So excited and nervous at the same time.


Jan 30, 2018
Louisville, Ky (Behind enemy lines)
So glad it happened, it was past time. But now I worry about the man with the button. I feel like a little kid the night before Christmas and going to the principals office for the first time all balled up in one.

Barney just got gifted 33 mil. and the joy and excitement of the fanbase back. Now you have to go huge. Now f**king buddy, Drew. That's some of what got us in this position. You make the biggest of the big names all turn us down before a name like Drew is even mentioned. If not Cal will get to keep sticking it to us in the SEC. To me that makes this hire even more important and it was already up there.

Barney fight your gut, don't play it safe and go bag a giant worthy of the name on the front of the hersey.
It feels like a dream right now that this living nightmare of Cal at Kentucky is over. Have to get it right this time and assemble a committee that understands the tradition of Kentucky Basketball so Mitch can't screw it all up by himself!
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I wouldn't be nervous. All of us wanted a change! We are getting it! CAL is stuck in the Fab 5 days. You can just tell by all the reports that are coming out. We are in the Uconn about to win back to back days, and coaches buyouts increasing days. We got to get right :) .
It feels like a dream right now that this living nightmare of Cal at Kentucky is over. Have to get it right this time and assemble a committee that understands the tradition of Kentucky Basketball so Mitch can't screw it all up by himself!
Mitch is all that scares me, well and Drew.

I mean Mitch doesn't have that 33 mil turd he put out there on his chest anymore so no excuse not to bag a big name.
I wouldn't be nervous. All of us wanted a change! We are getting it! CAL is stuck in the Fab 5 days. You can just tell by all the reports that are coming out. We are in the Uconn about to win back to back days, and coaches buyouts increasing days. We got to get right :) .
I'm so scared Barney screws it or punts (Drew). I just want to be excited about Kentucky bb again like the door. Give me a Hurley, Donovan or Oats snd wow excitement overload. I'm just scared of all the Barney and Drew talk for months.
It’s gonna be drew. Oats is the better fit but Barney man that guy is hit or miss big time
I'm so scared Barney screws it or punts (Drew). I just want to be excited about Kentucky bb again like the door. Give me a Hurley, Donovan or Oats snd wow excitement overload. I'm just scared of all the Barney and Drew talk for months.
Bro, only difference between Cal and Tubby was years coached at UK lol. OK fine a few more final fours. But.... still. We don't get the Ncaa championship trophy if we loose in ncaa tournament. What good does my A's do on a report card if I have "a F as well". One championship (A) and 14 (F's). Drew does more with less lol. Although not my recommendation. I like Mark few over drew.
Bro, only difference between Cal and Tubby was years coached at UK lol. OK fine a few more final fours. But.... still. We don't get the Ncaa championship trophy if we loose in ncaa tournament. What good does my A's do on a report card if I have "a F as well". One championship (A) and 14 (F's). Drew does more with less lol. Although not my recommendation. I like Mark few over drew.
Dude I can't stand Cal. I'm nervous because Barney is making the call.
Look don't get it twisted I'm way more excited than nervous. It's just twidle dee is still here. However, so much bad goes out the door...

33m lifetime/ambassador
One liners like they're not robots.
Sticking it to the fans postgame after a win. (Oh he's sticking to me!)
Players not that great coming in thinking OAD.
OADs comin in and flopping with no coaching.
A coach scared to call a TO in crucial spots knowing he'd be outcoached by a phone book.
The buddy farm system of horrible coaches.

I mean look the list goes on and on, wonky lineups you name it, but I'm tired. Tomorrow is a new and exciting day big blue brothers and sisters. Out with the carpet bagger who slips out late on a Sunday night. Right before the final. That tells you all you need to know about Cow. The sloppy pigs can have our rotten leftovers.
I am afraid MB will hire "safe". I'm afraid he will hire a big name who has won a nc and has his best days behind him, like Ark. just did with Cal. Remember Ky is a place where good, young, energetic and driven coaches come to win a championship.
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So glad it happened, it was past time. But now I worry about the man with the button. I feel like a little kid the night before Christmas and going to the principals office for the first time all balled up in one.

Barney just got gifted 33 mil. and the joy and excitement of the fanbase back. Now you have to go huge. Now f**king buddy, Drew. That's some of what got us in this position. You make the biggest of the big names all turn us down before a name like Drew is even mentioned. If not Cal will get to keep sticking it to us in the SEC. To me that makes this hire even more important and it was already up there.

Barney fight your gut, don't play it safe and go bag a giant worthy of the name on the front of the hersey.
Exactly my sentiments! I'm thrilled he is gone. My wife said since the departure announcement that "i've had a smile on my face that looks like a ripple on a slop bucket". Cal lost me when he started his political and kneeling BS as well as the Whitney, Boston and Sharp fiascoes. I have always been of the opinion that without World Wide Wes Cal would have a very mediocre record and legacy. Very similar to what Stoops would have without Coach Morrow's recruiting successes.
What I;m nervous about is Mitch. The same guy who kept Tubby around after he retired on active duty, hired Joker Phillips and Gillespie and gave Cal the lifetime contract is the official who will be hiring Cal's replacement. That should give the entire BBN nightmares. God help us!
Exactly my sentiments! I'm thrilled he is gone. My wife said since the departure announcement that "i've had a smile on my face that looks like a ripple on a slop bucket". Cal lost me when he started his political and kneeling BS as well as the Whitney, Boston and Sharp fiascoes. I have always been of the opinion that without World Wide Wes Cal would have a very mediocre record and legacy. Very similar to what Stoops would have without Coach Morrow's recruiting successes.
What I;m nervous about is Mitch. The same guy who kept Tubby around after he retired on active duty, hired Joker Phillips and Gillespie and gave Cal the lifetime contract is the official who will be hiring Cal's replacement. That should give the entire BBN nightmares. God help us!
Don't forget he paid and is still paying Elzy millions to sit on the couch. This is an amazing opportunity to get back to the top of the mountain instead of seeing bad records broke every year.

If we had a guy like CM I'd be waiting with pure trust and excitement, but with Barney I'm an excited nervous. Hopefully others at Kentucky are going to hold his hand on this monumental decision. Get this wrong with our already recent Skid and we really could enter IU territory. I feel like the worse name I kept hearing is Drew. Scares the crap out of me. I just don't see that guy as the guy here.
So if UK doesn’t land a top name does it say something about the perception of the BB program at this point?
Pretty much every other hire in a sport is a miss under Mitch. Unless he breaks the cycle, the next one will be a dud for men's basketball.
We've never had trouble finding a good coach before. We've had five coaches win championships here, We'll soon find the next coach that we'll make a champion. UK's not for everybody, everybody knows that. Luckily, we just need to hire one coach, not every coach. We'll find the right one and he'll do well here.
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hopefully mb is listening to input from knowledgable kentucky basketball people/boosters and not flying solo on this.
We don't get the Ncaa championship trophy if we loose in ncaa tournament. What good does my A's do on a report card if I have "a F as well". One championship (A) and 14 (F's).

I am REALLY glad to be involved in a coaching search, but I do t think there will be ANY coach willing to come in and be judged on this grade scale - no matter the price!!!
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I am REALLY glad to be involved in a coaching search, but I do t think there will be ANY coach willing to come in and be judged on this grade scale - no matter the price!!!
I dont think BBN is asking all that much. I mean look at the last 5 years and with all that talent. BBN is asking a reasonable ask,
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So glad it happened, it was past time. But now I worry about the man with the button. I feel like a little kid the night before Christmas and going to the principals office for the first time all balled up in one.

Barney just got gifted 33 mil. and the joy and excitement of the fanbase back. Now you have to go huge. Now f**king buddy, Drew. That's some of what got us in this position. You make the biggest of the big names all turn us down before a name like Drew is even mentioned. If not Cal will get to keep sticking it to us in the SEC. To me that makes this hire even more important and it was already up there.

Barney fight your gut, don't play it safe and go bag a giant worthy of the name on the front of the hersey.
Unless the "biggest of the big names" publicly say they were contacted by UK and turned us down, how will you ever know who we reached out to? I have a problem stating things like no Drew unless several has turned us down when there is no way to know who we actually reached out to. It's just a way to complain when things don't go your way.