Here’s what we know so far…


Mar 25, 2019
Western Michigan
Not a darn thing! Sure, we know who the likely targets are now, but until we hear from multiple credible sources about a certain offer acceptance, it’s all speculation and a ploy for “hits” and attention.

Relax, something good will happen soon, enjoy the official news of Calipari finally releasing us from the prison cell he had us in.
So far we've had Billy in Lex rumors, then Billy saying he hasn't been contacted, then Hurley offered 11m then Drew offered the job within 10 mins of that and then Drew not actually offered. Shoowee
So far we've had Billy in Lex rumors, then Billy saying he hasn't been contacted, then Hurley offered 11m then Drew offered the job within 10 mins of that and then Drew not actually offered. Shoowee

I had to travel to Lexington for work today. I saw Billy D at Taco Bell wearing a UK hat and shirt talking to 2 guys wearing UK gear and sunglasses and passing an envelope across the table to Billy. I overheard Billy say, "Done deal!" Billy will be announced as the UK coach! Write it down.
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There used to be a time when journalists had to verify their sources and oftentimes even had to hear it from multiple sources before going to print.

Now, social media has made it so anyone and everyone can just say any rumor they hear. The onus is on being first rather than being right because everyone is wrong so often that nobody bats an eye anymore as long as they just say "something changed".

On one hand it's entertaining to hear real time rumors and updates, but on the other hand it's made it so you have to be skeptical of almost everything you hear.
And how do you know that? Let me guess you can't reveal your source
Naw I don’t care a bit. My boss’ sister is married to John Pelphrey. She talks to Donovan’s wife every day. They are still close from their time in Florida. They talked this morning. She gave her blessing, I’ve heard what he wants and he is interested. Two factors holding it back. He loves the NBA and the timing factor of the season. Unlike most people on here I do have connections and talk to former players weekly that give me info. Believe it or not, Pitino is pushing Billy to go for the job.
Naw I don’t care a bit. My boss’ sister is married to John Pelphrey. She talks to Donovan’s wife every day. They are still close from their time in Florida. They talked this morning. She gave her blessing, I’ve heard what he wants and he is interested. Two factors holding it back. He loves the NBA and the timing factor of the season. Unlike most people on here I do have connections and talk to former players weekly that give me info.
I believe you. He sounded interested in that interview.

Thanks for sharing!
I have a feeling that Barnhart/UK are putting feelers out to many names that have been named on here and Twitter. My guess is through some kind of intermediary to gauge interest. If there is none, they move on. When I hear from 2, 3, 4 reputable outlets, then there is smoke. Right now, we are in the feeling out process.