
Bad take Glenn. I am going to bet that you receive mail daily, all of which was printed. Packaging like cereal boxes, dog food bags, junk food bags and anything with nutritional information it have all been printed. Those things aren't going away like encyclopedias and phone books.
OK, so we know you haven't seen the original Ghostbusters.
Reading the 2nd book of Tad Williams Memory, Sorrow and Thorn trilogy. 1st book was really good but not great, but the 2nd seems to be going better.

This series was part of the inspiration for GRR Martin for Song of Ice and Fire. You can definitely see where George got lots of ideas from. I'm looking forward to the ending of the series since George is never finishing his.
Reading the 2nd book of Tad Williams Memory, Sorrow and Thorn trilogy. 1st book was really good but not great, but the 2nd seems to be going better.

This series was part of the inspiration for GRR Martin for Song of Ice and Fire. You can definitely see where George got lots of ideas from. I'm looking forward to the ending of the series since George is never finishing his.
Read all three recently. Very good trilogy although it got bogged down a little at times. The third in the series may have been the best but it is about 1100 pages long. There is also a second trilogy with the same characters placed 20-30 years further in time.
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Got 6 books off Amazon two night ago and delivered earlier today.

Endurance which was mentioned above
Into the Abyss
Lost City of Z mentioned above
Shadow Catcher (I love to read on Mexican cartels. This is an infiltration of a cartel)
Don Winslow (Neal Carey series 2 and 3) Winslow is a phenomenal writer.

Think I am going to read Into the Abyss first
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I used to read a LOT - slowly but several titles simultaneously fm 3-4 themes

"Marked for Death" - - James Hamilton Paterson

Describes the nascent aviation / aeronautics industry as it evolved during WW1

Goes fm the wright brothers historic flight & their wing design + hyper litigious stance w-trying to protect their ideas/IP to the extent NO ONE else could manufacture or produce similar craft

Hits on specific conditions existing in multiple countries as the war ignited increased demand for aircraft

They went from intending to use aircraft as surveillance for enemy movements - to countering zeppelins, taking out observation balloons, then shooting down other planes & bombing ground targets

Talks through labor conditions in England and their dependence on US street & French made aircraft engines - unsafe conditions in the factories + high drug/alcohol/suicide rates for the mostly female workers

French / Germans both lay claim to inventing the timing mech allowing machine guns facing forward and not harming the propellers

Americans first to communicate a telegraph signal fm an aircraft to a receiving ground station (1911 )

Germans adopted superior attack and ambush tactics - their brightly painted "Flying Circus" - higy effect -

Belgium had a pilot known as the best balloon-buster --- taking out enemy observation balloons was risky..... .often included anti-air fire -- and the Germans found a way to include flame throwers on theirs ---- but he was credited with eliminating 36

It said he sometimes landed his PLANE on an observation balloon as an elusive maneuver to avoid enemy aircraft

Germans first to build strong enough engines so they could add armor around the pilot cockpit - allowing a larger bomber design (brits used frying pans under their bums sometimes)

Guns often jammed, taking small toolkits up and making your own repairs was common - not unusual at all for the second flyer (observation) to hang out the plane making repairs or crawl out to the rigging/wings

The industry advanced so rapidly between 1911-1919 that its hard to comprehend -

About halfway through it - its more detailed & supply chain-engineering flavored than it is casual historical descriptions of the aircraft

Overlooked historical period
Undervalued chapter and pedigree of aircraft
The amount of money that I've saved by simply getting a library card instead of buying every book I'm interested in cannot be overstated.
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The amount of money that I've saved by simply getting a library card instead of buying every book I'm interested in cannot be overstated.
I've done the same since Covid. I check out e-books from my public library via their website. So now I read for free and don't have to worry about returning books (it's done automatically after 14 days).
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Do yourself a favor. If it says Hemingway on the spine, toss it in the trash, where it belongs.

Life is too short/precious, to waste it reading Hemingway. LOL
I feel that way about Faulkner and James Joyce, boring. The only people I know who enjoy those two were creative writing/literature majors.

I like Larry McMurtry, Kurt Vonnegut and Hunter S. Thompson among others.

Lately I've picked up on a couple of other Kentucky authors, Wendell Berry and Silas House who are both excellent.
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Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Just got to the Two Minute Hate where Winston meets O'Brien -- the beginning of the end of Winston's and Julia's minds. :(
I have heard that that book has been edited several times since his death. I'd love to get an old copy and compare it to by 90's era version and a new copy. That would be so fitting. LOL.
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I have heard that that book has been edited several times since his death. I'd love to get an old copy and compare it to by 90's era version and a new copy. That would be so fitting. LOL.

IIRC, the Harcourt's "2 + 2 = 5" (page 239) was changed to "2 + 2 = ?" in some editions for some reason. My only copy's the '86 Signet, which has "5". I'll be at Half Price Books in Hamburg Saturday morning, and if I can remember I'll check to see if any newer editions have "2 + 2 = ?" instead. :b
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IIRC, the Harcourt's "2 + 2 = 5" (page 239) was changed to "2 + 2 = ?" in some editions for some reason. My only copy's the '86 Signet, which has "5". I'll be at Half Price Books in Hamburg Saturday morning, and if I can remember I'll check to see if any newer editions have "2 + 2 = ?" instead. :b
The guy I heard talking about it acted like its been tweeked 5 or 6 times..

I did finish the Second book in Memory Sorrow and Thorn. I really like it. Better character work and the story was faster and crisper.
The guy I heard talking about it acted like its been tweeked 5 or 6 times..

I wasn't aware of that. And I forgot to stop by Half-Price Books when I was at Hamburg this morning. My memory sucks any more. XD
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"Double Whammy" by Carl Hiaasen


Thanks to a sportsman's scam that's anything but sportsmanlike, there's a body floating in Coon Bog, Florida--and a lot that's rotten in the murky waters of big-stakes, large-mouth bass tournaments.
Here Decker will team up with a half-blind, half-mad hermit with an appetite for road kill; dare to kiss his ex-wife while she's in bed with her new husband; and face deadly TV evangelists, dangerously seductive women, and a pistol-toting redneck with a pit bull on his arm.
And here his own life becomes part of the stakes. For while the "double whammy" is the lure, first prize is for the most ingenious murder.