A look at the penalties KU could face from the IARP ruling


Gold Member
Mar 13, 2012
Article from Aug. 10. Sounds like we are finally going to find out soon if they get a slap on the wrist or an actual punishment.
There was a time I thought Kansas could be heading towards severe penalties. I mean, they were charged with how many level 1 violations? 5? But with some of the recent rulings that have come out I no longer think they’re going to get anything more than a slap on the wrist.
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Slap on the wrist. The NCAA literally had the best evidence against these schools of any investigation in their entire history. The FBI investigated the cases, the US attorneys office prosecuted, and several participants testified under oath including to their own wrongdoing.

There was never a better case. The fact they kept delaying clearly said they wanted to avoid punishment at all costs.
There was a time I thought Kansas could be heading towards severe penalties. I mean, they were charged with how many level 1 violations? 5? But with some of the recent rulings that have come out I no longer think they’re going to get anything more than a slap on the wrist.
Yeah. They should have got hit with a minimum of 1 if not multiple vacated seasons. But it seems the NCAA is trending towards recruiting restrictions and a coach suspension these days
This sums it up. The NCAA went from having HUGE balls to NO BALLS in one fell swoop- also known as the UNC lawsuit. Thanks Mark Emmert, you pathetic Eunuch.

Our wonderful SEC Commissioner Sankey didn't help either. Supposedly Mr. "Tough Dude On Rules".

He took one look at everything, saw it wasn't UK under investigation and said, "Meh."
The days of the NCAA handling out penalties to schools ilke Kansas are over. Kansas will get a very soft slap on the wrist if that. Now if a small school should do something they will bring the hammer down on them.
Yeah they'll get 'time served' as in the black cloud of the investigation was punishment enough. It must have horribly affected their recruiting so that's plenty of punishment.
Kansas will vacate games and get credit for 'punishments' self imposed. That is it... and all for a measly few thousand $$.
And that would satisfy me... so long as it is enough wins that we regain the all-time lead (hope we keep it for awhile).
It won't matter that the NCAA cleared DeSousa... he will be their downfall.
Ayton and Williamson won't matter... they went to Arizona and Duke, respectively. Arizona vacated every win and title Ayton was a part of. Duke... well... they're Duke, they can admit to violations and nothing happens (which I am sorta ok with at this point, as I don't want attention drawn to Nike).
The only potential hiccup to KU vacating wins,... would be a lawsuit. And Kansas would certainly sue.
Yes I know that they agreed to that the IARP ruling would be final... but that would have no bearing in a civil suit and especially considering that the NCAA was disbanding the IARP because of its ineffectiveness.
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Didn't UT football just have 18 Level One violations or something similar and what did they get? A few schollies taken away? They'll probably lose a couple of schollies for a couple of years which is no big deal because most teams don't fill all their schollies anyway.
This sums it up. The NCAA went from having HUGE balls to NO BALLS in one fell swoop- also known as the UNC lawsuit. Thanks Mark Emmert, you pathetic Eunuch.
I think you're right that: wussing out on the huge UNC scandal cut their stones off. They claimed lack of jurisdiction or something but they didn't have that over the Penn State scandal.
KU is nothing without cheating. . They're filth, just cheating, scum of the earth filth, and everyone knows it.

That said, they won't get shit because the NCAA is a toothless tiger.
Article from Aug. 10. Sounds like we are finally going to find out soon if they get a slap on the wrist or an actual punishment.
I won’t hold my breath. It will probably say KU suspended Self for 2 exhibition games and gave away 3 bench spots and that was all that was needed and that satisfied this committee.