Remaining needs


Dec 6, 2004
With 20 current verbals, we only have room for 5 more due to the SEC signing restrictions. I think the coaches will look for 1, maybe 2 more WR's (McKay, Harmon)depending on the quality.

We need at least 1 RB and I know I've heard Joker say he wanted a big RB (Thornton, Mobley)and a smaller RB (Wales), but with Wales' recent comments that he hasn't heard from UK in two months, makes me think Joker has changed his strategy and will only take a big RB.

I know we are stocked at DE but you do not turn down DL studs like Tyler Know, J Winston or A Washington. DL is the hardest place to recruit and you take em when you can get em.

We need 1 but preferably 2 LB's in the class, especially if we play alot of 3-4. We are the currrent leader for McClain and Drake.

I know we seem like we're stocked at S but the coaches are still actively recruiting Staples. So maybe we take one more?

I think we are well stocked at DE and both Dupree (if needed there) and Newton sound like great prospects. But if a player is talented enough and wants to come on board you take him.
^ I've heard the coaches want to see how Mobley looks his first few games this year before they make an offer.
UK just offered Florida RB Danny Dillard 6'2 205 *** 5.7 Like you said it looks like Joker wants a big Back
This post was edited on 8/22 11:06 PM by aarongreattinger
It looks like there is quite a discrepancy here and I saw his film which looks very good, but I looked for him on ESPN's list of top running backs and couldn't find him, so I typed him in the search and he came up as a two star and ranked 102nd on their top 100 list. For comparison Ayoola was 30, Thornton 35, Wales 53, and Mobley 91.

But two different rating systems and maybe he is rising, in any case since UK offered I'm sure they liked what they saw. He is just one step away from a four star at 5.7, so I tend to believe that more with UK's offer.
Originally posted by seccats04:
With 20 current verbals, we only have room for 5 more due to the SEC signing restrictions. I think the coaches will look for 1, maybe 2 more WR's (McKay, Harmon)depending on the quality.

We need at least 1 RB and I know I've heard Joker say he wanted a big RB (Thornton, Mobley)and a smaller RB (Wales), but with Wales' recent comments that he hasn't heard from UK in two months, makes me think Joker has changed his strategy and will only take a big RB.

I know we are stocked at DE but you do not turn down DL studs like Tyler Know, J Winston or A Washington. DL is the hardest place to recruit and you take em when you can get em.

We need 1 but preferably 2 LB's in the class, especially if we play alot of 3-4. We are the currrent leader for McClain and Drake.

I know we seem like we're stocked at S but the coaches are still actively recruiting Staples. So maybe we take one more?

I have a separate thread on this:

Depending on whether you count Tyrone Pearson(DT), UK has 19-20 commitments...What do you see the biggest remaining needs for the next 6 scholarships (we may not sign any more than that)?...I see the following (if you look at our roster & #'s at each position as of 8/26/11

1)OL-some of you might disagree, but I think UK needs 1 more quality OT...I just don't think we can pass this up...we are adding depth & quality depth for the future, but the sheer # of C / G's outnumbers the OT prospects in terms of #'s...1 more OT (whether HS or JC)would really help even out the OL #'s

2) RB-UK clearly needs at least 1 RB (maybe 2 if any of the current RB's leave the program for any reason)...Wales, Thornton, the 2 FL kids...It would be great to get Wales or 1 big back or both...we do have a lot of talented young RB's in this 2011 class & adding another 1 would be nice for our RB #'s.

3) DL (DT or DE)-Our current DL commitments are exciting (the fact that we're keeping quality in-state DL is huge)!! Having said that, I hope that they all qualify...Simply put, we can't pass up a big body that can move in this spot...If Shaq Love is an OL, we might need to take 2...HS or JC, we need interior DL depth...we cannot miss here...Keep the faith on all of 'em qualifying!!

4) LB-With our LB #'s, we need two more good ones. We have lost Huzzie & will lose some good seniors (Sneed, Trevathan). UK appears to be in on some good ones from FL & Mobile, AL...We need to hit on these misses...two good LB's in this class is a huge priority!!

5) DB / SAFETY / ATH-We could really stand to land one knock-out here...Whether it's the big kid from Paducah Tilghman, an out of state Safety or athlete, Joker has made it clear that he wants to add big, athletic bodies & see where they end up...For example, some of the 2011 signees (Dupree, Forrest, etc.) may end up growing into other positions...We may need to take at least one more true safety w/ the losses of seniors here...

So, in summary, I see at least the following w/ the remaining 6 rides:
