Here's another thought that I recall...or MISrember...
Around 1989 once ESPN went more national ...and therefore needed more content...they produced shows like Dick Schapp interviews and The Sports Reporters around Sunday morning's Sport Center.
As I recall Frank DeFord (see above) who was an arrogant but skilled sportswriter, tried (with others to capitalize on the success of USA Today -- and it's sports section success). In 1989, Deford became editor-in-chief of
The National, the first daily U.S. sports newspaper. It ceased publication after only 18 months.
Anyway, as I remember Deford claimed (on ESPN air) that from OUTSIDE the 1966 halftime Kentucky locker room that an angry Rupp shouted that "we should be beating these coons!"
However, both Pat Riley and Larry Conley denounced that they never heard Coach Rupp say such things.
Also, as mentioned above, DeFord covered the 1966 championship game. In it he never mentioned anything about Rupp's racism.
This was well before the internet was widespread.
When I moved to Atlanta in 1989, I visited the Fulton County Public Library in downtown Atlanta. I looked at the bound copies of the spring 1966 copies of Sport lllustrated. To my disappointment, DeFord's article had been removed.
Anyway, that's what I recall.