7 mins of practice footage

Always fun to watch practice videos...but everyone always looks good in practice.

I personally never take anything out of them (lots of ppl do, which is cool, no problem with that), as in my opinion it gives next to no indication as to how well the team will play when it matters.
I think you practice how you play. They are not scared to fail in practice so that will help in pressure situations.
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If last year team would have been coached with the mentality described in this video , we would have already hanged the #9 banner in Rupp Arena. Last year we had after many years the talent to play modern basketball, but unfortunately we had Cal as a coach…

This year and the following ones will be so much fun . I am not sure how talented these players are, but I am sure they will play modern basketball , have fun , bring joy to BBN and most importantly play as Kentucky team !
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