UK’s best lineup and Cal’s agenda…


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2022
It has been clear for a long time now our best lineup is Shepard, Dillingham, Reeves, Z, and either Thiero or Edwards. Other coaches and experts alike all agree on this, so it’s not some fan delusion. They create a ton of space with their motion and create mismatches all over the floor on every possession.

Looking at the last game that was going to require triple digits to win, Cal basically didn’t play that lineup at all. So we can talk refs, defense, or any other factor, but what possible explanation is there for Cal refusing to play his best 5?

I believe Cal’s coaching has gone full agenda driven and not winning driven. He has done the one thing he swore he’d never do, “make promises”, and will stick by those even if it runs us into the ground. There is simply no other explanation for his lineup choices.

He has a McLaren on his bench ready to go at a moments notice, but he’s going to keep driving the Prius to get fuel savings rather than win the race. 100% agenda driven coaching.
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There was a thread, about two years ago, where someone took the time to post all the quotes from Cal himself, basically laying it out in black and white that winning meaningful games is not utop his priorities. The man has told us, flat out, what his priorities are, and they don't align with ours. How some people simply chose to believe it's not true or a made up fan conspiracy simply boggles my mind. That simple undeniable fact is why we don't have Kentucky basketball anymore.
It has been clear for a long time now our best lineup is Shepard, Dillingham, Reeves, Z, and either Thiero or Edwards. Other coaches and experts alike all agree on this, so it’s not some fan delusion. They create a ton of space with their motion and create mismatches all over the floor on every possession.

Looking at the last game that was going to require triple digits to win, Cal basically didn’t play that lineup at all. So we can talk refs, defense, or any other factor, but what possible explanation is there for Cal refusing to play his best 5?

I believe Cal’s coaching has gone full agenda driven and not winning driven. He has done the one thing he swore he’d never do, “make promises”, and will stick by those even if it runs us into the ground. There is simply no other explanation for his lineup choices.

He has a McLaren on his bench ready to go at a moments notice, but he’s going to keep driving the Prius to get fuel savings rather than win the race. 100% agenda driven coaching.
Cal has always been agenda driven. Always. It's about one thing, and one thing only - THE NBA DRAFT and "CHANGING FAMILIES LIVES".

He will stick to his projected draft picks all year, and even more if they were projected early 1st rounders pre-season but fall down in mock drafts to the 2nd round or totally off the map. He then gives those same kids LOTS more time on the floor in an effort to get those draft numbers back up, even if it means losing games.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if the first thing Cal looks at after a win/loss game is his players' draft stock movement. If they keep falling, in his mind he will keep jamming that square peg in the round hole.

Also I believe Cal coaches and designs plays more around those dropping draft stock kids than the ones that are better players. How often have we seen plays that are clearly designed to get Edwards and/or DJ going, sometimes back to back to back attempts.
In fairness, the officials neutered Reeves. He only played 19 minutes. Wonder how many minutes he played with Sheppard and Dillingham?

That’s the question and that’s where you find your answer. He did have foul trouble, but that didn’t prevent Cal from playing his best lineup…
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It has been clear for a long time now our best lineup is Shepard, Dillingham, Reeves, Z, and either Thiero or Edwards. Other coaches and experts alike all agree on this, so it’s not some fan delusion. They create a ton of space with their motion and create mismatches all over the floor on every possession.

Looking at the last game that was going to require triple digits to win, Cal basically didn’t play that lineup at all. So we can talk refs, defense, or any other factor, but what possible explanation is there for Cal refusing to play his best 5?

I believe Cal’s coaching has gone full agenda driven and not winning driven. He has done the one thing he swore he’d never do, “make promises”, and will stick by those even if it runs us into the ground. There is simply no other explanation for his lineup choices.

He has a McLaren on his bench ready to go at a moments notice, but he’s going to keep driving the Prius to get fuel savings rather than win the race. 100% agenda driven coaching.

I'm pretty sure that lineup played exactly zero minutes yesterday. Every time Ivisic came in, Cal had Tre Mitchell in there with him. Cal is absolutely clueless when it comes to analytics.
There was a thread, about two years ago, where someone took the time to post all the quotes from Cal himself, basically laying it out in black and white that winning meaningful games is not utop his priorities. The man has told us, flat out, what his priorities are, and they don't align with ours. How some people simply chose to believe it's not true or a made up fan conspiracy simply boggles my mind. That simple undeniable fact is why we don't have Kentucky basketball anymore.

UKBB basically held hostage by a sociopath
Cal has always been agenda driven. Always. It's about one thing, and one thing only - THE NBA DRAFT and "CHANGING FAMILIES LIVES".

He will stick to his projected draft picks all year, and even more if they were projected early 1st rounders pre-season but fall down in mock drafts to the 2nd round or totally off the map. He then gives those same kids LOTS more time on the floor in an effort to get those draft numbers back up, even if it means losing games.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if the first thing Cal looks at after a win/loss game is his players' draft stock movement. If they keep falling, in his mind he will keep jamming that square peg in the round hole.

Also I believe Cal coaches and designs plays more around those dropping draft stock kids than the ones that are better players. How often have we seen plays that are clearly designed to get Edwards and/or DJ going, sometimes back to back to back attempts.
I don't think that's a stretch at all. And honestly, I don't have a problem with Cal trying to do stuff like that to get a struggling players confidence up. That's what a good coach does, TBH. That's strengthening his team. The problem is, that Cal does it way too much. You do that in parts of a game, or a game well in hand. You simply can't start a game/half, over and over, without coming out of the gates with your best lineup. Players first, to a fault. The rest of the team be damned. So when you see good role players repeatedly transfer out, it's not only because they want more min, they also simply don't want to dedicate the effort to a coach that's not doing his all to win.
In fairness, the officials neutered Reeves. He only played 19 minutes. Wonder how many minutes he played with Sheppard and Dillingham?
He sat Reeves far too long . When you have a player you cannot win without you play him and take your chances per coach Bobby Knight .
I think Reeves ended up with three fouls so we left About eleven minutes unused with out best scorer and lineup.
UKBB basically held hostage by a sociopath
I think Cal is still bothered by the vacated FFs, and the stigma as a cheater. Cal realizes he isn't the same caliber basketball mind that some of his peers are. Cal is an egomaniac and cares about legacy. So, if he can't be remembered for his coaching savy, he'll rely on being remembered by his 'La Familia' as being the guy that helped them get rich and support their family. Cal loves his players, not doubt. He simply doesn't spread that love around to the slack jawed holler bennies that also love the players.
"Has gone..."

I feel like "been" is more appropriate.

Folks, Cal told you all day one what he was going to do, and he's done it. Called his shot right into the corner pocket.

He's also reminded everyone all along the way. So, it's not like he just whispered it once to try and be sneaky and then everyone has forgotten.

Kudos to him in a way. He isn't a liar, and he hasn't gone back on his beliefs or "agenda" because of a clear down cycle and not so great success.

Most would've folded and half assed tried to pretend to switch it up. Going on a decade of average results at best and no FF sniffs, Cal is still like "Nah... I'm rolling with this. Full steam ahead"

That takes balls.

I'm tired of hearing all the belly aching. Everyone bought in. Even the old codgers who like to grumble from the porch. Everyone, from the biggest booster to the average Joe fan camping out in shit weather for 3 days to get a ticket to watch 5 guys, who won't be around the next season, practice.

-SEC tourney isn't important
-players first, draft nights
-don't schedule decently competitive OOC games vs big opponents at home
-don't put a lot of effort into talking to kids about coming back

Ya'll keep signing up for it.
Cal's bizarre rotations have cost us a handful of wins this year. I'm with you OP, I kept waiting to see if he'd put in the Nuclear Five or some variation of it. Instead he went with one of our worst lineups analytically after A&M went on their run.
It has been clear for a long time now our best lineup is Shepard, Dillingham, Reeves, Z, and either Thiero or Edwards. Other coaches and experts alike all agree on this, so it’s not some fan delusion. They create a ton of space with their motion and create mismatches all over the floor on every possession.

Looking at the last game that was going to require triple digits to win, Cal basically didn’t play that lineup at all. So we can talk refs, defense, or any other factor, but what possible explanation is there for Cal refusing to play his best 5?

I believe Cal’s coaching has gone full agenda driven and not winning driven. He has done the one thing he swore he’d never do, “make promises”, and will stick by those even if it runs us into the ground. There is simply no other explanation for his lineup choices.

He has a McLaren on his bench ready to go at a moments notice, but he’s going to keep driving the Prius to get fuel savings rather than win the race. 100% agenda driven coaching.
He has never made promises. The clown posse says Bradshaw is a favorite and Klutch is driving Cal to play him. He played 2 minutes. And about that the game before.

The clown posse says that Cal plays 5 star favorites to an agenda. Yet he plays Reeves and Mitchell major minutes. That alone destroys their argument but they are just too stupid and hate blind to see it.

Who are these experts with more than 800 college wins and in the HoF that says Cal is doing it wrong? Can you name even one? And provide the quote from that one?

Cal does have an agenda. You got one thing right. His agenda is to win and he does everything in his power to win. But his agenda is big picture winning.

It includes things like sticking with an Edwards thru struggles to get to the Edwards we have now. He had a bad game Friday night after improving steadily for a month.

Cal and the coaching staff know who to play and when. Basketball is fluid and the other team is trying to win too.

We are right now one of the top 3 teams in the country.

Your agenda can be to constantly whine about it or to get behind the team you claim to support.

It’s a choice.
He has never made promises. The clown posse says Bradshaw is a favorite and Klutch is driving Cal to play him. He played 2 minutes. And about that the game before.

The clown posse says that Cal plays 5 star favorites to an agenda. Yet he plays Reeves and Mitchell major minutes. That alone destroys their argument but they are just too stupid and hate blind to see it.

Who are these experts with more than 800 college wins and in the HoF that says Cal is doing it wrong? Can you name even one? And provide the quote from that one?

Cal does have an agenda. You got one thing right. His agenda is to win and he does everything in his power to win. But his agenda is big picture winning.

It includes things like sticking with an Edwards thru struggles to get to the Edwards we have now. He had a bad game Friday night after improving steadily for a month.

Cal and the coaching staff know who to play and when. Basketball is fluid and the other team is trying to win too.

We are right now one of the top 3 teams in the country.

Your agenda can be to constantly whine about it or to get behind the team you claim to support.

It’s a choice.
Bless your heart. You simply can't be real.
There was a thread, about two years ago, where someone took the time to post all the quotes from Cal himself, basically laying it out in black and white that winning meaningful games is not utop his priorities. The man has told us, flat out, what his priorities are, and they don't align with ours. How some people simply chose to believe it's not true or a made up fan conspiracy simply boggles my mind. That simple undeniable fact is why we don't have Kentucky basketball anymore.
Well said.
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He has never made promises. The clown posse says Bradshaw is a favorite and Klutch is driving Cal to play him. He played 2 minutes. And about that the game before.

The clown posse says that Cal plays 5 star favorites to an agenda. Yet he plays Reeves and Mitchell major minutes. That alone destroys their argument but they are just too stupid and hate blind to see it.

Who are these experts with more than 800 college wins and in the HoF that says Cal is doing it wrong? Can you name even one? And provide the quote from that one?

Cal does have an agenda. You got one thing right. His agenda is to win and he does everything in his power to win. But his agenda is big picture winning.

It includes things like sticking with an Edwards thru struggles to get to the Edwards we have now. He had a bad game Friday night after improving steadily for a month.

Cal and the coaching staff know who to play and when. Basketball is fluid and the other team is trying to win too.

We are right now one of the top 3 teams in the country.

Your agenda can be to constantly whine about it or to get behind the team you claim to support.

It’s a choice.
What color is the sky in your world?
I think Cal is still bothered by the vacated FFs, and the stigma as a cheater. Cal realizes he isn't the same caliber basketball mind that some of his peers are. Cal is an egomaniac and cares about legacy. So, if he can't be remembered for his coaching savy, he'll rely on being remembered by his 'La Familia' as being the guy that helped them get rich and support their family. Cal loves his players, not doubt. He simply doesn't spread that love around to the slack jawed holler bennies that also love the players.

Cal uses his players. They aren't better off playing for him than for someone that develops players. He isn't making them more money than they could make playing for a good floor coach.

He's the equivalent of Bill Curry signing Tim Couch and forcing him to play in a wishbone offense for a game and burning his redshirt.

What these young men need are people that can teach them, develop them, BE HONEST WITH THEM, and tailor a system to what best fits the team. Jamming a square peg into a round hole doesn't make the square peg better, it just makes it harder for the right piece to fit.

Putting someone on the bench to start a game is NOT giving up on them. It's taking pressure OFF OF them. It's allowing them to learn a valuable lesson. It's caring FOR them, rather than ABOUT them. A GOOD coach cares for and about every player on the team and AS a team.

That's why it's tough to even see Cal as anything but a great recruiter and a poor coach.

When I think about what Billy Donovan could have done with the talent we've seen walk through Wildcat Lodge, it's pretty depressing to see what this coach has wasted.
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In fairness, the officials neutered Reeves. He only played 19 minutes. Wonder how many minutes he played with Sheppard and Dillingham?

If you are one of those fans that believe refs have agendas and even on the take, this is how you easily end UKs season. Use Cals two foul rule against him. Target Reeves with two phantom calls early. Other officials have done it to other UK players in the past and it’s been more than obvious.
Everything before the championship was driven towards winning. After he got that, it was all about agendas and winning a distant second.

The starting lineup is probably the most egregious example of pushing an agenda over maximizing our chances to win. I was going to actually give him mostly a pass on that, since I can see how it was possibly building DJs confidence. That was until the tournament. It's a win or go home. No time for confidence building. Play the best lineup. Win the games.
It has been clear for a long time now our best lineup is Shepard, Dillingham, Reeves, Z, and either Thiero or Edwards. Other coaches and experts alike all agree on this, so it’s not some fan delusion. They create a ton of space with their motion and create mismatches all over the floor on every possession.

Looking at the last game that was going to require triple digits to win, Cal basically didn’t play that lineup at all. So we can talk refs, defense, or any other factor, but what possible explanation is there for Cal refusing to play his best 5?

I believe Cal’s coaching has gone full agenda driven and not winning driven. He has done the one thing he swore he’d never do, “make promises”, and will stick by those even if it runs us into the ground. There is simply no other explanation for his lineup choices.

He has a McLaren on his bench ready to go at a moments notice, but he’s going to keep driving the Prius to get fuel savings rather than win the race. 100% agenda driven coaching.
Well, Doc ... I have to disagree about "Z". I think Ugo is a much better choice. This has surprised me, but of late it seems that opposing guards take it to the hole at will on Z. Not so much on Ugo, I also think Ugo is a better defensive rebounder. And, finally we have plenty of scorers ... we don't need any points out of the "5" position, other than whatever comes on put-backs with offensive rebounds. I look at that as a wash, as between Z and Ugo.
Always give credence to your posts. You certainly know as much or more than I do about the issues.
Go 'Cats !
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It has been clear for a long time now our best lineup is Shepard, Dillingham, Reeves, Z, and either Thiero or Edwards. Other coaches and experts alike all agree on this, so it’s not some fan delusion. They create a ton of space with their motion and create mismatches all over the floor on every possession.

Looking at the last game that was going to require triple digits to win, Cal basically didn’t play that lineup at all. So we can talk refs, defense, or any other factor, but what possible explanation is there for Cal refusing to play his best 5?

I believe Cal’s coaching has gone full agenda driven and not winning driven. He has done the one thing he swore he’d never do, “make promises”, and will stick by those even if it runs us into the ground. There is simply no other explanation for his lineup choices.

He has a McLaren on his bench ready to go at a moments notice, but he’s going to keep driving the Prius to get fuel savings rather than win the race. 100% agenda driven coaching.
He won’t play that lineup.
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My only question about the rotation/lineups is Cal is very good about talking about things players need to understand before leaving to go Pro route. He's 100% correct that you better be able to handle things like criticism, adversity, etc...or you have 0 chance to make a living. He even goes full cornball mode with "No Boys Allowed".....but he's absolutely correct. So with that said, why the **** do you continue to bring your 2 best players off the bench to placate the notion DJ Wagner is even in the same stratosphere right now as a player? Ego? DJ never NOT started? I have little problem with DJ in that I think he's a normal Fr and just playing like one. He's also young for his class. That being said, you can doctor numbers all you want--at this time of year--if Rob is firing that pass at end of Half to Reed or Reeves--that shot is going in and you are down 3 at the Half after a horrible Half. It went to a wide open DJ (who was left open many times by A&M on purpose) and he loaded his legs, did everything right-he just can't make shots at a rate to justify playing him as much as he does.

Edwards was terrible from jump. Just awful. He'd have been pulled after the opening 2 sequences of the game-no urgency or aggression. He and DJ just looked at a ball that Ugo blocked and it ended up with Aggies getting it and a Taylor bomb from the corner with the UK timeout and Cal going full "Why wouldn't you go get that ball" quissical look/question. Do you have to tell Reed or Rob to get that ball? No. Do you have to tell them to bring energy/urgency to a game? No. Are they your best guards? Yes. Are they better then DJ and Justin? Yes. So by continuing this nonsense, how are you preparing anyone for real world and next level. There's a reason elite players start the game. Doesn't mean there aren't great bench players but elite players start the damn game, play the entirety of the game-specifically when it's Postseason and it's a flat out lie and ignorant to come up with any reason they don't.
I don't think that's a stretch at all. And honestly, I don't have a problem with Cal trying to do stuff like that to get a struggling players confidence up. That's what a good coach does, TBH. That's strengthening his team. The problem is, that Cal does it way too much. You do that in parts of a game, or a game well in hand. You simply can't start a game/half, over and over, without coming out of the gates with your best lineup. Players first, to a fault. The rest of the team be damned. So when you see good role players repeatedly transfer out, it's not only because they want more min, they also simply don't want to dedicate the effort to a coach that's not doing his all to win.
Would Adolph Rupp sat Dan Issel and Mike Pratt the first 8 minutes of every game? Would Joe B. sat Robey and Givens the first 8 minutes of every game? Would Pitino sat Delk and McCarty the first 8 minutes of every game? Would Tubby sat Prince and Bogans the first 8 minutes of every game?
He has never made promises. The clown posse says Bradshaw is a favorite and Klutch is driving Cal to play him. He played 2 minutes. And about that the game before.

The clown posse says that Cal plays 5 star favorites to an agenda. Yet he plays Reeves and Mitchell major minutes. That alone destroys their argument but they are just too stupid and hate blind to see it.

Who are these experts with more than 800 college wins and in the HoF that says Cal is doing it wrong? Can you name even one? And provide the quote from that one?

Cal does have an agenda. You got one thing right. His agenda is to win and he does everything in his power to win. But his agenda is big picture winning.

It includes things like sticking with an Edwards thru struggles to get to the Edwards we have now. He had a bad game Friday night after improving steadily for a month.

Cal and the coaching staff know who to play and when. Basketball is fluid and the other team is trying to win too.

We are right now one of the top 3 teams in the country.

Your agenda can be to constantly whine about it or to get behind the team you claim to support.

It’s a choice.
I question Cal's commitment to winning when he says the SEC-T isn't important.

At one time in the game Cal had a lineup with only Reeves as a legit three point shooter. Tell me how in any basketball world that makes sense.

UK is one of the top three in the country right now???? Bro, not seeing it based on the season thus far. Now maybe, we have the POTENTIAL to be top three. But with Cal as coach I don't have confidence in him to get UK there.
Well, Doc ... I have to disagree about "Z". I think Ugo is a much better choice. This has surprised me, but of late it seems that opposing guards take it to the hole at will on Z. Not so much on Ugo, I also think Ugo is a better defensive rebounder. And, finally we have plenty of scorers ... we don't need any points out of the "5" position, other than whatever comes on put-backs with offensive rebounds. I look at that as a wash, as between Z and Ugo.
Always give credence to your posts. You certainly know as much or more than I do about the issues.
Go 'Cats !
Respect your opinion, but disagree. I believe Cal has it backwards and Z should be primary with Ugo playing in spots. Z helps open the floor on offense and his defense is par for the course with this team. Ugo is better defensively and should be used in spots as a defensive specialist, but he hinders the offense quite a bit.

If we are embracing what this team is, which is an offensive powerhouse and weak defensively, you have to go with Z. He makes the offensive more explosive.

If you want to try and fit a square peg in a round hole and make this a good defensive team, go with Ugo.
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I don't think that's a stretch at all. And honestly, I don't have a problem with Cal trying to do stuff like that to get a struggling players confidence up. That's what a good coach does, TBH. That's strengthening his team. The problem is, that Cal does it way too much. You do that in parts of a game, or a game well in hand. You simply can't start a game/half, over and over, without coming out of the gates with your best lineup. Players first, to a fault. The rest of the team be damned. So when you see good role players repeatedly transfer out, it's not only because they want more min, they also simply don't want to dedicate the effort to a coach that's not doing his all to win.
Thiero’s next. Tre playing 21 minutes to Adou’s 18 was criminal.
Actually if anything, Cal has done DJ a disservice and likely ruined any shred of confidence he had by continuing to start him.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to start knowing guys are playing better than me on the bench. I wouldn’t want to start know I’m going to get pulled as soon as things start getting ugly. These kids aren’t dumb…I’m sure DJ feels it and sees it too. I actually feel bad for the kid. Cals turning him into a charity case the likes we haven’t seen since Saul Smith.

I wonder how things would’ve played out letting DJ come off the bench with less pressure etc to let him find his game and develop as the season progressed. Like I said, I honestly feel bad for him and blame Cal.
It has been clear for a long time now our best lineup is Shepard, Dillingham, Reeves, Z, and either Thiero or Edwards. Other coaches and experts alike all agree on this, so it’s not some fan delusion. They create a ton of space with their motion and create mismatches all over the floor on every possession.

Looking at the last game that was going to require triple digits to win, Cal basically didn’t play that lineup at all. So we can talk refs, defense, or any other factor, but what possible explanation is there for Cal refusing to play his best 5?

I believe Cal’s coaching has gone full agenda driven and not winning driven. He has done the one thing he swore he’d never do, “make promises”, and will stick by those even if it runs us into the ground. There is simply no other explanation for his lineup choices.

He has a McLaren on his bench ready to go at a moments notice, but he’s going to keep driving the Prius to get fuel savings rather than win the race. 100% agenda driven coaching.

Here we have a fan who understands what is going on with Cal. There are a couple of incredible guards on this team who are thriving despite Cal, not because of him. I don't say that lightly either.

Cal now views himself as a specialized social engineer, sort of a Robin Hood for certain hs basketball players. Why? Because this is the most positive narrative that fits the results Cal achieves at this late point in his coaching career. It has been too long since AD and MKG won the NCAA Championship, so most kids today don't think of Cal in the FF. Cal recruits by telling kids he will make them wealthy after one season in Lexington. This still works, because it appeals existentially to the dreams and aspirations of most hs basketball players.

But Cal's current recruiting pitch is dependent on getting Justin Edwards, DJ Wagner, and Aaron Bradshaw into the top half of the 1st round. The narrative is getting a little stale because of what happened with highly-ranked EJ Montgomery, Brandon Boston, Kahlil Whitney, Johnny Juzang, Chris Livingston, and Shaedon Sharp.

Now, Reed Sheppard and Rob Dillingham are receiving huge draft attention while Wagner and Edwards drop out of most mock drafts, despite the fact that Cal refuses to start Sheppard and Dillingham. Bradshaw is a bust, not because he doesn't have skills, but because he was unable to get stronger over the summer, maybe in part because of his surgery but IDK. Foot surgery doesn't stop an athlete from working on his upper body.

But there is a really great story in Wildcats like Sheppard, Dillingham, Thiero, Onyenso, Devin Booker, Isaiah Jackson, Tyler Herro, Immanuel Quickley, Keldon Johnson, and TyTy Washington. UK's staff has built a lot of great players who were popular recruits but not necessarily top tier level, elite recruits. That is the real clue on how Cal probably ought to be recruiting. Because when he gets an "elite" level recruit with clear physical limitations like Wagner, Bradshaw, and Boston into his program, it clouds his judgment and underachievement by the team is a result.

I could say more. I certainly don't disrespect the value of elite level recruiting, but the fact is that Cal has won only one NCAA Tournament game since 2019. That says a mouthful, and just doesn't cut it.
I question Cal's commitment to winning when he says the SEC-T isn't important.

At one time in the game Cal had a lineup with only Reeves as a legit three point shooter. Tell me how in any basketball world that makes sense.

UK is one of the top three in the country right now???? Bro, not seeing it based on the season thus far. Now maybe, we have the POTENTIAL to be top three. But with Cal as coach I don't have confidence in him to get UK there.
LOL that one point was the beginning of each half which makes it even worse.
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I will also say that I do not necessarily agree with anyone one here, in the real world however benching Wagner/Edwards/Adou to start your best 3 guards would not impact recruiting at all. Cal has already proven if you are elite he can get you in the Lottery. That is all that matters because each individual recruit will think they are elite.
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Respect your opinion, but disagree. I believe Cal has it backwards and Z should be primary with Ugo playing in spots. Z helps open the floor on offense and his defense is par for the course with this team. Ugo is better defensively and should be used in spots as a defensive specialist, but he hinders the offense quite a bit.

If we are embracing what this team is, which is an offensive powerhouse and weak defensively, you have to go with Z. He makes the offensive more explosive.

If you want to try and fit a square peg in a round hole and make this a good defensive team, go with Ugo.
Look at what cal has also done with Z over the last few weeks after turning to Z with more frequent playing time. He’s asking Z to be the center he (cal) wants him to be, rather than letting Z be who he is. Z isn’t even looking for his shot up top any longer, cal has yet to run even one single pick and pop with him which is his greatest strength on that end of the court. Z looks like he is enjoying himself so much less on the court now than he was 2 weeks ago. Almost robotic out there which is not the Z we need as he has been much less effective since cal has gotten in his head.
Watch the A&M replay and look at how many times the pass to Big Z was open & he was calling for the ball.
In fairness, the officials neutered Reeves. He only played 19 minutes. Wonder how many minutes he played with Sheppard and Dillingham?
It would depend on how much we were winning by. If we were to have gotten a lead that was comfortable Cal would have had Wagner in for one of those 3 at all times. If you notice anytime Kentucky gets a comfy lead he loves to then put his odd lineups in the game. Playing the 3 r's together as little as he has is mind boggling
Rembrandt is right. Calipari is living off of his past accomplishments and his promises to his recruits to help them achieve their goals re: NBA and becoming wealthy. There is no talk of winning tournaments or keeping a tradition moving ahead.

John Calipari probably should have been fired after losing to St Peters, but his track record has made him almost bullet proof. If this team doesn’t make it past the first weekend, it is time to move on from this model and find a coach who cares about winning and developing his players as well. UK is slowly moving into the realm of irrelevancy.