This Program has become an embarrassment


May 23, 2002
... with the riches we possess, it is simply effing embarrassing. Sam Bowie is absolutely correct in what he said the other night in Rupp ... "If UK doesn't win the Title this year, then blame Cal". I'm sorry but Calipari is incompetent and delusional, IMO. Someone said earlier that UK will never win another NC with Calipari running the show and I think he's correct. Whatever this clown says going forward should simply be ignored. Hall of Shame coach is the more appropriate title.
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... with the riches we possess, it is simply effing embarrassing. Sam Bowie is absolutely correct in what he said the other night in Rupp. Calipari is incompetent and delusional. Someone said earlier that UK will never win another NC with Calipari running the show and I think he's correct. Whatever this clown says going forward should simply be ignored. Hall of Shame coach is the more appropriate title.
3 hours ago, we were a final four team.
Bipolar fans.
Go find another team root for. If winning at the highest level is to much to handle, Kentucky Basketball is not for you. Not going to lower my standards for what Kentucky Basketball should be for anyone. It's absolutely ridiculous some of you all just come to let anything slide when it comes to Cal but based on your username, probably used to getting your ass whooped in Louisville.
3 hours ago, we were a final four team.
No we weren't.

This team has too many warts to win big games like tonight. Push our kids around and make them beat you one-on-one and this is what you get.

Heck, UNC Wilmington did it without half the talent this USC team has.

It's SICKENING seeing this performance and then watching Meechie Johnson talk smack to our coach and bench.

That crap is getting OLD!!!! It seems to happen WAAAAAAAAYYYYY MORE than it ever has at UK.

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Bowie said the other night that if this team doesn't win it all the only person to blame was Calipari. Cal referred to it and said something like "he can say whatever he wants to I get shots from all directions".
Bowie and A LOT of the old timers HATE the One-And-Done approach Cal uses. So it doesn't surprise me that Sam said that on Saturday.

And Cal KNOWS that's how they feel.
Happens every year with Cal. If it wasn’t for a generational talent like AD, Cal would have 0 championships. Guys got 9 NBA players on this roster and loses to a team with none. Coaches need to know when it’s their time and step down. The game has passed Calipari by. Is he too stubborn to figure that out??
Happens every year with Cal. If it wasn’t for a generational talent like AD, Cal would have 0 championships. Guys got 9 NBA players on this roster and loses to a team with none. Coaches need to know when it’s their time and step down. The game has passed Calipari by. Is he too stubborn to figure that out??
If you understood Cal's real purpose ... his greater mission, then maybe you could make sense of the things that are causing you confusion. Read my "signature" line below ... in Cal's own words.
... with the riches we possess, it is simply effing embarrassing. Sam Bowie is absolutely correct in what he said the other night in Rupp ... "If UK doesn't win the Title this year, then blame Cal". I'm sorry but Calipari is incompetent and delusional, IMO. Someone said earlier that UK will never win another NC with Calipari running the show and I think he's correct. Whatever this clown says going forward should simply be ignored. Hall of Shame coach is the more appropriate title.
Sam Bowie is 100% right
If you understood Cal's real purpose ... his greater mission, then maybe you could make sense of the things that are causing you confusion. Read my "signature" line below ... in Cal's own words.
Is a snake oil salesmen. Some on here are to dim to realize they’ve been tricked (and tricked hard.)
... with the riches we possess, it is simply effing embarrassing. Sam Bowie is absolutely correct in what he said the other night in Rupp ... "If UK doesn't win the Title this year, then blame Cal". I'm sorry but Calipari is incompetent and delusional, IMO. Someone said earlier that UK will never win another NC with Calipari running the show and I think he's correct. Whatever this clown says going forward should simply be ignored. Hall of Shame coach is the more appropriate title.
Been saying for years....talent is not the problem....the problem is what you do with it.
No we weren't.

This team has too many warts to win big games like tonight. Push our kids around and make them beat you one-on-one and this is what you get.

Heck, UNC Wilmington did it without half the talent this USC team has.

It's SICKENING seeing this performance and then watching Meechie Johnson talk smack to our coach and bench.

That crap is getting OLD!!!! It seems to happen WAAAAAAAAYYYYY MORE than it ever has at UK.

When you can't earn their respect ... they will talk all kinds of crap right to your face. We are now Cal's version of the "Gold Standard". It's a sad reality but Cal keeps getting paid ... so, there's that.
Can’t blame refs for 17 points. Just can’t.

Here's my point:

There's just not much you can take from our conference road games. They're unlike anything most teams face, and the outcomes are tossups at best for a variety of reasons.

We'll never play a game called like this one at a neutral site.

I'm as critical of Cal as anyone, but no one should be throwing in the towel over this one.
Go find another team root for. If winning at the highest level is to much to handle, Kentucky Basketball is not for you. Not going to lower my standards for what Kentucky Basketball should be for anyone. It's absolutely ridiculous some of you all just come to let anything slide when it comes to Cal but based on your username, probably used to getting your ass whooped in Louisville.
Why? Kentucky is going to be a high seed and has a great chance to be in Phoenix.
Why? Kentucky is going to be a high seed and has a great chance to be in Phoenix.
I don't know how 'great' of a chance they have playing no defense and only 1 huge win this year vs UNC. Getting spanked by South Carolina and losing at home to UNCW impacts their chances of getting a high seed. As usual, if they are going to have any path or a Tournament run, it is going to be one of the most difficult ones after losing games like this.
Happens every year with Cal. If it wasn’t for a generational talent like AD, Cal would have 0 championships. Guys got 9 NBA players on this roster and loses to a team with none. Coaches need to know when it’s their time and step down. The game has passed Calipari by. Is he too stubborn to figure that out??
$9M a year will make you stubborn as a Missouri mule.

Also, no pressure to win. Untouchable and he knows it.
Are some of you true Kentucky fans because when they are winning and scoring 90+ points they are the beset team and headed to Final Four. Yes, we all know they need work on the defensive side of the ball. WE have talked about it all year! Yes, Cal should mix it up with some Zone defense then Man to Man but he doesnt. I also don't understand with the Depth of this team play full court press and play physical all 40 minutes. We have 9 players and 3 seven footers that we can rotate in and out to play more Full Court press. We can come on here and discuss the issues and some of these things that can make this Kentucky team better. DO we have to come on here and SLAM UK Sports, Cal, and Players after a loss. South Carolina seems to be a place for UK that they don't play good ball. We continue to go back to the UNCW game when Wagner was out with an Injury. WE lost to Kansas and A&M in close good games. Yes, this was a bad game but we don't have to come on here and act like this was the last game of the season. We need to come out and Saturday in Arkansas and bounce back and play the offense we are capable of and play better defense. I don't see how fans can come on here after this 1 game and say Cal has ruined this team. There are changes that can be made on defense, also lineup changes, why not try and full court press but do we have to come on in here and just bash the team, coaches, and players!
Bipolar team. Bipolar fanbase.

Awful loss. Still, SEC road game with young team. Pretty sure 2011 Kentucky lost almost every SEC road game.

Still, some warning flags going up. All I’ve got