Should the US Government Release ALL info about UAP’s?


Oct 1, 2016
With the recent UFO disclosure the following is certain:

(1) The US and it’s Allies have collected significant materials from an unknown non-human Intellegence for decades.

(2) The US has endeavored to glean a technological understanding of such materials.

(3) The national security apparatus/military industrial complex has kept a lid on this information, a lid that has leaked for 6 decades.

(4) David Grusch has a 41 minute public interview revealing the general parameters of this effort.

(5) David Grusch has provided testimony for 11 hours to the Congress, in classified fashion. Grusch has revealed names, dates, locations, etc.

All this being said, the big question left for your elected representatives is how much of this classified informantion should now be turned over to you and me?

And honestly, I’m a bit torn.

If our MIC can gain advantage from secrecy, is this not a good thing for our competition with China?
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Like most folks I believe in transparency when it comes to governnment. Unless there is some compelling national security issue that would be compromised there is no reason to withhold this information from the public. Of course when they do so they will have to admit that they lied to the public for 80 some years which may be something they don't want to deal with.
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As someone who views our own gov’t as being as big if not a bigger threat than foreign governments, I trust them with no secrets.
Normally I react pretty negatively to such thoughts, but as our founders knew, neither our leaders nor the Chinese Politburo are angels.

Our cynicism guards against authoritarianism.

Checks and balances are necessary.
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Of course when they do so they will have to admit that they lied to the public for 80 some years which may be something they don't want to deal with.
And there is more.

Grusch indicated there had been “deaths.”

I will not relisten to the broadcast, but if portions of our government killed folks to keep an imperfect lid on it, can we now admit that?
And there is more.

Grusch indicated there had been “deaths.”

I will not relisten to the broadcast, but if portions of our government killed folks to keep an imperfect lid on it, can we now admit that?
Yep death threats are somewhat common in the more serious UFO cases. Going back to Roswell some of the witnesses that had seen the bizarre wreckage material were threatened by government officials to keep their mouth shut or wind up in small pieces out on the desert.
Yep death threats are somewhat common in the more serious UFO cases. Going back to Roswell some of the witnesses that had seen the bizarre wreckage material were threatened by government officials to keep their mouth shut or wind up in small pieces out on the desert.
I doubt the authenticity of the Majestic 12 info released in the 80’s.

None-the-less, presumably there would have been significant scientific and military involvement in any discussions or the materials recovered at Roswell.

And Vanever Bush would likely have been in the know.

His fall while hospitalized for mental issues has always concerned me.

There will likely be some interesting fallout from the disclosures we are receiving.

In the 80’s and 90’s, Bob Lazar came forward with information that so far sounds consistent with Grush’s revelations . . . multiple recoveries and actual use of the intact machines by us.

Lazar may prove to be the first significant resource for what is now coming out in official fashion.
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I doubt the authenticity of the Majestic 12 info released in the 80’s.
Nuclear Physicist the late Stanton Friedman spent a lifetime investigating Roswell, he claims the Majestic 12 documents are authentic. Numerous experts have reviewed them and it's sort of an even split with those saying they are authentic and those saying they aren't.
Lazar may prove to be the first significant resource for what is now coming out in official fashion.
I've always been fascinated with the Bob Lazar story. As time goes on he seems more and more believable and authentic. Speaking of death threats and Bob Lazar - there you go, another one.
With the recent UFO disclosure the following is certain:

(1) The US and it’s Allie’s have collected significant materials from an unknown non-human Intellegence for decades.

(2) The US has endeavored to glean a technological understanding of such materials.

(3) The national security apparatus/military industrial complex has kept a lid on this information, a lid that has leaked for 6 decades.

(4) David Grusch has a 41 minute public interview revealing the general parameters of this effort.

(5) David Grusch has provided testimony for 11 hours to the Congress, in classified fashion. Grusch has revealed names, dates, locations, etc.

All this being said, the big question left for your elected representatives is how much of this classified informantion should now be turned over to you and me?

And honestly, I’m a bit torn.

If our MIC can gain advantage from secrecy, is this not a good thing for our competition with China?

Good post. The cover-up has actually persisted for at least 8 decades, not six.

One of the points continually raised in commentary I've seen/read about this is that all the various secret, compartmentalized special access programs (SAPs) prevent cross-collaboration to any meaningful degree, which has had the effect of seriously stifling progress. So, the nature and level of secrecy by the MIC can be said to have prevented meaningful progress being made and any potential resulting advantages. I'm sure there are some, for sure, but who knows what the opportunity cost is for the highly fragmented approach we've taken. I understand the rationale for doing so (keeping things fragmented hampers adversary espionage efforts), but one has to think there's a better middle ground where stuff could be shared but still handled in a secure manner.

Also, given the extent of the alleged recovered material, one can assume with a reasonable degree of certainty that China and Russia have their own programs for such material. Also, several of our allies also have their own programs, apparently.
Normally I react pretty negatively to such thoughts, but as our founders knew, neither our leaders nor the Chinese Politburo are angels.

Our cynicism guards against authoritarianism.

Checks and balances are necessary.
Of which we no longer have any. Our gov’t does just about everything in secret and we have zero say. They create policy that ruin livelihoods without remorse or even a second thought. I don’t support the Chicoms, but my own gov’t has done FAR more damage to citizens of this country than China could ever hope to.
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Of which we no longer have any. Our gov’t does just about everything in secret and we have zero say. They create policy that ruin livelihoods without remorse or even a second thought. I don’t support the Chicoms, but my own gov’t has done FAR more damage to citizens of this country than China could ever hope to.
Wah...leave then. Isn't that how this works? Love it or leave it? I know I've read countless times here how athletes and celebs who speak out hate America and should move elsewhere and here you are being edgy my government is the enemy guy. "Patriots" are like that...they want to be John Wayne This is America and Kiss Our Ass guy but then they also want to be I hate my government, every entity within my government is my enemy, and I'm disgusted with what this country has become guy.

I look forward to reading how much you love this fine country of ours next Tuesday when you flip the switch and become Captain America.
I doubt the authenticity of the Majestic 12 info released in the 80’s.

None-the-less, presumably there would have been significant scientific and military involvement in any discussions or the materials recovered at Roswell.

And Vanever Bush would likely have been in the know.

His fall while hospitalized for mental issues has always concerned me.

There will likely be some interesting fallout from the disclosures we are receiving.

In the 80’s and 90’s, Bob Lazar came forward with information that so far sounds consistent with Grush’s revelations . . . multiple recoveries and actual use of the intact machines by us.

Lazar may prove to be the first significant resource for what is now coming out in official fashion.
I concur on the MJ-12 nonsense. I believe it was Secretary of Defense James Forrestal who "fell" out of a hospital window. As to whether the info should be revealed, just look at the US "Gang of Eight" (current & past) & ask yourself why those imbeciles should know anything the public shouldn't know.
So what’s the reasoning for keeping it from the public? Panic? Are they afraid of riots, looting, loss of in-person education for kids, the public shutting themselves indoors & the economy being wrecked in the process? I mean the US government promoted all of the above for about 2 years in the very recent past. So it can’t be that.

What’s the motive for secrecy?
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With the recent UFO disclosure the following is certain:

(1) The US and it’s Allie’s have collected significant materials from an unknown non-human Intellegence for decades.

(2) The US has endeavored to glean a technological understanding of such materials.

(3) The national security apparatus/military industrial complex has kept a lid on this information, a lid that has leaked for 6 decades.

(4) David Grusch has a 41 minute public interview revealing the general parameters of this effort.

(5) David Grusch has provided testimony for 11 hours to the Congress, in classified fashion. Grusch has revealed names, dates, locations, etc.

All this being said, the big question left for your elected representatives is how much of this classified informantion should now be turned over to you and me?

And honestly, I’m a bit torn.

If our MIC can gain advantage from secrecy, is this not a good thing for our competition with China?
Wah...leave then. Isn't that how this works? Love it or leave it? I know I've read countless times here how athletes and celebs who speak out hate America and should move elsewhere and here you are being edgy my government is the enemy guy. "Patriots" are like that...they want to be John Wayne This is America and Kiss Our Ass guy but then they also want to be I hate my government, every entity within my government is my enemy, and I'm disgusted with what this country has become guy.

I look forward to reading how much you love this fine country of ours next Tuesday when you flip the switch and become Captain America.
Flew right over your head, per usual. This is what you get when you only see the govt, which is nothing more than a collection of regular ppl, as an altruistic entity.

The nuance is too difficult for you. But maybe something like we spent trillions during covid which made no difference and was the largest transfer of wealth to billionaires plus the trillions spent on Ukraine. We now have eroded the middle class even more, caused death from poverty, increased mental illness, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. Or maybe the nonsensical wars we've been in that have depleted our own treasure and lives. Or the history of the crack epidemic bc we allowed ppl to run their drugs here for allegiance, we probably fed the heroin epidemic too considering Afghanistan produces over 80% of the world's supply...weren't we at war there for 20 yrs.

You forgot to slippery slope, well you did slippery slope, but not your usual and call him a bigot or racist in your reply btw. I know you see every issue in a binary so I'll try to find a democrat talking about some of it so you can then base your opinion to agree.
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With the recent UFO disclosure the following is certain:

(1) The US and it’s Allie’s have collected significant materials from an unknown non-human Intellegence for decades.

(2) The US has endeavored to glean a technological understanding of such materials.

(3) The national security apparatus/military industrial complex has kept a lid on this information, a lid that has leaked for 6 decades.

(4) David Grusch has a 41 minute public interview revealing the general parameters of this effort.

(5) David Grusch has provided testimony for 11 hours to the Congress, in classified fashion. Grusch has revealed names, dates, locations, etc.

All this being said, the big question left for your elected representatives is how much of this classified informantion should now be turned over to you and me?

And honestly, I’m a bit torn.

If our MIC can gain advantage from secrecy, is this not a good thing for our competition with China?
This is very far from certain. There’s just no scientific evidence that aliens have visited earth or that we have reverse-engineered any nonhuman technology.

The physics barrier to any possibility of aliens traversing even the galaxy are so monumental as to be impossible.

What we are witnessing in the form of unidentified flying objects or unidentified aerial phenomena are probably super-secret American technological advancements. I doubt that any other society has capabilities even close to our own.
The physics barrier to any possibility of aliens traversing even the galaxy are so monumental as to be impossible.
You should look up the concept of a Von Neumann probe:

The physics aren't nearly so insurmountable as they are at first glance. Send a few of these out at a fraction of the speed of light, and an extraterrestrial civilization could have them in just about all star systems in the Milky Way in under a million years.
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Also, several of our allies also have their own programs, apparently.
Given statements just the last day or two, it looks like we, Canada, the UK and Aussey’s have sharing information for decades.
Not only are these three points not "certain," they are not true.


Keep an eye on the news the next few weeks!

One must ponder the contents of 11 hours of Grush’s Congressional testimony!
Only second-and-third hand accounts from kooks and charlatans.
I suspect some folks want to believe this.

“Kooks and charlatans?”

Astronauts, graduates of every military academy, Generals and Admirals are all on record with sworn statements since at least 2001.

Hey, maybe we are surrounded by “kooks and charlatans,” at the highest levels, but I sure hope not!!
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There’s just no scientific evidence that aliens have visited earth or that we have reverse-engineered any nonhuman technology.
Almost our entire justice system is based upon evidence that is not scientific in nature.
For the 55 years or so since then we've always been a "few weeks" from someone totally proving they are extra-terrestrial craft -- Roswell, Alien Autopsies, Area 51, Majestic 12, on and on.
In this case, we are two weeks passed it.

Grusch has revealed names, dates, locations, etc. to your Congressmen. Whether these facts are given to us is up to them.

As to “extra-terrestrial” that’s still in question. There are a myriad of possibilities that do not require interstellar travel, for the presence of non-human intelligence.
We'll have to resurrect this thread in six months, and again in six years, and have a good laugh.
It won’t take six months.

Congress pulled a slick one on our “government within a government”(Clinton, 1996), by passing a whistle blower law allowing the suspension of security oaths/obligations to testify to Congress, especially for those being threatened by the insiders.

The very means by which the secret has “sort a” been kept, physical threats, thence became the very means of revelation!

How ironic!

A brilliant move by Congress to bring this to light.
Good post. The cover-up has actually persisted for at least 8 decades, not six.
I’ve followed the literature pretty closely for many years, but the possibility of a retrieval in Italy in 1933 was a total surprise to me.

Were there any rumors or hints regarding this “crash,” prior to Grusch’s allegations?
With the recent UFO disclosure the following is certain:

(1) The US and it’s Allies have collected significant materials from an unknown non-human Intellegence for decades.

(2) The US has endeavored to glean a technological understanding of such materials.

(3) The national security apparatus/military industrial complex has kept a lid on this information, a lid that has leaked for 6 decades.

(4) David Grusch has a 41 minute public interview revealing the general parameters of this effort.

(5) David Grusch has provided testimony for 11 hours to the Congress, in classified fashion. Grusch has revealed names, dates, locations, etc.

All this being said, the big question left for your elected representatives is how much of this classified informantion should now be turned over to you and me?

And honestly, I’m a bit torn.

If our MIC can gain advantage from secrecy, is this not a good thing for our competition with China?
The aliens don’t crash in China?
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Speaking of death threats and Bob Lazar - there you go, another one.
I don’t recall his being threatened.

He actually spoke about encountering a gent soon after he made his revelations who told him he was not a target, IIRC.
I’ve followed the literature pretty closely for many years, but the possibility of a retrieval in Italy in 1933 was a total surprise to me.

Were there any rumors or hints regarding this “crash,” prior to Grusch’s allegations?
Well, I was thinking definitely since 1943 or 1944, which is allegedly when those materials were obtained by the OSS and shipped to the USA, which would make it just about 8 decades. :) There was also an alleged crash in 1941 in Missouri.
With the recent UFO disclosure the following is certain:

(1) The US and it’s Allies have collected significant materials from an unknown non-human Intellegence for decades.

(2) The US has endeavored to glean a technological understanding of such materials.

(3) The national security apparatus/military industrial complex has kept a lid on this information, a lid that has leaked for 6 decades.

(4) David Grusch has a 41 minute public interview revealing the general parameters of this effort.

(5) David Grusch has provided testimony for 11 hours to the Congress, in classified fashion. Grusch has revealed names, dates, locations, etc.

All this being said, the big question left for your elected representatives is how much of this classified informantion should now be turned over to you and me?

And honestly, I’m a bit torn.

If our MIC can gain advantage from secrecy, is this not a good thing for our competition with China?
If it gives us a great football season—it’s worth it.
I don’t know.

If they have, I doubt we have access to those materials, and the Chinese do.
So, is it a good idea for the world to keep this a secret when it would be likely different countries have similar information and the combined information may be more important to earthlings?

Also, using alien devices to better your position in the world, rather than bettering earth’s position in the universe seems kind of short-sighted. If this information exists, why would we focus on our earthly advantages, which may be nil, if other powers have the same or more, rather than perceiving ourselves in the context of the universe?

If this information exists, there must be a revelation the average person does not comprehend. Like, these aliens won’t be joined by other aliens for thousands, if not millions of years. Or, the aliens are not as threatening as the believing populace would contend. If we had their tech, or a portion of it, and we could not figure it out and we thought earthlings were at risk, trying to gain an advantage over the rest of the world would be … well … kind of dumb.
Until the aliens release their data on global warming/climate change in the south and North American continents I’m not going believe anything until Al Gore approves it and also I believe the aliens are single handedly responsible for global warming and climate change and are waiting for the right time to take over but also the aliens have no idea what they are getting into when they get to Hattiesburg MS 🍺
I don’t recall his being threatened.

He actually spoke about encountering a gent soon after he made his revelations who told him he was not a target, IIRC.
Apparently the government has been tracking him for at least 30 years after the event. This doesn't mention a death threat but the government was listening to his phone calls and raided his business looking for some element 15 he allegedly had (fuel for the craft).

Also, using alien devices to better your position in the world, rather than bettering earth’s position in the universe seems kind of short-sighted.

Just as short-sighted as humanity has been since ancient times.

When was the last time a Politburo or Western Government acted altruisticly for the good of all humanity?

When was the first time?
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Just as short-sighted as humanity has been since ancient times.

When was the last time a Politburo or Western Government acted altruisticly for the good of all humanity?

When was the first time?
When was the last time we were faced with a reality that we are not alone and are actively being visited?

When will the fist time be?
Not only are these three points not "certain," they are not true.

All people are seeing, and wildly misinterpreting, is some leftover Cold War misdirection by US Intelligence agencies as they sought to distract from projects like Stealth aircraft.

If three people in the government know something it gets leaked in a way that makes further secrecy impossible to maintain in about six weeks tops. You really think the US and its allies have a large stockpile of material from non-earthly intelligence and not one photo, not one fist-sized artifact, not one PROVABLE piece of evidence has ever emerged in over 60-70 years? Not from the crews collecting the material. Not from the troops transporting it. Not from one engineer or scientist or anyone else involved in examining it. Only second-and-third hand accounts from kooks and charlatans.

We were able to keep secrets of the atomic bomb from the Soviets for about three years. And that's when we assumed the fate of the planet was at stake. But this -- the collection and decades-long examination of alien space debris -- no one has ever produced one credible piece of information about it.

We were unable to prevent the Soviets from finding out about the atomic bomb because there were communist sympathizers that fed them info. I don’t think the Soviets would have taken reports of UFOs and aliens seriously; therefore, it was easier to cover up that information.
You should look up the concept of a Von Neumann probe:

The physics aren't nearly so insurmountable as they are at first glance. Send a few of these out at a fraction of the speed of light, and an extraterrestrial civilization could have them in just about all star systems in the Milky Way in under a million years.
It’s a fun theory but it doesn’t have any substance. Strictly science fiction.

If there were alien probes flying about on earth, someone (other than government) would have encountered one and at least have photographed it by now; and with a camera that doesn’t produce grainy pics or videos.
Normally I react pretty negatively to such thoughts, but as our founders knew, neither our leaders nor the Chinese Politburo are angels.

Our cynicism guards against authoritarianism.

Checks and balances are necessary.
You think our founders knew alien life was visiting earth? And maybes it’s the aliens that guard against authoritarianism. Maybe then run the whole show in America which is why China and Zimbabwe, Brazil wherever else don’t have the fever pitch of whether there is alien life or not.
Nuclear Physicist the late Stanton Friedman spent a lifetime investigating Roswell, he claims the Majestic 12 documents are authentic. Numerous experts have reviewed them and it's sort of an even split with those saying they are authentic and those saying they aren't.

I've always been fascinated with the Bob Lazar story. As time goes on he seems more and more believable and authentic. Speaking of death threats and Bob Lazar - there you go, another one.
It became pretty evident in the late 90s when Larry king interviewed lazar that there was a cover up going on. I remember that episode and thinking this seems to be the game changer. Much bigger than Clinton’s presser in the mid 90s of mars life.
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