Cindog Go Fund Me


Jan 2, 2011
hey folks
First I want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving
As you all know ...we have a thread for Cindog already going and so many of you have expressed your prayers and condolences for Cindy and her family. Those were greatly appreciated
It was suggested in that thread that we create a new one for this fundraising effort
Cindy’s sister, Angela, created the GoFund Me at the suggestion of @BBUK and myself. So she did but only set the amount at $1000.00. Cindy’s family has very little and Cindy herself had nothing because of her illness. The service was three times that amount
We’ve nearly hit the original goal but I’m hoping that the BBN can do more for one of our own
Here is the link...if you can give anything at all the family would be truly grateful.
Thank you all
hey folks
First I want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving
As you all know ...we have a thread for Cindog already going and so many of you have expressed your prayers and condolences for Cindy and her family. Those were greatly appreciated
It was suggested in that thread that we create a new one for this fundraising effort
Cindy’s sister, Angela, created the GoFund Me at the suggestion of @BBUK and myself. So she did but only set the amount at $1000.00. Cindy’s family has very little and Cindy herself had nothing because of her illness. The service was three times that amount
We’ve nearly hit the original goal but I’m hoping that the BBN can do more for one of our own
Here is the link...if you can give anything at all the family would be truly grateful.
Thank you all
hey folks
First I want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving
As you all know ...we have a thread for Cindog already going and so many of you have expressed your prayers and condolences for Cindy and her family. Those were greatly appreciated
It was suggested in that thread that we create a new one for this fundraising effort
Cindy’s sister, Angela, created the GoFund Me at the suggestion of @BBUK and myself. So she did but only set the amount at $1000.00. Cindy’s family has very little and Cindy herself had nothing because of her illness. The service was three times that amount
We’ve nearly hit the original goal but I’m hoping that the BBN can do more for one of our own
Here is the link...if you can give anything at all the family would be truly grateful.
Thank you all
Done! Might wanna share to the Facebook groups as well! Make it go viral
Having lost both my grandpa and grandma around Christmas, it's very difficult to lose loved ones anytime of year and especially this time a year. Bump this thread, it's hard enough to lose loved ones without having an additional financial burden.
A teachable moment. Dream your dreams and do not "settle" for a small part of your desire. Ask for what you can conceive. God Bless you all...

Who'd a thunk it.....
Angela just saw it...she’s in shock and tears
I’m so proud of the BBN. And so grateful to know you all
God bless each and every one of you and thank everyone so much for your contributions
I’m blessed to be part of such an amazing group of people
God truly is Good
Angela posted this
Oh my, I am beyond shocked and overwhelmed by the generosity from all of you. I've been crying happy tears. Cindy would truly be in shock that people would be kind enough to do this for her. Thank you all so, so very much. This will pay off the entire cost of her memorial. Anything over that amount, will be put in savings accounts for her son's, and grand baby. Thank you again, this has been a true miracle for our family, especially throughout our grief.
Angela posted this
Oh my, I am beyond shocked and overwhelmed by the generosity from all of you. I've been crying happy tears. Cindy would truly be in shock that people would be kind enough to do this for her. Thank you all so, so very much. This will pay off the entire cost of her memorial. Anything over that amount, will be put in savings accounts for her son's, and grand baby. Thank you again, this has been a true miracle for our family, especially throughout our grief.

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