Got away from running the ball and this is what happens. You got a guy on the bench averaging 11 yards per carry. Never gets a look in the 4th quarter.

STOOPS AND OC GIFT WRAPPED THIS WIN FOR VANDY JUST LIKE THEY DID THE USC GAME, AND COST US A CHANCE AT BEATING GEORGIA. Couldn't have passed a blood test with the decisions made in 3 games this season.
Our kicking has been pretty spot on this year. Again, I’m ready for Stoops to move on, but this isn’t his fault.
Yes it is!!

It goes back to his LACK of discipline in ALL phases of the game. It's the reason why we can't win at the highest level AND the SAME reason we have lost 3 in a row to South Carolina and about to lose 2 out of 3 to Vandy!!!
Got away from running the ball and this is what happens. You got a guy on the bench averaging 11 yards per carry. Never gets a look in the 4th quarter.

STOOPS AND OC GIFT WRAPPED THIS WIN FOR VANDY JUST LIKE THEY DID THE USC GAME, AND COST US A CHANCE AT BEATING GEORGIA. Couldn't have passed a blood test with the decisions made in 3 games this season.
Why is it so hard for Stoops to find a good OC? Why are we never under control? We have a decent offense and no defense, or we have a world beater defense and no offense. I mean we do the dumbest shit year after year.
This is ultimately the problem with Stoops. If your strategy is to play as slow as humanly possible on offense and turn every game into a low possession slugfest, you have to pay attention to detail and be a well oiled machine in your execution. We aren’t, so we lose stupid games like this at least a couple of times per year.
It's official. THE SEC like the NFL is entertainment. It's no longer sport. There is no level playing field. That said, we knew we'd have to outplay the officiating and still should have beat this team. DUMBASS DECISIONS AND LACK OF DISCIPLINE cost us DEARLY.... AGAIN

COULD'VE HAD AN ELEVEN WIN SEASON. Choked on it. Stepped on it. Tripped on the hashmark and fumbled it.
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A Powerball win by a diehard fan?
Even if I won the Powerball I wouldn’t give any money to Mitch to help pay for his stupid @ss mistakes. I’d make him pay for it himself then I’d help pay for his buyout after that!

Mitch really didn’t need to make the basketball hire again and he doesn’t need to make the football hire when it comes that time!
Im not going to defend stoops cause he is the head coach, the holding/offsides killed us not to mention the stupid personal flags
Anybody have time to catalog all the back breaking mistakes we made this game. I mean mistakes that cost real points. I’ll try

1. Driving early Dane shoves call in the back of a guy and kills the drive. Cost at least 3 may be 7.

2. Driving again Dane drops it on the ground. At least 3 maybe 7.

3. Marques Cos jumps off sides - 7 points.

4. Two botched snaps - 4 points.

5. Have balll with last chance to score at half or worse case be tied. Coaches completely botch time management AGAIN. 7 points

Minimum 24 points possible 32

I’m talking real points not Somme theoretical crap. UNREAL!!!!
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I'm about done with football. At least there is hope for basketball with a new hire. Things just get stale after so many years and a change needs to happen. It's rare to have these long time coaches at Power 5 jobs at the same school. We need a shot in the arm in football to rejuvenate the fanbase. We got the shot in one arm for basketball. Now we need the other arm in football.
Can someone Photoshop Barnhart's head onto this dog? TIA
This Is Fine GIF
No excuses ... although the culture around this program has changed for the better, Stoops will never win at a level commensurate with what he's being paid. He has to go because there are many better coaches out there that would kill for this job, in this conference for half of what Stoops is being paid.