A lot of you need to self-ban

I’ll eat my crow. I said I wasn’t sure if we would win due to the injuries. I was wrong and glad about it. My support for Coach Pope never wavered.
You’ve been supportive all year. Post feels more directed at the ppl questioning Pope as recent as a week ago saying “winless in March” etc. and hand some of those ppl back gloating after Cal beat St.Johns and using it as a “see, Mitch was the issue we shouldn’t have hired Pope” type post
I'm all ears. Anyone else not believe ? It was nerve wracking, sure. But we made it. Coach Pope deserved the faith and trust I put in him and the team as well.

Pope's Patchwork Rollercoaster year is not over !

Feels damn good staying positive all year long from my perspective. I hate to say ..... but I'm not. Their actions speak far louder than any words I could use.

Love this team !
We've had an absolute infestation of trolls and crappy posters the last year or so. It's coincided with when Calipari left.

A man can't write two sentences without having a legion of these demonic freaks show up and post contrarian hate. I had people taking shots at me over the Fears threads, with a few of them accusing me of being a child abuser. They know who they are. Same type of pathetic men who can't look a woman in the eyes.
Yeah that was pretty low, all I’ve ever thought was that you were proud one of your students is achieving great things.
Are we allowed some leeway in the game thread? That’s all I ask. Forgiveness for the shit I say in game threads when I’m letting myself be completely reactionary.
Yeah, and if Cal was coach and the team would have had a 19-12 regular season and under .500 8-11 SEC record this Sweet 16 run would not have made up for that bad performance.
Apples and oranges fella. Cal would have not had to have built a roster in a month from leftover portal players and a couple Kentucky boys.

Cal is playing with the roster he built currently. Oh and his record, both in and out of conference, isn’t anywhere near as good as ours with a patchwork team.
I’ve always liked this place, but avoided it between games after some of the stuff getting posted.

Feels great to be back to the S16. Would be nice for some BBN positivity.
Everybody should be on the teams bandwagon. How could you not be? They have fought thru everything to win huge games all year. A 3 seed, maybe not the SEC finish we wanted but 10 games missing a PG most of the year is crazy.
Yeah that was pretty low, all I’ve ever thought was that you were proud one of your students is achieving great things.
Yeah I reported a couple. There’s making jokes (like 80% of my posts are just me goofing) and then there’s making really uncomfortable accusations that far cross the line.
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I am happy to be wrong

I thought we would lose
I didn’t have the best feeling but a poster earlier said I feel confident and that brought me back. I felt a real sense of calm about halfway thru the game. I was going insane at the end, I wanted the win so bad but I felt like we would win at halftime. We have won about every game we have lead at half this year.