
My problem with Cal is that he refuses to make adjustments, in-game and before game. A&M used the exact same game plan that beat the Cats earlier this year. Nothing changed. They drove the lane, got open 3s, etc.. This gives all teams a blueprint. Our bigs just can't handle a physical team. What I wouldn't give right now to have Bam in the middle.
Kentucky’s problem at the start of the season was Defense. Kentucky’s problem heading into the NCAA tournament is still Defense. No adjustments from the $9,00,000 Coach. A change in leadership would be cheered.
I bet all you guys went to schools where each grade had it's own teacher and room. My school was one room, eight grades and one teacher. Mom knew the teacher and got me in early so I was always the smallest and youngest kid in my class and for a while in the whole school. I hated that.
I bet all you guys went to schools where each grade had it's own teacher and room. My school was one room, eight grades and one teacher. Mom knew the teacher and got me in early so I was always the smallest and youngest kid in my class and for a while in the whole school. I hated that.
Good morning D-League. Selection Sunday! Maybe not the thrill it once was, but still an interesting day. So many upsets yesterday. All the Top teams lost since Friday except UConn. That just suggests to me that the difference between the 40th best team and the Top Five teams isn't all that great in the days of the portal when everyone has a chance to construct a squad out of fifth year 23-year olds.

For casual fans this will probably make for another "exciting" tournament. For historically Elite program fans, I'm not sure the gap between the Haves and the Have Nots has ever been thinner. Look at NC State. Very mediocre season. Way outside the dance last Thursday. Then they win five games in a row, including over Duke and UNC. I'm not sure what seed they get, but a team capable of beating those two teams back-to-back (along with Virginia) is capable of beating anyone.

Ah well, we'll just have to see how it unfolds.

Hope you all have a good Sunday.
I bet all you guys went to schools where each grade had it's own teacher and room. My school was one room, eight grades and one teacher. Mom knew the teacher and got me in early so I was always the smallest and youngest kid in my class and for a while in the whole school. I hated that.
Bernie, I went to a school that had maybe 400 students from 1st through 12th, all in same building. I started in the 2nd grade, and was still a bit of a Johnny-come-lately when we were seniors.

Most of the others had been together since 1st grade. Classes would start with around 40-45 kids as 1st graders and -- in those days -- end up with about 20-25 seniors graduating. We had our 50th reunion this fall. Outside of about five who had died all but one or two showed up. I think I was the only one who had to travel more than 15 minutes to reach the venue.
Your so young................ 😉 🤣I bet you still don't have any gray hair......


Only for a couple days after My Darling cuts my hair... 😁

I bet all you guys went to schools where each grade had it's own teacher and room. My school was one room, eight grades and one teacher. Mom knew the teacher and got me in early so I was always the smallest and youngest kid in my class and for a while in the whole school. I hated that.


For the most part yes but,

For my third grade year my Mom and Dad moved us back from Michigan to Cumberland Gap. (We lived in the top of the old gas station nearly across the street.) (Some who drive through there may see the historic one room school. I was in the last class before they closed that school. Each row of desks in the same one room was a different grade. Went to the seventh grade as I remember...

Also played on the Iron Furnace in the Gap and the water wheel a lot while I was there about a year. Remember a huge snake had died wrapped around that water wheel. It looked ten feet long but I was about 8 or 9 at the time...

Walked the train tunnel to the Y so many times. Me and my Daisy repeater BB gun...

Just some trivia... ;)
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Afternoon D, man I hate Auburn!!!!! I said I would let you know about the Shrimp pasta after I made it, it is awesome!!!!! So here is the recipe.

Shrimp pasta
1-box rotini noodles cooked
1-container of mayo (use more or less, up to your taste)
1-bottle Hidden Valley Ranch dressing
Garlic powder > adjust to your taste
Tajin seasoning > again adjust to your taste
Use 1-2 bags of large or medium shrimp, precooked, deveined, tails off shrimp thawed and cut in half
1-package of imitation lobster chunks or crabmeat (use real if you got it

Mix half the mayo and half the ranch dressing, add the garlic and tajin seasoning to your taste and mix well, then add the shrimp and lobster meat and let overnight. The next day add the other half of the mayo and ranch dressing. This makes quite a bit of salad, will be great to take to a party or get together, hope you enjoy it if you make it. Let me know what you think.
Bernie, I went to a school that had maybe 400 students from 1st through 12th, all in same building. I started in the 2nd grade, and was still a bit of a Johnny-come-lately when we were seniors.

Most of the others had been together since 1st grade. Classes would start with around 40-45 kids as 1st graders and -- in those days -- end up with about 20-25 seniors graduating. We had our 50th reunion this fall. Outside of about five who had died all but one or two showed up. I think I was the only one who had to travel more than 15 minutes to reach the venue.
I went to Park City. In the twelve grades there were 700 kids.

It was fantastic. The greatest childhood a boy could have. I dated all the pretty girls. I was the president of my class every other year. The other guy was David Wood. Plus I was the ugliest guy in class. How does that work?

4 years ago we had our 55th and I organized it. We had a great time even though many of us are now missing.

In this picture there are only 17 of us. We started out as 51. I am the ugly guy with Neva Alexander's hand on my shoulder (Neva died last year).
UK should be able to get through their bracket and more IF the coach, coaches, or let's his team play....

MAN, wouldn't it be surreal IF Cal started Reed and Dilly during THIS tournament???? Just stupid to dream about...
I'm a little superstitious because Barkley picked UK to go to the Final 4 the past 2 years and now Kellogg is picking them this year. Break the chain Cats.
I'm a little superstitious because Barkley picked UK to go to the Final 4 the past 2 years and now Kellogg is picking them this year. Break the chain Cats.

Yeah Ole Barkley who I quasi like (Not that it matters what I like.) Can't seem to stay within reason, he has to jump out and make seriously stupid comments. Seems just to remain relevant. Still waiting to hear about him slapping someone.... when he catches them wearing it...
I went to Park City. In the twelve grades there were 700 kids.

It was fantastic. The greatest childhood a boy could have. I dated all the pretty girls. I was the president of my class every other year. The other guy was David Wood. Plus I was the ugliest guy in class. How does that work?

4 years ago we had our 55th and I organized it. We had a great time even though many of us are now missing.

In this picture there are only 17 of us. We started out as 51. I am the ugly guy with Neva Alexander's hand on my shoulder (Neva died last year).
No eye doctors in the area back then?:p
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Good morning from Burbach, Germany. Time now is 12:39 AM. Temperature outside is is 45°F (7 C°). Weather forecast looks good for Siegerland for next few days. I'm really gonna check out my old haunt this week.

- Jet lag kicking my butt. Me drinking 4 beers last night probably has not helped. Spilled beer all over computer. Heh, still works. Internet Service Provider (ISP) here at brother's place all in German. Good connectivity. My individual hot spot (4G) not working. Smart phone hot spot works great.

Also wearing long johns. Former brother in-law running heat on low (wood pellet stove) to conserve energy, but room temperature maybe 60°F. It's all good. @cordmaker : my former brother in-law still works for Dynanit Nobel in explosives.

- Visited with several folks last night here at bro's place. Good seeing everybody. Many more folks left to visit. Have not yet seen son and granddaughter. I ran outta gas before our meet-up. Had to lie down. Just exhausted after past few days. Only slept an hour on the flight.

- Happy with UK as a 3-seed. Could have been worse. Let's hope they beat Oakland. Go Cats!

Check back with y'all later.

Here you go, cordmaker. Tallest building in NYC. Snapped photo coming into Newark. Airport totally sucks a huge one. TSA threatened to arrest me there. More later.

Good morning from Burbach, Germany. Time now is 12:39 AM. Temperature outside is is 45°F (7 C°). Weather forecast looks good for Siegerland for next few days. I'm really gonna check out my old haunt this week.

- Jet lag kicking my butt. Me drinking 4 beers last night probably has not helped. Spilled beer all over computer. Heh, still works. Internet Service Provider (ISP) here at brother's place all in German. Good connectivity. My individual hot spot (4G) not working. Smart phone hot spot works great.

Also wearing long johns. Former brother in-law running heat on low (wood pellet stove) to conserve energy, but room temperature maybe 60°F. It's all good. @cordmaker : my former brother in-law still works for Dynanit Nobel in explosives.

- Visited with several folks last night here at bro's place. Good seeing everybody. Many more folks left to visit. Have not yet seen son and granddaughter. I ran outta gas before our meet-up. Had to lie down. Just exhausted after past few days. Only slept an hour on the flight.

- Happy with UK as a 3-seed. Could have been worse. Let's hope they beat Oakland. Go Cats!

Check back with y'all later.

Here you go, cordmaker. Tallest building in NYC. Snapped photo coming into Newark. Airport totally sucks a huge one. TSA threatened to arrest me there. More later.

Thank you ATX, praying for you mostly that you just don't wear yourself completely out while you are there. Is he in the manufacturing part where he works, making the dect-cord?
After saying they (MIL and BIL) were going to move to Florida last May and again in October and again in November and again in December and again in January and again in at the end of February , they have finally started actually packing up their stuff this past week, and need me to help them move their stuff to a storage bin on Thursday, so they can clean up their apartment on Friday, and then load a Uhaul/Penski (which ever one they get) on Saturday to leave on Sunday. Whew!

Problem is, both have bad backs so my wife will take a couple of days off and with my daughter help me move their stuff and clean the apartment. Of course they would actually start the process during NCAA tournament time. :mad:

For the sake of my sanity however...I'll take it. I have already told my wife that we will drive separate to their apartment to help them on Thursday and Saturday (provided we get past Thursday) so that I can leave to get back to the house for the games.
After saying they (MIL and BIL) were going to move to Florida last May and again in October and again in November and again in December and again in January and again in at the end of February , they have finally started actually packing up their stuff this past week, and need me to help them move their stuff to a storage bin on Thursday, so they can clean up their apartment on Friday, and then load a Uhaul/Penski (which ever one they get) on Saturday to leave on Sunday. Whew!

Problem is, both have bad backs so my wife will take a couple of days off and with my daughter help me move their stuff and clean the apartment. Of course they would actually start the process during NCAA tournament time. :mad:

For the sake of my sanity however...I'll take it. I have already told my wife that we will drive separate to their apartment to help them on Thursday and Saturday (provided we get past Thursday) so that I can leave to get back to the house for the games.
Congratulations! But I advise you to be cautious around your wife. Don't let your giddiness show too much.
Good morning folks.

Satisfied with the Cats' draw. But when I start looking deeply into the teams, I think chaos will prevail again. If you played the 2023 tournament over again with the same draw one week after it ended, I doubt any of the same teams make the Final Four. The margin of error is just really slim and lots and lots of teams have decent players. I was watching VCU and Duquense yesterday. Twenty years ago those teams would consist of regional high school kids passed over by bigger universities. Now they have portal transfers from Power Conference schools and players from professional European leagues. It's a crap shoot -- who gets hot, gets a few breaks, catches a team on a cold night.

Heading to Kentucky this weekend, so if the Cats advance Thursday I'll get to watch one game with my father and brothers.

Back to the Monday morning grind. You all take care and have a good day.
Just a few weeks til Play Ball. I started going to games at Crosley Field in Cincy in the mid-1960s.

But I had an uncle who gave me his collection of 1950s baseball cards. So, from my collection, this is for you older fellows to remember the way baseball used to be. How'd you like to build a team around these four?
Just a few weeks til Play Ball. I started going to games at Crosley Field in Cincy in the mid-1960s.

But I had an uncle who gave me his collection of 1950s baseball cards. So, from my collection, this is for you older fellows to remember the way baseball used to be. How'd you like to build a team around these four?
Stan was my hero growing up. IMO he doesn't get the respect he deserves. Bill James (the father of sabermetrics) in one ten year period ranks Stan the best player in the NL 8 times, second once and in the WW2 Navy the other time.

Edit to add for a couple of you guys, he was good friends with John Wayne.
Congratulations! But I advise you to be cautious around your wife. Don't let your giddiness show too much.
Not a problem really. She is here practically every weekend, and they argue over most things. Her mother is a contrarian and loves to argue. It drives my wife crazy so, she stays in the kitchen and dining room most of the time with her brother while her mother sits in the living room controlling what's on TV. If she does not like what I am watching, she starts complaining so I just leave and let my wife pick something out for her. I spend a lot of time in the bedroom watching the tube while she is here. Especially if UK is playing. She will start talking about how good the other team looks if UK is losing.

Morning Legionnaires!

35° this morning with light winds. Low 70's in store for the high today and moderate winds. Tomorrow more of the same. May try to fish some tomorrow before the busy weekend.

Still fighting Plantar Fasciitis so my leg workouts are tempered a bit. However, walking the monster is still a must as she lets me know that she needs it.

Have to get rid of an old rollaway basketball goal and some other old items today to clear out an area to park BIL's car until he decides what he wants to do in relation to Florida. He has stated he may come back in a few months and stay with us if he does not like it there. If he decides to stay there, he will fly back here and get his car to take back. Told them before that I would drive the Uhaul truck for them and he could drive his car to Florida. I think he wants an out (a reason to return) if things don't work out there because he will be in a house with his estranged Father, one of his other sisters, her two daughters and of course his mother who has lived with him since he was born (he is now 36 years old). Busy day coming.

You folks relax if you can or stay safe if you are out there grinding today and God Bless.
Good morning folks.

Cold but lovely in the east. The cherry blossoms are out in Washington —always a spectacular sight.

I had a cool dream after going to sleep thinking about the upcoming tournament. The Cats were closing out a win to go to the Final Four over DUKE and I turned to someone and said “Reed and his daddy both went to the Final Four beating Duke! That’s amazing!” Then I woke up.

To be clear, I have no track record of dreaming things then have them come true. But it is a happy thought to hold onto for now.

I hope you all have a good day.

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