game, and caused the mall in St. Matthews to be closed down. Take a look at how their online forums are run, that tells you all you need to know.

I get all that. But I still wouldn't go to a UL game if UL was the only school in the state. No thanks.

Every fan base has idiots like that, UL just seems to have more than most. I just don't see what a UK fan could get out of by going to one of their basketball games that's not against UK. Every time I see a post about a guy decked out in UK gear at a UL game I just shake my head.
I wear UK gear all the time in personalized plate identifies me as such..I have only had 1 uavel fan..cause me problems years ago when he tried to ram me in a brand new SUV I was driving..I called my friends on LMPD Traffic and 3 of them boxed him in on Watterson ..took him in cuffs to the Hoosegow for Wanton Endangerment and Resisting Arrest..Don't think the Lil Brother will make that mistake again..Cost him over $750 in fines ,tow charges and legal fees..:chairshot::chairshot: some uavel fans are ok..many are morons..Most are full of hot air..Zipp Kerry Rhodes are you reading this???
Tard translation would read: "try not to remember the squirts on the ceiling"

Instantaneous permaban on Tards Illustrated.

But we don't want this board to be so juvenile do we? You're a good poster who can stand on the strength of your opinions. You don't need, and I'm sure you don't want, some moderator being asked to be a schoolmarm to protect you from "trolls." Anybody who doesn't break the rules of civility and decorum should be allowed to post and express any opinion they want about basketball here.