Just a Hunch….

Hope so, cupboard is bare.
It's like moving to a new place, with nothing, and feeling rich when you go to Walmart and pick up a steak, vegetables, and silverware and glassware in the kitchen crap section. After awhile the nickel plating wears off the forks, and the knifes are so rusted you head to the clinic for a tetanus shot on your way to buying another steak.
It's like moving to a new place, with nothing, and feeling rich when you go to Walmart and pick up a steak, vegetables, and silverware and glassware in the kitchen crap section. After awhile the nickel plating wears off the forks, and the knifes are so rusted you head to the clinic for a tetanus shot on your way to buying another steak.
I bet you're real fun at parties.
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It's like moving to a new place, with nothing, and feeling rich when you go to Walmart and pick up a steak, vegetables, and silverware and glassware in the kitchen crap section. After awhile the nickel plating wears off the forks, and the knifes are so rusted you head to the clinic for a tetanus shot on your way to buying another steak.
That analogy kinda got away from you, didn't it?
It’s not how you start but how you finish
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