“I got to hire my son”

Why would Cal want to mend ties with UK? He believes he is bigger than UK and he thinks UK fans are too big for our britches. In going to Arkansas, he plans to teach us a lesson. He is not mending anything. He is getting ready to try to embarrass us. It will be the most motivated we have seen Cal in the last 10 years.
Where did i say i wanted that?
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Exactly, those guys were already going to make millions. But he trying believes he helped them and their families. Were there even any players below a five star that he recruited get "helped " by val make it to league
probably more than we want to see but that's because of all the bs he's tried to sell us.
Let me coast as a school with less yearly expectations while doing what I wanna do. Let me continue to lose in peace while making a killing every year $$. Recruiting is good enough basically.
Yep. It's like - let me continue padding my bank account while I give no effort on coaching the team or developing the players and generally contribute nothing to college basketball.
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"Let me finish how I want to finish." Meaning?
IMO, Cal is saying to the fans that "he doesn't want to hear the criticism that will come, don't mention the nepotism that he has committed, don't worry about the losses and underperformance that has been demonstrated. It's all about the draft you bunch of Bennies, which makes it all about Cal ... not the players or the Arky basketball program ... it's about Cal and his bank account."
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Well he didn’t have much of a choice after Mitch hit his ass with the “breach of contract “ clause. Cal didn’t do us any favors. He just outsmarted himself.

Yea I don’t understand how anyone is missing this. Calipari was holding this program hostage. He didn’t do any favors lol. He thought he had this program by the balls and never thought we’d pull the trigger. He thought by bringing Arkansas into it we’d come begging. He out maneuvered himself and ended up at Arkansas’s. Just look at his press walk, the guy was shocked and miserable. I know that Ellen was extremely upset and in shock. Been said by some that would
know. People that are closer to the program know exactly how this went down, some here don’t seem to get it. I don’t know why, what happened is clear as day.
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Well he didn’t have much of a choice after Mitch hit his ass with the “breach of contract “ clause. Cal didn’t do us any favors. He just outsmarted himself.
Exactly ... he didn't resign ... his contract was terminated with the breach. The way he handled it was bush-league and underhanded and sadly it doesn't surprise me at all. The man has no class and honestly, he never has. After coaching at Kentucky for 15 years, only someone like Cal could orchestrate such a colossal screwup that is honestly embarrassing. I don't know why anyone would want to be around him, much less allow their son to play for him. It's been a sad unfolding of events.
Well he didn’t have much of a choice after Mitch hit his ass with the “breach of contract “ clause. Cal didn’t do us any favors. He just outsmarted himself.
Was any of that ever substaintiated? I heard that in the days following him leaving but didn't know if it was true or just rumor.

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