Here's a shocker - UT player in legal trouble

Wasn't Goodrich actually found to be going 54 mph in a 55 mph zone

Frankly I would take a guy that got scared and ran and a guy that drove drunk over s guy that molested a little girl. But that's just me. I realize not everyone would share my view.

You're a lawyer? Where?
Frankly you comparing 2 drunk drivers that killed 3 people to a guy that had consensual sex with a 15 year old tells me all I need to know. Your fan base would defend Bin Laden if he wore that sickening orange color.

The point I was trying to make was when players are allowed to get by with everything in college that it only hurts them.
Frankly you comparing 2 drunk drivers that killed 3 people to a guy that had consensual sex with a 15 year old tells me all I need to know. Your fan base would defend Bin Laden if he wore that sickening orange color.

The point I was trying to make was when players are allowed to get by with everything in college that it only hurts them.

One of them was not found to be drunk. I don't know what the reality was but I can clearly see what evidence was proven at court. The other was a DUI and I think that is reprehensible conduct, but I also think child molestation is reprehensible conduct. I was in middle school or high school when these things happens so I also think both are irrelevant. I understand what point you are trying to make I just don't think you succeeded. And, I don't agree with the validity of your point because I think student athletes at the P5 level live under a microscope not "get by with everything."
I think the point is that often UT players get some protection in the Knoxville area. In terms of the Porter incident, he was never in trouble (to my knowledge) while at UK. Every university will have bad eggs. That isn't the issue. The issue is how they are dealt with and if they get special treatment for their affiliation with the sports program at that university. I think that it has gotten better with the increase in social media and cameras being everywhere. People have made the police and the university be accountable for these actions, and the news can no longer afford to ignore the incidents because if they do then someone else will break the story. Still, too much of this special treatment goes on, and that is likely at most universities. However, there was a time that UT seemed to be one of the worst for this.

In terms of the police reports... that is pretty interesting. One thing that I find interesting is that the officer in Russell's case wrote little to no narrative on the actual events.
I think the point is that often UT players get some protection in the Knoxville area. In terms of the Porter incident, he was never in trouble (to my knowledge) while at UK. Every university will have bad eggs. That isn't the issue. The issue is how they are dealt with and if they get special treatment for their affiliation with the sports program at that university. I think that it has gotten better with the increase in social media and cameras being everywhere. People have made the police and the university be accountable for these actions, and the news can no longer afford to ignore the incidents because if they do then someone else will break the story. Still, too much of this special treatment goes on, and that is likely at most universities. However, there was a time that UT seemed to be one of the worst for this.

In terms of the police reports... that is pretty interesting. One thing that I find interesting is that the officer in Russell's case wrote little to no narrative on the actual events.

I think Miami probably will always hold the record for bad behavior. It seems to me though that logic would hold that if Tennessee were really good at providing special treatment to players they would also be really good at hiding it. After all, the bad press that comes from any kind of incident is bad for the program from every standpoint. I personally think what is more important is how things are handled as they arise. I can't say that things were always handled well at UT, but I've been impressed with the way Butch Jones has handled disciplinary issues. I also feel that Mark Stoops has generally handled those types of issues well.
I think Miami probably will always hold the record for bad behavior. It seems to me though that logic would hold that if Tennessee were really good at providing special treatment to players they would also be really good at hiding it. After all, the bad press that comes from any kind of incident is bad for the program from every standpoint. I personally think what is more important is how things are handled as they arise. I can't say that things were always handled well at UT, but I've been impressed with the way Butch Jones has handled disciplinary issues. I also feel that Mark Stoops has generally handled those types of issues well.

Well, as I said, I think that it has basically become impossible to hide these things. The events often happen in very public places with a whole lot of witnesses. Plus, you have the pressure by the news to now break these stories because if they don't someone else will.

However, there are still quite a lot of stories that seem to never make any type of wave. For instance, how many of the UT sexual assault allegations have you heard of? There has been 6 since last year. Two of them have been widely publicized, and I think one is very recent. So, really you've probably only heard actual extensive reporting on half of them. I know it came to a huge eye opener to me when I heard on the radio, after the most recent arrest, that it was the 6th person on the 2014/2015 Vols roster to be accused of sexual assault. Granted, nothing has yet to come from these events, but to even have 6 players accused of this is way way too many, and especially in such a short time period.
If Meyers and Florida hadn't let Hernandez get away with his assaults and other things he might be out being a hero to a lot of fans and spending his $55,000,000 instead of rotting in jail.
Well, as I said, I think that it has basically become impossible to hide these things. The events often happen in very public places with a whole lot of witnesses. Plus, you have the pressure by the news to now break these stories because if they don't someone else will.

However, there are still quite a lot of stories that seem to never make any type of wave. For instance, how many of the UT sexual assault allegations have you heard of? There has been 6 since last year. Two of them have been widely publicized, and I think one is very recent. So, really you've probably only heard actual extensive reporting on half of them. I know it came to a huge eye opener to me when I heard on the radio, after the most recent arrest, that it was the 6th person on the 2014/2015 Vols roster to be accused of sexual assault. Granted, nothing has yet to come from these events, but to even have 6 players accused of this is way way too many, and especially in such a short time period.
No only 3 football players that where on the roster at the time were accused of some sexual accusation. Johnson and Williams with the one everyone knows about. Von Pearson was accused of sexual assault but it was his girlfriend and UTPD, KPD and the girl has yet to press charges. A friend of mine in blue is telling me the girls story isn't adding up and she's changed it several times. Also their are witnesses that have been interviewed who say what she is saying didn't happen. There's also a rumor the girl is crazy which goes along with what I've heard. No doubt back in the day thinks where easier to cover up and I'm sure it happened at UT but it happens everywhere. I'm not saying it's ok and if any of the players in question are guilty they should spend a long time in prison. What some of these guys do in their own dorm shouldn't reflect directly on the university or the athletic department. Unless you lock these guys up behind a closed door it's impossible to control every step they make, you just hope they make the right decisions in public or at home. Point being the UK FB player that was convicted of rape, in my mind does not put a black eye on the football program. Neither does the crew that walked around campus waving an air soft gun like a bunch of cowboys, or getting in a bar fight with a EKU player then going back to his dorm looking for him. All of that was just stupid but doesn't reflect on Stoops or the program. It's just immature behavior from 18-19 year olds who probably got away with everything at home and in HS and has never been disciplined. These coaches now days have their hands full.
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No only 3 football players that where on the roster at the time were accused of some sexual accusation. Johnson and Williams with the one everyone knows about. Von Pearson was accused of sexual assault but it was his girlfriend and UTPD, KPD and the girl has yet to press charges. A friend of mine in blue is telling me the girls story isn't adding up and she's changed it several times. Also their are witnesses that have been interviewed who say what she is saying didn't happen. There's also a rumor the girl is crazy which goes along with what I've heard. No doubt back in the day thinks where easier to cover up and I'm sure it happened at UT but it happens everywhere. I'm not saying it's ok and if any of the players in question are guilty they should spend a long time in prison. What some of these guys do in their own dorm shouldn't reflect directly on the university or the athletic department. Unless you lock these guys up behind a closed door it's impossible to control every step they make, you just hope they make the right decisions in public or at home. Point being the UK FB player that was convicted of rape, in my mind does not put a black eye on the football program. Neither does the crew that walked around campus waving an air soft gun like a bunch of cowboys, or getting in a bar fight with a EKU player then going back to his dorm looking for him. All of that was just stupid but doesn't reflect on Stoops or the program. It's just immature behavior from 18-19 year olds who probably got away with everything at home and in HS and has never been disciplined. These coaches now days have their hands full.

No he is right about 6: Riyahd Jones, charges dropped. An unnamed student but no charges were ever filed and the girl didn't report it to the police. Marlin Lane was accused in 2013 by a girl that was spending the night in his room. Michael Williams and AJ Johnson which is making its way through the criminal process. And Von Pearson but it seems that charges may not be filed.
"No only 3 football players that where on the roster at the time were accused of some sexual accusation. Johnson and Williams with the one everyone knows about. Von Pearson was accused of sexual assault but it was his girlfriend and UTPD, KPD and the girl has yet to press charges. A friend of mine in blue is telling me the girls story isn't adding up and she's changed it several times. Also their are witnesses that have been interviewed who say what she is saying didn't happen. There's also a rumor the girl is crazy which goes along with what I've heard"

Looks like the rumor mill has everything covered now. Just wondering, have you ever been involved with a girl that was crazy? Doesn't seem very smart to me, to say the least, was she a TU student?

Oh by the way, who is the UK FB player "convicted of rape"? Or is that another rumor you are spreading as fact?
Seems kind of silly to make fun of UT players in legal trouble when we have had our fair share in the past, most recently being a bar fight/brawl that the was very public news :(
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Seems kind of silly to make fun of UT players in legal trouble when we have had our fair share in the past, most recently being a bar fight/brawl that the was very public news" Quote

There is a lot of similarity in comparing the prank with a paintball gun and the Florida player murdering several people with little provocation and comparing what went on at EKU and what went on at Knoxville with EIGHT thugs kicking TWO separate victims into the hospital while they were down in separate "incidents".

Quite a stretch in both cases IMO.
I'm a lawyer too and frankly no it wasn't. His keys weren't in the ignition and he wasn't in the car, there was no way to prove that he drove the car or had even been in the car while he was drinking. The punishment for underage driving is frankly not very severe. If your client got that kind of sentence for an underage drinking charge she should have got a new lawyer.

Here is the difference in the way UK and Thug U treats these "incidents".

Hartline's keys weren't in the ignition. He wasn't in his car, if fact he PAID for a cab instead of driving it home. From the reports he had been drinking, he wasn't falling down drunk. Since he was a fifth year senior I doubt if he was underage. And I'm not sure he even had any charges, some he say she say a possibility.

He was suspended for a CRUCIAL bowl game, on national TV, that UK would have probably won with him playing, and didn't have a chance with the backup we had. And if anyone thinks it was all Joker's idea to suspend him when he was battling for the job that paid him millions then I still have a couple of those lots in Florida available, but then you probably already have one that is under water.

I don't know how the seniors on that team (anyone on the team, for that matter) felt about the suspension, robbing them of the chance to go out a winner, but I can tell you how I would have felt, and I am pretty sure the underclassmen didn't appreciate it at all either, in fact he might have lost a lot of their support from that game-------although if it really was his idea then he was as dumb as some of you think he was.

A lot of difference in suspending your star QB for a bowl game when you have a lousy backup and suspending ONE of the EIGHT thugs for a season opener against Tennessee whoever that you won 52-0 IIIRC.

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