Karma strikes again and the liberal media is trying to blame the coach. This team has the most strikes on goal to lead the tournament but Karma says it ain’t happening. Coaching had nothing to do with it. This is simply the Worst representation of America in the history of international sports competitions. This team didn’t win because they forgot what it means to represent this country. They got too caught up in politics and airing their dirty laundry in public.

The one player on the team we have not heard much from is Alex Morgan. It seems to me she got caught in a trap between teammates who spent too much time voicing their political agenda and just trying to play the game. Her legacy was already defined before this World Cup but make no mistake she is guilty by association.

I do wonder if the USA Men’s team is now regretting their agreement to split all combined World Cup winnings 50/50.
It's possible the team just isn't that good and it has nothing to do with politics. Or maybe they are good but lost which occasionally happens in sports, and that has nothing to do with politics either. Regardless, I enjoy the angry online tradition of hating athletes for voicing any political opinion (unless it's Enes or Gaines of course)...while voicing your own political opinion at the same time. It's like the internet created a make-believe law that Joe the Plumber can say anything but certain athletes must shut their mouths and entertain us at all times. Good stuff.

And fwiw, this thread will now become a political bitchfest...while bitching about a team losing and somehow blaming it on politics. Ya'll are cracked and have completely lost the plot.
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It's possible the team just isn't that good and it has nothing to do with politics. Or maybe they are good but lost which occasionally happens in sports, and that has nothing to do with politics either. Regardless, I enjoy the angry online tradition of hating athletes for voicing any political opinion (unless it's Enes or Gaines of course)...while voicing your own political opinion at the same time. It's like the internet created a make-believe law that Joe the Plumber can say anything but certain athletes must shut their mouths and entertain us at all times. Good stuff.

And fwiw, this thread will now become a political bitchfest...while bitching about a team losing and somehow blaming it on politics. Ya'll are cracked and have completely lost the plot.
Dude whether it’s up for debate or not it is about politics - they won the World Cup 8 years ago and complained about equal pay and political stances which can be a major distraction and basically got the same result as the us men’s team.

And if you don’t want to get political about it hope solo was an incredible goalie and they haven’t been the same since she departed.
It's possible the team just isn't that good and it has nothing to do with politics. Or maybe they are good but lost which occasionally happens in sports, and that has nothing to do with politics either. Regardless, I enjoy the angry online tradition of hating athletes for voicing any political opinion (unless it's Enes or Gaines of course)...while voicing your own political opinion at the same time. It's like the internet created a make-believe law that Joe the Plumber can say anything but certain athletes must shut their mouths and entertain us at all times. Good stuff.

And fwiw, this thread will now become a political bitchfest...while bitching about a team losing and somehow blaming it on politics. Ya'll are cracked and have completely lost the plot.
Actually when you stomp on the American flag like some of the filth on the team when you are “representing” the country, you are low life who deserves the heat you get. I’m not saying they can’t express their opinion, just accept the consequences when you do.
Actually when you stomp on the American flag like some of the filth on the team when you are “representing” the country, you are low life who deserves the heat you get. I’m not saying they can’t express their opinion, just accept the consequences when you do.
Do you have a link or video of members of the team stomping on an American flag? Not saying it happened or it didn't happen, but I'd like to know for sure.
Do you have a link or video of members of the team stomping on an American flag? Not saying it happened or it didn't happen, but I'd like to know for sure.
If I was savvy enough to post it, it would. You can simply google it and you will find all the information you need. One of the players, to her credit, took the flag away from them.
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If I was savvy enough to post it, it would. You can simply google it and you will find all the information you need. One of the players, to her credit, took the flag away from them.
With all due respect, you made the claim so you should provide proof of it. Again, not saying it didn't happen, but I'm beyond tired of a claim being made, a request for a link to evidence of said claim, and then being told to look it up myself. That's something that happens far too often online.
Funny how the people celebrating are the same ones that critique the left for not supporting America.

The USWNT dominated possession and had 10 more shots on goal than Sweden, they just happened to be facing a goalie who had one of the best performances in WC history.
Dude whether it’s up for debate or not it is about politics - they won the World Cup 8 years ago and complained about equal pay and political stances which can be a major distraction and basically got the same result as the us men’s team.

And if you don’t want to get political about it hope solo was an incredible goalie and they haven’t been the same since she departed.

Hope Solo is the one we should celebrate?
The same woman arrested for assaulting her sister? The same woman arrested for assaulting her nephew? Oh yeah don't forget her DUI arrest while her twin toddlers were in the car.

And resisting arrest... Guess she doesn't Back The Blue 😅
Karma strikes again and the liberal media is trying to blame the coach. This team has the most strikes on goal to lead the tournament but Karma says it ain’t happening. Coaching had nothing to do with it. This is simply the Worst representation of America in the history of international sports competitions. This team didn’t win because they forgot what it means to represent this country. They got too caught up in politics and airing their dirty laundry in public.

The one player on the team we have not heard much from is Alex Morgan. It seems to me she got caught in a trap between teammates who spent too much time voicing their political agenda and just trying to play the game. Her legacy was already defined before this World Cup but make no mistake she is guilty by association.

I do wonder if the USA Men’s team is now regretting their agreement to split all combined World Cup winnings 50/50.
Hope Solo is the one we should celebrate?
The same woman arrested for assaulting her sister? The same woman arrested for assaulting her nephew? Oh yeah don't forget her DUI arrest while her twin toddlers were in the car.

And resisting arrest... Guess she doesn't Back The Blue 😅
What a sexist comment - how many pro athletes do we celebrate that commited crimes? Ray Lewis says hello.

And I’m not celebrating her just trying to make a non political point but yet you mentioned police - nice work try harder next time.
With all due respect, you made the claim so you should provide proof of it. Again, not saying it didn't happen, but I'm beyond tired of a claim being made, a request for a link to evidence of said claim, and then being told to look it up myself. That's something that happens far too often online.

This tale of stomping the flag is part of Patriot
Storytelling Hour. I had never heard the story and a quick internet search revealed the Women's Team was celebrating the World Cup Final win with the flag, the flag hit the ground and many players were unaware. One player then picked up the flag.

This story was ultimately greatly exaggerated and sensationalized because some players refused to visit the Orange Man in the White House.

The Kid Rock Gang are still butthurt about it to this day.
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My teenage daughter doesn't even know who they are.
Who? Shamelessly stolen from Political Thread:

If we're going to be represented but a bunch of America hating c**ts, is it too much to ask for them to NOT look like Merchant Marines?"


Laughed so hard I got coffee up my nose.

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