1stunc *** Alum calling for wins to be vacated

This article NAILS it perfectly!!!

"Finally, the UNC administration, among others, has taken the position that the NCAA adjudication should be allowed to play out. This view seems to accept that the NCAA has been a responsible steward of academic integrity in Big Time sports - an assumption for which the record is hardly persuasive. More importantly, however, UNC should not dismiss its own capacity to make ethical decisions. It should not abdicate its responsibility to act with honor. UNC's leaders should advance high standards of integrity in contrast to what may well be compromised standards by the NCAA or other judges of this ongoing scandal."
Originally posted by Lempface:
Wow that John Cooper guy in the comments is freaking precious.
That John Cooper guy is in every comment section of every ESPN UNC article and is as delusional as they come.
Saying the same things I've been saying since last summer:

Sack up, UNCheat

Take your medicine

What you've got here is an academic institution addicted to athletic success, like a junkie hooked on crack, who rationalizes everything to get some more of the good stuff regardless of the price to self or others
UNC would rather you believe a fantastic lie than know the real truth about them and that's why they will never freely take responsibility . Their hand will have to be forced into taking the appropriate corrective action . The NCAA , SACS , their own board of trustees nor the people of North Carolina will force their hand .

Even those responsible for bringing much of the issue to light don't have the resolve to do the right thing . As stated by Manalashi there is information to tell the truth but because people won't get to continue living a lie it must be suppressed , don't want to hurt their reputation . Mary Willingham is more concerned about her book imo , she wants UNC to stop their practice but without them paying for their crimes . Surely Kane is privy to the untold truth and yet he also shelters UNC by withholding their darkest secrets .

Which is exactly how they ended up in this mess to begin with , enablers who wouldn't take them to task . It looks like one wants a Pulitzer and one wants a best seller and are milking it for everything they can get out of it . At the end of the day the only entity that can act is the only one who doesn't have a stake or interest . The government is the only one who has nothing to lose or gain by the outcome , of course a deal would eventually be made with North Carolina lawmakers .

The author of the provided article told the truth and sought to challenge the UNC leadership to right a wrong , at the same time he distanced himself from the dark course the school chooses to take . Credit him for seeking truth .
I fear the corrupt NCAA will not penalize the the University of African American Studies at all.