Do you still regularly see folks in face masks where you live/work?

Hold on…you’re still currently testing yourself for Covid? Why?
I have tested myself only twice since the pandemic started, both times because I was feeling ill and had symptoms attributed to COVID. The first was a little over 2 years ago and I was negative. I contracted COVID back in April, confirmed by an at-home test because I had symptoms. My wife also tested positive.
My Doctor prescribed Paxlovid, while hers did not. We both isolated for five (5) days, symptoms were gone and we masked in public for five (5) days. We are both 70, vaccinated and are not immunocompromised, thankfully.
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Very rarely for me, but I'm not in a big metro area.

Curious about others' experiences... there were comments on a national news article and many people in the comments reported still seeing lots of folks masking. I do not.
Why does it matter? If someone wears one that's fine and vice versa. The people out there judging others for wearing one always need something to complain about.

Shoot, when the smoke came over from Canada the past few weeks you saw an uptick in mask wearing because of air pollution and ignorant people made fun of that. You could literally smell the smoke for days.

If peeps want to protect themselves from stuff like that or from airborne sicknesses in general then let them wear a mask and stop judging or worrying about it. We don't know who's immune compromised and whose not. Why be an asshole?
Even in liberal ass New York, the masks have largely been dead for probably a year or longer. Maybe 2 to 3% of people still wear them.
Even in liberal ass New York, the masks have largely been dead for probably a year or longer. Maybe 2 to 3% of people still wear them.
It appears American conservatives are more averse to wearing masks than conservatives worldwide. In many countries, the conservatives are masking more than liberals. The issue seems to be more politicized in the USA, versus elsewhere ... here is an example of a study:
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Various polls and research studies have indicated that American conservatives are more averse to wearing masks than conservatives worldwide. In many countries, the conservatives are masking more than liberals. The issue seems to be more politicized in the USA, versus elsewhere ... here is an example of a study:
Sadly liberals in America would probably be aligned with conservatives in Europe if not to the right of them. It's conservatives in America that have skewed the window so far to the right that it makes lefties look like they're moving left when in reality they're barely moving at all. Look at Biden and the train unions recently.

Those populations are much more educated than the states and even their conservative groups support platforms that only Bernie types support here.
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I work in a medical facility so it’s not uncommon but it’s definitely not close to a majority wearing them by any means. And they’ll usually take them off when not with patients.

Our patients are generally very much in the at-risk demographic (old, mostly diabetic, lot overweight to morbidly obese, battling stuff that compromises the immune system even more than it normally would) for every illness known to man so if they start coughing I can’t blame anyone at all for wanting to mask up when they are in a small exam room with them. Hell we had one patient back in the winter come in for an appointment even though he knew he had COVID and he wasn’t masked up at all and coughing all over the damn place without even attempting to cover his mouth.
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JMI and masks. The two things Gorilla lives for.
Creating new accounts to troll because you’re too pathetic to post with your real account. LOL at this uneducated coward.

Crying about other people wearing masks and what I post about. Someone get this crybaby loser some tissues and a heart.
“With a mortality rate of 47% for those who choose not to, wearing a seatbelt is absolutely critical to driver and passenger safety.”

Covid less than 1%.


You’re only hurting your own argument with dumb shit like this.
Covid? Just because that’s how politicians control you doesn’t mean everything is about Covid. I’m talking people who are immunocompromised. Y’all have no idea why people are wearing masks, y’all are full of hate. Y’all just politicized masks of Covid when many people had to wear masks before Covid was even heard of.

I’m not sure why you’re so butthurt about something that has zero effect on your life. If people chose to wear masks because it makes them feel more comfortable or just for shits and gigs, I’m not sure how that’s any of your business. Yet here you are crying and in your feelings.

Next y’all will probably be crying about people who still wash their hands. That’s how big of joke some of you are.
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He's trolling because he is a mask proponent but has no ammo to back it up. So instead they'll just troll, strawman, then eventually launch personal attacks that get the thread locked. Same 4 or 5 do it every time
I’m a don’t worry about how people who ain’t you live their life. Again, you’re crying about masks and making up shit about being a proponent of masks. I’m a proponent of doing whatever you think is best for you as long as you’re not hurting anyone else. You’re a proponent of dictating to others how they live their lives because you’re controlled by politics. LOL at someone from your group crying about personal attacks. That’s all y’all do, even in this thread. Y’all even feel comfortable referring to the Japanese as “Japs”.

Imagine being so weak that your controlled by politics so much that you melt down over… wait for it, people wearing masks. These are the same people who refer to others as snowflakes. Kleenex are on sale at Kroger, go get you some.
Lol Magilla is not allowed to think on his own so no researching on his own to make a decision on his own. Magilla does whatever the government tells him to do. And is a great mouthpiece for the government who will repeat their lines. Government loves people like him!
Here is another weak controlled by politics sheep. What the hell does the government have to do with masks in 2023? You’re on here crying about people wearing masks when it has zero effect on your life. Im not sure why you keep bringing up the government, is there a law that says you have to wear a mask? No your talking out of your ass.

What government line did I repeat? What, you lied and can’t say and you’re talking out of your ass again. LOL at how big of a joke these angry hate filled clowns are. If you don’t want to wear a mask don’t wear one, if you do go for it. That’s somehow hurts your feelings. Most people who wear masks have a reason to do so, but that doesn’t matter to the brainwashed politicize everything clan.
I’m a don’t worry about how people who ain’t you live their life. Again, you’re crying about masks and making up shit about being a proponent of masks. I’m a proponent of doing whatever you think is best for you as long as you’re not hurting anyone else. You’re a proponent of dictating to others how they live their lives because you’re controlled by politics. LOL at someone from your group crying about personal attacks. That’s all y’all do, even in this thread. Y’all even feel comfortable referring to the Japanese as “Japs”.

Imagine being so weak that your controlled by politics so much that you melt down over… wait for it, people wearing masks. These are the same people who refer to others as snowflakes. Kleenex are on sale at Kroger, go get you some.

I don't care one bit of someone wants to wear a mask. Never did. I was vehemently opposed to government forcing us all to do something they knew for a fact didn't work at all
I have a brother in the nursing home. They were not requiring mask for some time now. But recently had a sever outbreak of the flu and are asking visitors to now. I do when I visit him.
Only time o wear one at work is if I have a cough or there is something going around.

Many people around here don’t give a single flying f*** about any other human being and will just go about their day as normal unless they are so sick they don’t have the energy to show up.

We’re not a speciality clinic, we don't treat people for flu and stuff like that. Keep your ass away from here if you’re sick.
Clowns like you should be social distancing from this website 🍺
Clown? Clowns cry about other people wearing masks and call the Japanese Japs. You’re a terrible person.

BTW, I will go to whatever website I want. Instead of worrying about others wearing masks and calling the Japanese Japs you should concentrate on your dental hygiene.
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Talk about crying over masks. The revisionist history some of you wimps have is amazing. Some of you are lunatics.

It’s OK to Yell at Strangers Who Don’t Wear Masks​

The Five Stages of Mask-Wearing Grief​

When you find yourself in a situation with someone who isn’t wearing a mask, here’s how to gauge your reaction, how to handle the situation empathetically, and when to really let them have it.

Stage 1: Minor Annoyance

When your anger is at this level, your best option in most scenarios is to let it go. As long as they’re not willfully putting anyone else in danger, and as annoying as it may be to have to walk away, your gut is telling you this is not worth a fight. Listen to your gut.

Stage 2: Pretty Annoyed

You’re ticked off, your anger heightened by a justifiable fear for your family and community. Still, the risk of getting COVID-19 from this person is unlikely — and getting close enough to exchange words is a surefire way you can increase your chances of exposure. Get away, if possible.

Stage 3: A Growing Anger

This is the level where not saying something bears a greater risk than saying something — say, at a kid’s birthday party. Obviously, knowing the person not wearing a face mask, or knowing someone there who does, makes engaging them far less fraught, but it should still be done considerately.

Initiate any conversation with someone not wearing a face mask as just that — a conversation. Instead of instructing them to wear a face mask or else, get curious.

“People do not like to be forced to do things, and that’s what we are getting with non-compliance in wearing masks when people feel like they are being pushed to do so,” says Dr. Alan Chu, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. “Ask the following statements based on motivational interviewing techniques in order to help people take ownership to make the change you want to see.”

Here are the statements Chu suggests, with their intents:

  1. “I’m curious why you are not wearing a mask” (gathering information)
  2. “I see your point. What do you think about the research evidence that shows wearing a mask can significantly reduce chance of infection? Are you concerned about your health and your family’s?” (showing empathy, indicating facts and care, prompting thoughts)
  3. “What are the costs and benefits for you to wear a mask?” (understanding any perceived barriers and getting them to analyze the fact that there are more benefits than costs)
  4. “What would you do after this conversation in order to make this a habit during these times?” (helping them put thoughts into actions and take ownership instead of being enforced to do so)
Stage 4: Are You Effing Kidding Me?!?

This is when you’re really pissed — you’ve got to say something.

While Chu doesn’t recommend confronting strangers about face mask-wearing in public, he does suggest that a similar conversation could happen in, say, a Walmart checkout line provided it begin with unrelated chit-chat — the weather, a deal on cereal, etc.

“If, after two-to-three back-and-forths, you can tell the person is not aggressive, if they seem friendly and welcoming, you could bring it up with the motivational interview,” Chu says. “But if they’re not interested in a conversation, I wouldn’t mention it.”

Stage 5: Go F*&# Yourself!

Here, the person seems to willfully be endangering those around them, your anger is appropriately ballistic. Just as you’d scream at a driver doing 100 MPH in a school zone, you’re going to scream at the person not wearing a face mask when you’re standing in line because you’re in line with your kids and elderly people.

If you’ve tried the softer approach and hit a wall of willful ignorance or downright anger, get help. If you’re in a store, inform customer service — the on-site manager or another employee should enforce the business’s rules a la “no shirt, no shoes, no service.” As much legal right as the person may have outside the store to flout mask-wearing, inside it’s the store’s right to refuse them.

If a person is blatantly putting others at risk, you’ve tried the above tactics, and you’re not in a business setting, and want to get a message across, go for it. Let loose a salvo of swear words. Sometimes, you just need to yell.
Articles like that were real. Lol. People really thought like that. Hell some still do

This gaslighting by the CDC was also real.

In September 2020, then-CDC Director Robert Redfield described masks as “the most important, powerful public health tool we have.” He claimed masks provided more protection against COVID-19 than vaccines would.

“The evidence is clear,” Redfield’s successor, Rochelle Walensky, insisted in November 2021, when she averred that wearing a mask “reduc(es) your chance of infection by more than 80%.” Three months later, the CDC claimed a study it published had shown that “wearing a mask lowered the odds of testing positive” by as much as 83%.

These statements were based on two sources of evidence with widely recognized drawbacks: laboratory experiments in stylized conditions and observational studies that do not fully account for variables that affect virus transmission. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are designed to avoid those problems by comparing disease rates among subjects randomly assigned to wear masks in real-life situations with disease rates in a control group.
Only time o wear one at work is if I have a cough or there is something going around.

Many people around here don’t give a single flying f*** about any other human being and will just go about their day as normal unless they are so sick they don’t have the energy to show up.

We’re not a speciality clinic, we don't treat people for flu and stuff like that. Keep your ass away from here if you’re sick.
Some people have bills and not much sick time
Here is another weak controlled by politics sheep. What the hell does the government have to do with masks in 2023?

2-3 years ago the government was about to force experimental vaccines on people at the expense of their jobs, ruined them for not complying with mask policies that turned out to have no benefit, was ruining small business, was ruining the mental health and education of kids long past the point when it was known they should have been in school. Ruined the economy by having to print trillions to pay for the damage I just described. Infringed on personal freedom in too many ways to list here. Shaming people for not complying with a bunch of shit that turned out to be all wrong.

But I guess since none of this is in 2023, the facts I just listed are politicized, huh?

It’s scary, and unbelievable, to think there is still anybody left who defends it. Yet here you are.
2-3 years ago the government was about to force experimental vaccines on people at the expense of their jobs, ruined them for not complying with mask policies that turned out to have no benefit, was ruining small business, was ruining the mental health and education of kids long past the point when it was known they should have been in school. Ruined the economy by having to print trillions to pay for the damage I just described. Infringed on personal freedom in too many ways to list here. Shaming people for not complying with a bunch of shit that turned out to be all wrong.

But I guess since none of this is in 2023, the facts I just listed are politicized, huh?

It’s scary, and unbelievable, to think there is still anybody left who defends it. Yet here you are.
This is why they politicize masks and everything else. That’s how they control these mindless sheep. They’re still whining about Covid in 2023 and shitting on people who wear masks. Again, these are the people who call others snowflakes.

Literally no one here defended anything besides others people right to wear a mask if they so choose. LOL at these crybaby snowflakes melting down. Seek a safe space or a teddy bear, should make you feel better.

I am sorry they forced Trump’s operation warp speed vaccine on you, that must have been awful.
Proudly remain unvaccinated, and haven't worn a mask since my doctor's office stopped requiring them. That was the only place I ever wore a mask at all - and even then it was a fully breathable FakeMaskUSA one.

In terms of mask usage today, very rarely do I see them around Louisville. A few people at the grocery here and there. Generally older people or younger stereotypical libs with loudly colorful hair. Generally, it seems people finally caught on that wearing a cut-up t-shirt/bandana over your face does little more than make you sweat and look silly...but to each their own.
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Proudly remain unvaccinated, and haven't worn a mask since my doctor's office stopped requiring them. That was the only place I ever wore a mask at all - and even then it was a fully breathable FakeMaskUSA one.

In terms of mask usage today, very rarely do I see them around Louisville. A few people at the grocery here and there. Generally older people or younger stereotypical libs with loudly colorful hair. Generally, it seems people finally caught on that wearing a cut-up t-shirt/bandana over your face does little more than make you sweat and look silly...but to each their own.
You have no idea why anyone wears a mask. They could have medical issues but you’re so are up with your politics you choose to judge others. Again, these people are weak mindless sheep crying about masks. Masks that have zero effect on their lives yet they chose to cry about people wearing them.

Imagine getting your feelings hurt but cancer partients, transplant recipients, and immunocompromised people wearing masks.
I’ll occasionally see a senior citizen at Kroger wearing a mask. And I was in several airports in February and again in June. Saw multiple adults and a few kids wearing them. Other than that, no.

I no longer keep one in my car. All mine have been washed and stowed away until the next global pandemic comes along.
I just remember the good old days of seeing people in their car by themselves wearing a mask. Fun times.
As someone in the food manufacturing industry, sometimes you get so used to your PPE you just forget to take it off after work. I've stopped at the store after work with my hairnet still on many times. Wouldn't be surprised if that's all this was.
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I work in a building with 100- 200 people. Only one still wears a mask, and she wears it incorrectly(under the nose). Ive never seen her talk to anyone so at this point, I think she's just extremely introverted, and the mask is a way of telling people she's not interested in coversation.
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As someone in the food manufacturing industry, sometimes you get so used to your PPE you just forget to take it off after work. I've stopped at the store after work with my hairnet still on many times. Wouldn't be surprised if that's all this was.
During COVID I'd sometimes listen to a local sports radio guy and remember him saying when picking his son up from school that his son once kept his mask on in the car. After several seconds the dad told him he could take his mask off and he did. The radio host said his son had gotten used to it during school and just sorta forgot it was on after getting into the car. I think sometimes people want to label someone as this or that or call them names from a distance. The reality is for a lot of people masking wasn't really that big of a deal and yeah, sometimes you just forgot the thing was on. There doesn't always have to be an agenda.

I never truly understood the stubborn aggression Americans had for and against wearing a mask. Personally, I think people used the mask as a way to be dicks to each other, as if we needed another reason, but we used it anyway and unfortunately still do.
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I think a problem with it for kids is that some got used to it and then didn’t want to take them off, that’s not “normal” to just walk around in a mask at 10.

Another thing with kids, is they got so scared and worried now some don’t want to take it off because they think they’ll get sick and die.

Either way, not good or normal for a society to be walking around wearing masks.

It also leads to people walking in stores and stealing a bunch of stuff and running out and no one can identify them. If I owned a store, especially a grocery or convenient store, I would have a no mask rule.

If you’re not willing to take it off go somewhere else. Bleeds into the you have the right to serve or not serve whoever you want thread.
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