
I'm a Gen Xer, and I see good and bad in millennials.

Way less racist and prejudiced than previous generations (Not as many redneck whites dropping N bombs, homophobia has virtually disappeared, etc.).
Favor widespread equality over religious dogma
More technologically advanced

A bit lazy
More pretentious and mouthy
Skinny jeans, boat shoes, fedoras

Your list is telling, and when put side by side, it's interesting you don't see the correlation between the loss of religion/Christianity in the millennials and the prevalence of such negative characteristics, more so then previous generations, as selfishness, laziness, being pretentious, etc.
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I'm relatively young (early 30s) but there's a huge difference in work ethic, common sense, and education with the kids entering the work force the past few years. It's very sad.

I've been a supervisor/regional manager for a few different companies and you'd be amazed at the lack of interview skills, common sense, lack of work ethic, and how cowardly they handle quitting a job.

I've had a girl get her husband to quit for her. I've had kids claim they couldn't handle 17 hour work week and go to school. That made me laugh considering what I had to do and what I know many of you had to do. But now, it's just too "tough."

The interviews I've had with people are very comical. It used to be common sense to not wear jeans to an interview, show up on time, to look someone in the eye, and shake hands and not answer your phone, etc.. However, that seems to be lost on many.

What's crazy to me is how many people live at home well into their 20s. I never went back after 18-years old. Moved away and never again lived with my folks. But it's not even that. Although the studies show the age of people living with their parents has grown big time but even kids are waiting longer to get their drivers licenses.

I don't want to generalize everyone because some are good because they come from good parents but the majority seem to be dumb and lazy.
This is such a stupid thread. Olds say this kind of stuff about EVERY new upcoming generation. Same exact stuff.

Young people- teens and early 20-somethings- are generally dumb. It's because they lack experience. Think about yourself at 23.
Some added context.

I am a regional director for a fortune 50 tech company. I have had the opportunity to interview/hire/manage across generations.

There are good and bad in each - repeat - strong work ethic and/or laziness and entitlement goes across generations.

But - the sense of entitlement in the 20 somethings is a wonder to behold. Some true rock stars are out there but they are overrun by many who have immediate expectations of salary and flexibility that is earned over time. Many have no interview skills, no sense of how to structure a resume or job search. No understanding of building a network of colleagues/coaches/mentors and gaining experience that demonstrate their ability to solve problems and add value to a team.

Now - that is not uncommon to younger people - most of us have had to grow to be who we are. But to not have those skills/abilities yet be distraught when they are not handed a six figure income where they can work "reasonable" hours and express their "true" selves borders on a complete lack of reality. Many are "held back/down" because no one "recognizes their true value". Life is unfair and they just cannot understand how they cannot "catch a break". The bad news is this group will one day own running this country - the good news is I will be dead.

The upside is that this old baby boomer should be able to work as long as I choose to.
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Millennials will be the largest group in our workforce as more baby boomers retire. Gen X is a smaller group.
This is such a stupid thread. Olds say this kind of stuff about EVERY new upcoming generation. Same exact stuff.

Young people- teens and early 20-somethings- are generally dumb. It's because they lack experience. Think about yourself at 23.

OK - I will look at myself at 23 - I had basic job skills and was in the initial stages of building a successful career. I did not believe I deserved a VP salary for front line work; I paid my own bills and fixed my own problems. I would go to parents and trusted advisers for advice but not to bail be out. I sought out those who had done what i wanted to do successfully. I tried to learn from them. I got up too damn early after staying out too damn late to ensure I made it to work as scheduled - it sucked but I made it anyway. I took the tasks assigned and did them to the best of my ability so that I could demonstrate value - they were typically crappy tasks - because I was new and front line and that is how you learn. By the time I was 23 I knew that no one owed me a damn thing and I would be a success or failure based on my abilities and initiative.

I was weird I guess.
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OK - I will look at myself at 23 - I had basic job skills and was in the initial stages of building a successful career. I did not believe I deserved a VP salary for front line work; I paid my own bills and fixed my own problems. I would go to parents and trusted advisers for advice but not to bail be out. I sought out those who had done what i wanted to do successfully. I tried to learn from them. I got up too damn early after staying out too damn late to ensure I made it to work as scheduled - it sucked but I made it anyway. I took the tasks assigned and did them to the best of my ability so that I could demonstrate value - they were typically crappy tasks - because I was new and front line and that is how you learn. By the time I was 23 I knew that no one owed me a damn thing and I would be a success or failure based on my abilities and initiative.

I was weird I guess.

^ All complete lies and anecdotal BS.
wcc31 - because you know me so well ?

since you see yourself clear to call me a liar i assume you wont take offense me pointing out that you are an idiot and asking that you eat sh!t and die - correct?

that was my experience and similar to the experience many successful people i know - maybe you should find some successful people to hang out with and see for yourself?

not with me though - i don't like you - even though i don't know you - because - well your an idiot...:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Your list is telling, and when put side by side, it's interesting you don't see the correlation between the loss of religion/Christianity in the millennials and the prevalence of such negative characteristics, more so then previous generations, as selfishness, laziness, being pretentious, etc.

On the flip side, I see the loss of religion correlating to lesser amounts of racism, intolerance and prejudice. So it's a mixed bag.
wcc31 - because you know me so well ?

since you see yourself clear to call me a liar i assume you wont take offense me pointing out that you are an idiot and asking that you eat sh!t and die - correct?

that was my experience and similar to the experience many successful people i know - maybe you should find some successful people to hang out with and see for yourself?

not with me though - i don't like you - even though i don't know you - because - well your an idiot...:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It was a joke, Tim. Lighten up.
Who are all these 20-somethings that think they deserve a six figure salary?

Cause I know a bunch of servers and bartenders and retail clerks and interns and teachers and bank tellers and graduate students, and not one of them makes or believes they deserve to make anywhere close to that, even though damn near all of them are overqualified and over-educated for the job they do.

You'd think this lazy, entitled generation would just take handouts instead of driving shitty cars to their shitty jobs that pay shitty money.
I'm Gen X, born in 1979. I've hired a few youts lately and there are some tough habits to break. The biggest being anything on their phone is automatically not important to me but very important to them. I have a 19 year old working for me now and she's smart but stupid. A combo stupid/smart that comes from not paying attention. I get annoyed with her but when I was her age, I couldn't focus on anything I didn't really want to longer than 15 seconds.

WCC more or less nailed it, every generation has this belief they're the shit and those after them are worthless. This isn't true except for the baby boomers f'ing it up for all of us but other than them, the new batch will be really good at some things and other things my parents thought were important will fade away.
20-somethings are striving for their annual income to be more than the student loan they're paying on at this point.

Unfortunately, indoctrination is very expensive these days. And, of course, its important that they own you.
combination of bad parents who try to spoil their kids and education system who teach them that atheism and communism are truths. we are now too far removed from the greatest generation.

I'm confused.

How are we taught atheism is a truth?

Is it because public schools can't force the dominant faith on students anymore?

When I was in high school in the mid-90s, I went to PUBLIC school in Kentucky. In my sophomore biology class we were taught creationism and evolution as part of the origins of life unit. Care to guess which one required a signed permission slip? (Hint: It wasn't the one with rib women and a magic apple tree)

I'm guessing this has changed in public schools? If it has, that's good. Religion only belongs in schools if the school is a private school where people pay to be indoctrinated with that stuff. Public schools shouldn't be teaching anything about religion, or non-religion, for that matter, unless it's in a historical context or looked at as a literary work of fiction.
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On the flip side, I see the loss of religion correlating to lesser amounts of racism, intolerance and prejudice. So it's a mixed bag.

Have you seen just how intolerant the left is of anyone who disagrees with them? If you honestly believe that removing Christianity, one of the great pillars of Western Civilization, will substantially decrease intolerance I don't know what to tell you. Wait 30 years and you will long for a previous era.
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Mega, I shouldn't throw a big blanket over this subject and make generalizations. This is just something I observe, things I hear, looks at the trends, etc. I think its more subtle than anything, but it's there, IMO.
You would assume a Director at a Fortune 50 Tech company would have something to correct his spelling.

I'm an astronaut and your a moran.

You may be an astronaut and I may be a moron...or I may simply type too fast for my skill level and make errors on occasion and don't give a rats ass to go back and correct them...maybe...:sunglasses:
20-somethings are striving for their annual income to be more than the student loan they're paying on at this point.
I'm 27, work as an electrical engineer and make good money, and yeah, this. I'm always looking for other opportunities to help pay off my mountainous student loan debt. A lot of my friends are in similar situations.

Of course I wish I could go back and do it over again and not take out such loans, but I didn't have the foresight when I was teenager and in my early 20s. Mistake on my part, I guess, but it is what it is.
Did you know Tim used to have to go to work and walk uphill both ways? In the snow! WITH BARE FEET! AT 5 AM! AFTER HE HAD TO DO ALL HIS CHORES AT HOME! WHEN HE WAS 6 YEARS OLD OR HIS DAD

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combination of bad parents who try to spoil their kids and education system who teach them that atheism and communism are truths. we are now too far removed from the greatest generation.
Just curious, what are your thoughts on prayer in schools? The Ten Commandments in schools?
Have you seen just how intolerant the left is of anyone who disagrees with them? If you honestly believe that removing Christianity, one of the great pillars of Western Civilization, will substantially decrease intolerance I don't know what to tell you. Wait 30 years and you will long for a previous era.
In thirty years the singularity will have arrived and pretty much put an end to all belief systems. So probably not.
Here is the bottom line:

Every generation has some suck people and has some awesome people.

Millennial have a lower attention span than previous generations because that's the environment they were raised in.

Boomers have lived their life in the single most flourishing economic climate in human history. Blaming them for ruining it is stupid. We had virtually no economic competition for 50 years. Yes, they were spoiled. But everyone is spoiled by the advantages of their generation. Yes boomers got to almost universally retire at the age of 65. No, no other generations will likely get this luxury (maybe a portion of Gen Xers will). They didn't cause this. They just get to reap the benefits.

Millennials interact with people differently. Their lack of social skills are largely due to having to interact through technology. I know boomers like to make fun of their digital communication, but they get shit done in half the characters that it takes you. All the emails I get from the older generations are about 4 paragraphs longer than it would take to convey the important information. Wow. You spent an hour writing an email that it should have taken 270 seconds and then want to applaud your work ethic.

In short: everybody sucks. Older generations just pat themselves on the back while the younger crowd plays the victim card. It's called conditioning.
In thirty years the singularity will have arrived and pretty much put an end to all belief systems. So probably not.

Statements like that are the reason people say there is nothing but nonsense on the internet.
Statements like that are the reason people say there is nothing but nonsense on the internet.
Nonsense? Maybe the timeline is off, I'll give you that. The singularity will happen though. It is inevitable. Just a matter of when.
I know boomers like to make fun of their digital communication, but they get shit done in half the characters that it takes you. All the emails I get from the older generations are about 4 paragraphs longer than it would take to convey the important information. Wow. You spent an hour writing an email that it should have taken 270 seconds and then want to applaud your work ethic.

Nailed it. I get twice as much done in half the time as my counterpart for exactly this reason (added to the fact I'm just a better writer and smarter), and he constantly puts on like he is working soooo much harder than the younger guys. We mock his constant bitching about how busy he is. Just a bitter, ineffecient whiner trapped in the nostalgia fallacy.
Did you know Tim used to have to go to work and walk uphill both ways? In the snow! WITH BARE FEET! AT 5 AM! AFTER HE HAD TO DO ALL HIS CHORES AT HOME! WHEN HE WAS 6 YEARS OLD OR HIS DAD


My dad was dead by the time I was 6...

Otherwise - true story...
Nailed it. I get twice as much done in half the time as my counterpart for exactly this reason (added to the fact I'm just a better writer and smarter), and he constantly puts on like he is working soooo much harder than the younger guys. We mock his constant bitching about how busy he is. Just a bitter, ineffecient whiner trapped in the nostalgia fallacy.

That's my dad. You're fired.

Good stuff and very common. [laughing]
I'm 27, work as an electrical engineer and make good money, and yeah, this. I'm always looking for other opportunities to help pay off my mountainous student loan debt. A lot of my friends are in similar situations.

Of course I wish I could go back and do it over again and not take out such loans, but I didn't have the foresight when I was teenager and in my early 20s. Mistake on my part, I guess, but it is what it is.

What would you do differently? Work to save for tuition while going to school part-time? I have two sons who are approaching college age and costs have easily tripled since I went to school in the early 90's.
Here are a few things that you can do to lower tuition costs: Good grades (2.5 GPA minimum) in high school will equate to KEES scholarship money for Kentucky residents. The higher the GPA the higher the amount of the scholarship (see link). Apply for any other scholarship money that your kid may be eligible to receive from the university, your employer, charitable organizations, etc.

Next, you could send your kids to community college for the first two years at a fraction of the cost ($147/credit hour vs. +$360 at UK) of a four year university and they could live at home. Then transfer to a state school for the last two years where all of those community college credits would be accepted toward their degree.

ROTC is an option if your child would be willing to serve time in the military. They would get a virtually free education and a guaranteed job upon graduation.

A part time job is also an option. Universities often have part time job opportunities. Working 15-20 hours a week is totally doable while going to school full time (undergraduate).

Make sure that your kid is working toward a degree that will lead to a job. Otherwise, why bother with the expense. Going into a trade out of high school makes more sense that getting a worthless degree.
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