Disappointed thus far in Leary's accuracy


Oct 29, 2004
I expected him to be very accurate throwing the ball but not so far. Still very early, of course, but everyone raved about his accuracy but haven't seen it.

Horsey injury hurts. Quick ref whistle cost us 7. FG kicker looks darn good. Defense has looked better as the game has worn on.

About what I expected from a first game. Wondering if Leary is just a little rusty or nervous. Hope he looks better in the second half.
The pick stemmed from a bad low snap that he had to get off his shoelaces and it screwed the timing on the quick slant….bad decision to try to force it after.

The really bad accuracy throw that irritated me was missing Dane on the delayed slant/drag in the endzone. He had him wide open and he put too much zip on it and lead way too much
Why have we abandoned throwing the ball over the middle 3rd of the field since the first series?

Coen is trying to force the ball to the sideline and the Ball St DC has shut that down with his decent CB’s.

Not enough positive yardage on 1st down and just 2/6 on 3rd down. That’s not going to cut it!!!

The O-Line has been decent except for Jager’s bad snaps.

Hopefully Coen makes some great adjustments to help Leary.
The pick stemmed from a bad low snap that he had to get off his shoelaces and it screwed the timing on the quick slant….bad decision to try to force it after.

The really bad accuracy throw that irritated me was missing Dane on the delayed slant/drag in the endzone. He had him wide open and he put too much zip on it and lead way too much
Right on both counts. Others seemed to be out of sync with WR
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Leary is rattled by standing behind the worst Oline in Power 5 Football
His center can’t snap
His running backs have no holes to run through
Tight ends haven’t been used in pass game
Just a absolute dumpster fire upfront
One common denominator YESNER
By biggest issue is he has thrown a few deep routes out of bounds.....a good accurate QB keeps balls in field of play. AR15 is the kind of QB that is that innacurate....Leary needs to clean that up.
His history says this game, so far, is unusual. First game with a new team and system. First game back from injury. Let’s give him a few more games.
My worry is the injury has derailed many an athlete before and will again. He doesn’t look sharp at all though. Hope it’s just rust.
Did no one notice he was 10 of 11 in second half? He quit forcing it and taking what he was given. Stopped pressing. Missed a lot of time last year. Had some rust.
I did notice and agree with your comments. He looked much more comfortable in the 2nd half.
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Leary is rattled by standing behind the worst Oline in Power 5 Football
His center can’t snap
His running backs have no holes to run through
Tight ends haven’t been used in pass game
Just a absolute dumpster fire upfront
One common denominator YESNER
"Worst Oline in Power 5 Football" "Center can't snap" "dumpster fire" - you really think that is a fair characterization of what you saw today? SMH
I’m pretty sure that he hasn’t had played in a while. So he started out rusty, that’s completely understandable. Expecting big improvement next game.
I don’t think it’s an arm talent issue at least from what I’ve seen. But he is not an n sync with his receivers. No one is on the same page. Very fixable
Several times I saw him throw to spots when scrambling, RB drop offs, etc. and the guy went the other way. So I definitely there were a bit of nerves running a new system, guys not being on the same page, and him throwing on the run at times.

I will say, he was lights out accurate at NC State and all practice reports say the same thing. So I am not worried one bit.
Several times I saw him throw to spots when scrambling, RB drop offs, etc. and the guy went the other way. So I definitely there were a bit of nerves running a new system, guys not being on the same page, and him throwing on the run at times.

I will say, he was lights out accurate at NC State and all practice reports say the same thing. So I am not worried one bit.
Agreed. I think he will be just fine. Now if we're well into the EKU game and he is still struggling, then I'll start to worry.
I expected him to be very accurate throwing the ball but not so far. Still very early, of course, but everyone raved about his accuracy but haven't seen it.

Horsey injury hurts. Quick ref whistle cost us 7. FG kicker looks darn good. Defense has looked better as the game has worn on.

About what I expected from a first game. Wondering if Leary is just a little rusty or nervous. Hope he looks better in the second half.
Leary's accuracy was fine yesterday. On the interception, the receiver appeared to break in the wrong direction. Let's not so easily blow off the fact that Leary missed most of last season with an injury. He looked pretty good to me yesterday. Give the guy a few snaps to shake off the rust before leaping to judgment.
Leary's accuracy was fine yesterday. On the interception, the receiver appeared to break in the wrong direction. Let's not so easily blow off the fact that Leary missed most of last season with an injury. He looked pretty good to me yesterday. Give the guy a few snaps to shake off the rust before leaping to judgment.
Well, first half he was 8-20 so not sure that's 'fine'. Not all on him, admittedly, but did miss a couple of shorter throws. Much, much better in the 2nd half so absolutely not pushing the panic button or anything like that. More than likely a rust/comfort in new scheme thing rather than the injury has messed up his accuracy, imo.

I was also curious as to why we threw long so often instead of PA and working the middle of the field, but I know LC knows infinitely more football than I do.
I expected him to be very accurate throwing the ball but not so far. Still very early, of course, but everyone raved about his accuracy but haven't seen it.

Horsey injury hurts. Quick ref whistle cost us 7. FG kicker looks darn good. Defense has looked better as the game has worn on.

About what I expected from a first game. Wondering if Leary is just a little rusty or nervous. Hope he looks better in the second half.
Went and watched a couple of his games against Clemson so I'm giving this game as a mulligan. He will certainly have to be more accurate going forward, but I blame most of this on schemes and the still hardheadness of the staff for nit using the middle of the field.
I was also curious as to why we threw long so often instead of PA and working the middle of the field, but I know LC knows infinitely more football than I do.
I have to imagine that some of the confusing play calls or alignments are just the staff trying to figure out what we can do. Leary has been hyped up for his short and intermediate throws, so maybe the long balls were just to try and see what he could do in-game and get some film for him and his receivers. Just speculation, but we have two great WRs, and it makes sense we throw long and practice that. Brown especially can burn DBs and Key can get the jump balls with the best of them. I'm happy we're practicing the deep bombs.
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QBs coming off injuries more often than not are always a little shaky, especially when they're in a new situation with new coaches, teammates, playbook, etc...

Also, I don't think our first 3 games of the season are ever an indicator of what's what and who's who...unfortunately.

Ball State and EKU are mediocre mid major teams at best. Akron may be an even worse indicator as they won about 2 games last year.

It's why I've always been an advocate of scheduling a better-quality opponent for the first or second OOC, not necessarily a top 20 opponent but someone who can give us a good look, who requires using a bit more of the playbook, who the players really have to focus, prep, and show up for.

First or second week of October isn't the time to be finding out where some kinks are and how we're going to be against mid to upper tier P5 opponents.

Let's find that out week 1 or 2 then hit the film, drawing board, practice hard and try everything again and fine tune against a Lake Erie region commuter school the next week.
Well, first half he was 8-20 so not sure that's 'fine'. Not all on him, admittedly, but did miss a couple of shorter throws. Much, much better in the 2nd half so absolutely not pushing the panic button or anything like that. More than likely a rust/comfort in new scheme thing rather than the injury has messed up his accuracy, imo.

I was also curious as to why we threw long so often instead of PA and working the middle of the field, but I know LC knows infinitely more football than I do.
It did seem that they tried to force the ball downfield more than I expected. I thought the book on Leary was that his bread and butter was the play action intermediate routes. Didn't use the TE much either. All that being said I thought he had a decent first game, his decision making seemed fine and should improve with reps.

We just didn't have the ball enough to get an accurate read on a lot of things.
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