D-League: Got to keep up that Fast Paste Edition

Weird Monday night. My ex calls me out of the blue. Seems like she and her new guy had a huge fight. And now she realizes she touched up by divorcing me. Too late, baby. YOU wanted that, not me! All I can do is play you a song. Glenn Lewis.

Don't you forget it
Stick to the 4 S's.

String her along.
Set up a date.
Stand her up.
Send her a pic of you railing some 25 year old.
Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Stick to the 4 S's.

String her along.
Set up a date.
Stand her up.
Send her a pic of you railing some 25 year old.
Living well is the best revenge. She's miserable...I'm. not.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by Desperado_1955:
I guess the loss of tittay updates by Mav will haunt me forever. What's the last one of the grieving process....acceptance?
Brother here's one final tittay update for ya...


T'was a helluva ride but, alas, in the immortal words of Tom Cruise in Cocktail, "everything ends badly, otherwise it wouldn't end"
Mav, you've saved my life, man. I'm forever in your debt......right after I stare at this for a few years.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

- Awesome commentaries, KS, especially on guarding the pick and roll, potential returning players and other needed tweaks.

- I'm flying into Atlanta on 4/16 in the evening. Spending a few hours in CatLanta, then taking a late-nite bus to Knoxville. Daughter plans to pick me up later in the afternoon of 4/17. Renting a U-Haul on 4/18 in Middlesboro to move my mom's stuff on 4/19.

- Rock on, D-League.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by AustinTXCat:
- Awesome commentaries, KS, especially on guarding the pick and roll, potential returning players and other needed tweaks.

- I'm flying into Atlanta on 4/16 in the evening. Spending a few hours in CatLanta, then taking a late-nite bus to Knoxville. Daughter plans to pick me up later in the afternoon of 4/17. Renting a U-Haul on 4/18 in Middlesboro to move my mom's stuff on 4/19.

- Rock on, D-League.
Safe Travels Austin.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by AustinTXCat:
- Awesome commentaries, KS, especially on guarding the pick and roll, potential returning players and other needed tweaks.

- I'm flying into Atlanta on 4/16 in the evening. Spending a few hours in CatLanta, then taking a late-nite bus to Knoxville. Daughter plans to pick me up later in the afternoon of 4/17. Renting a U-Haul on 4/18 in Middlesboro to move my mom's stuff on 4/19.

- Rock on, D-League.
Give Middlesbur my best.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Q: Wanna know how you can know that everyone thinks you have narrowly-set eyes?

A: When they look at a pic like this...


...and the only thing they're thinking is you're a touching dork. That's how.

Here's the original:

Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Forget about Senator. Forget about dog catcher. I say we go all in and prop willy up for a run at POTUS in 2016. In addition to our standard "federal legal weed" and "good times for all" platform policies...I have the perfect foreign policy strategy...

Willy's 2016 POTUS Campaign Foreign Policy

Instead of sending foreign aid to arab countries like the US has done for decades...we will instead start sending prostitutes to these countries on the federal dime. I haven't run all of the numbers yet but preliminary figures say we could cut the amount of money sent to these countries at least in half...probably more.

No more billions of US tax payers' dollars spent fruitlessly in foreign aid which is squandered by the corrupt heads of state in these countries. Instead...we pay women from all over the globe to go and have sex with the common men in the general population in these countries. All you have to do is denounce jihad sex. This will directly combat the "40 virgins in heaven" recruiting tactic by radical muslims who promote jihad. And at our newly constructed "Free Sex Clinics" set up throughout the Middle East we will have an ongoing Guns for BJ's campaign. For each gun you turn get a free BJ. Turn in a Toyota pickup truck with a machine gun jimmy-rigged to the bed of the truck and you get 3 free BJ's. Turn in a grenade launcher and you get a threesome. And so on...

Shine your shoes and put on your Sunday best, willy...we goin' to the White House.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by Kaizer Sosay:

Shine your shoes and put on your Sunday best, willy...we goin' to the White House.
With a platform, we can't lose. Which could lead to the D League to being in the oil game. With the D League focused on the global oil market, we can pretty much diversify our abilities in other countries' affairs.

Splendid Middle East foreign policy....
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Hey willy...I may have missed a previous post already covering the subject...but how was the dance show on Saturday night? Had to have been better than the ish show the rest of us watched on the tube.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by AustinTXCat:

- I'm flying into Atlanta on 4/16 in the evening. Spending a few hours in CatLanta, then taking a late-nite bus to Knoxville. Daughter plans to pick me up later in the afternoon of 4/17. Renting a U-Haul on 4/18 in Middlesboro to move my mom's stuff on 4/19.
I am bitterly disappointed. I simply refuse to believe you're not riding your bike from Texas to Georgia and pulling a trailer filled with exotic bottled waters and little-known-but-tasty beers from around the world.

Please tell me you're riding your bike ATC. Please. I need to believe it. Lie to me if you have to.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by Kaizer Sosay:
Hey willy...I may have missed a previous post already covering the subject...but how was the dance show on Saturday night? Had to have been better than the ish show the rest of us watched on the tube.
It was Pilobolus. They only go to select places in the U.S. It was pretty amazing. They did the first dance recital basically re-creating the moment where God creates Adam and Eve. truly was amazing. They did some other dances that themed around "aging". If you ever get a chance to go, I'd go. I did make the whole 2nd half. Something seemed off as I watching it. Started to get that "oh shit" feeling around the last 6 minute mark.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by Willy4UK:
It was Pilobolus...They did the first dance recital basically re-creating the moment where God creates Adam and Eve.
Re-creating the orgies when the Giants of the Nephilim mated with Lilith and her succubi friends would have been even better
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by AustinTXCat:

- I'm flying into Atlanta on 4/16 in the evening. Spending a few hours in CatLanta, then taking a late-nite bus to Knoxville. Daughter plans to pick me up later in the afternoon of 4/17. Renting a U-Haul on 4/18 in Middlesboro to move my mom's stuff on 4/19.
I am bitterly disappointed. I simply refuse to believe you're not riding your bike from Texas to Georgia and pulling a trailer filled with exotic bottled waters and little-known-but-tasty beers from around the world.

Please tell me you're riding your bike ATC. Please. I need to believe it. Lie to me if you have to.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Originally posted by Kaizer Sosay:
Hey willy...I may have missed a previous post already covering the subject...but how was the dance show on Saturday night? Had to have been better than the ish show the rest of us watched on the tube.
It was Pilobolus. They only go to select places in the U.S. It was pretty amazing. They did the first dance recital basically re-creating the moment where God creates Adam and Eve. truly was amazing. They did some other dances that themed around "aging". If you ever get a chance to go, I'd go. I did make the whole 2nd half. Something seemed off as I watching it. Started to get that "oh shit" feeling around the last 6 minute mark.
Will do. Just so long as the show doesn't roll into Kaizerville in March/April.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by Willy4UK:
It was Pilobolus...They did the first dance recital basically re-creating the moment where God creates Adam and Eve.
Re-creating the orgies when the Giants of the Nephilim mated with Lilith and her succubi friends would have been even better
haahaha obviously I missed the wrong show Mav. hahaha

KS- Yeah- mentally noted, right?
I really hate it that duke won it this year. But since I swore off all media, it won't bother me as much. We do need a 3 year run to get us tied with ucla. These final fours are great and all, but I don't wanna a Tom Izzo resume. Man, I have no idea how we got beat other than we gave up on the latter part of the season.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:

I really hate it that duke won it this year. But since I swore off all media, it won't bother me as much. We do need a 3 year run to get us tied with ucla. These final fours are great and all, but I don't wanna a Tom Izzo resume. Man, I have no idea how we got beat other than we gave up on the latter part of the season.
This. NO CLUE. Working from home today.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Hey Willy, may I use your quote about "permanence" as my new sig?
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Willy, what is your stance on foreign policy?

- Uh, prostitutes for all.

*crowd goes wild*

What about gun control?

- Simple. Guns for BJ's.

*crowd stampedes to the streets carrying Willy to the White House*
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by maverick1:
Hey Willy, may I use your quote about "permanence" as my new sig?
Mav-Hell yes brother. Matter of fact, I'd let you kick me in the balls too. It would be an honor. Seriously.

Mash- Here are a few of the little platforms I am ushering out.

-No to pageant babies. Babies don't need to be whored up. They'll have plenty of time for that when they're 18.

-Rainwater for California. I'm gonna have the entire U.S collect their rain water for California.

- The issue of "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas". I bring forth the idea to do both. "Happy Merry Holidays & Christmas".
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Woman logic 101. When our last baby was born we switched to dye-free, perfume-free laundry soap, because screw those other two kids. All fine and dandy right? Except now we still get the perfume free stuff but pour a giant cap full of the stuff pictured below. It dissolves in the water/detergent, is tinted blue and smells like a concentrated Dutch tulipgarten. It makes my brain hurt.

I know the feeling. That shit is highly concentrated. Use too much and the smell of some kind of floral arrangement burns into your nostrils. And it won't go away. Headaches ensue.. whew.. Eff that new age hippie laundry soap.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by Kaizer Sosay:
The D-League: A quasi-tradition that don't never be like none other.
damn skippy
Is it possible that blue detergent equates to bluish toilet soft lid shit?

Ugg, still so upset with my coach, plus 7 boys leaving. Shoot me now
This is one of the easiest mysteries to solve in the history of mystery solving...

Funkycat not only bleeds blue...he pisses blue as well. And, much to Mrs. Funkycat's dismay, he usually forgets to put the toilet seat up. Boom! Mystery solved. Scooby-Doo and that ragtag bunch of meddling kids ain't got shit on me.
Re: D-League: Time for Nine Edition

Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Originally posted by maverick1:
Hey Willy, may I use your quote about "permanence" as my new sig?
Mav-Hell yes brother. Matter of fact, I'd let you kick me in the balls too. It would be an honor. Seriously.