If This Is True, Mitch Needs To Go Also

Lol some of you crack me up - just go get anyone you want they all will come
Not that easy
Lol some of you crack me up - just go get anyone you want they all will come
Not that easy

Would have much rather had Tommy Lloyd, a young NBA guy, etc.

My issue here is that it appears we barely even did any work here- we just rushed to hire the ADs best friend.

That's not being a good steward of the program which he claimed was so important.

Hell, I'd rather have Dusty May almost.

Just a bland, bland hire that locks us into 2nd round losses and hopeful for a sweet sixteen for the next 10 years.

Tubby Smith all over again without handing him the reigns to Pitino's roster.
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Just posting facts. He's been at Baylor 20+ years and never wins a post season game. He also gets his ass kicked by Kansas every year.

There is a reason he's been at Baylor 20+ years.
We have go to realize, KY is not a job many coaches want. This is primarily because of our insanely demanding fan base. If I were making $6 million dollars at TCU, Bama, FL, or any school, I would not walk into our fanbase demands for $12 million per year. What would $12 M get you that you could not have with $6 M per year. Think about it, $$$ is not the END ALL.
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Haha this is so hypocritical it's it, so YOU are the one who runs around telling people that THEY have NO KNOWLEDGE about how things work....Literally you came at me out of the blue, unprompted, saying that I know NOTHING about how the system works (thus claiming that YOU know way more about that I do about don't see the hypocrisy here? You basically just called yourself a village idiot which is hysterical).

And then when someone refutes your claim, and then actually PROVES it, you just run away, tail between the legs, and act like you weren't the first one firing shots about who knows more than who.

I'm actually dumbfounded by this response hahaha

Battle_Cat: "You know nothing about how this works! I know more!"

Me: "Actually I know more about this than you, and here is my proof"

Battle_Cat: "You're a village idiot, I can't believe you would claim to know more about a topic than someone else"

The hypocrisy writes itself hahahaha
If you need to rewrite what I said and quote it to fit your narrative then go for it. Stay mad.
Generational wealth. Your grandchildren will be rich
Making 6 million per year your grandchildren could be left wealthy if that is your goal. As a financial advisor, grandchildren at any age don't seem to do well if they are left a big trust. They are born or third base but think they hit a triple. Trust kids are usually so spoiled and never understand working fora living is actually a privilege and makes a better person. It is kinda like winning the lottery, usually do foolish purchases and end up broke and unhappy.
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Making 6 million per year your grandchildren could be left wealthy if that is your goal. As a financial advisor, grandchildren at any age don't seem to do well if they are left a big trust. They are born or third base but think they hit a triple. Trust kids are usually so spoiled and never understand working fora living is actually a privilege and makes a better person. It is kinda like winning the lottery, usually do foolish purchases and end up broke and unhappy.

I would never trust a financial advisor that claims it’s okay to stick with 6 mil instead of 11
Posted numerous times it was always drew. Just how it was. Mitch had him as coach in waiting for a bit.

No info but I'm willing to wager drew got the initial contact Sunday night.

It won't matter what they're told on a message board. My buddy posted about BCG being the guy if Tubby left because a booster was going to pay his buyout or first year salary. Everyone said he was FOS. Then they hired BCG and everyone was angry anyway.

You can't win trying to reason with them or giving them info.

I think JQ decommitting suggests it is Drew also. He'd likely bring a talented C (recruit or player) with him if he has one. Thought I read where he had a >4star C either committed or on the roster. Never know though
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I LOVE how many people are overlooking Drew. The f’n guy is so primed for success here it’s unreal.

And he will win fast, we probably get Edgecombe, and he’s already beating Duke and Kentucky for recruits at Baylor. He knows how to build a roster and he might even keep some of Cals recruits here.

If he takes it y’all are in for a very happy surprise.

Possibly. I wouldn't be surprised if he had success here, but I WOULD BE surprised if he keeps any of Cal's non-KY recruits here. He's not going to make the promises Cal makes.
Like I stated, this is very telling if true. Like every other thread om here the past 3 days, it is speculation until proven otherwise at the moment. Still, these leaks are very concerning.

Why would anyone be concerned about something that is unverifiable and most likely NOT a "leak" ?

I'm moving on regardless. Not going to hear anything until the deal is done anyway, so it's pointless. Used to be fun to speculate on stuff, but people just go WAY overboard on every little thing that's posted, written, typed, or said.

It's just not what it used to be 15 yrs ago

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