Askew leaving UK

My only issue here is.. how the hell can Cal or any coach win here? We've talked for years about players leaving due to playing time. Askew gets all the time he can get and ample opportunity.

Guys get home sick, guys aren't playing the position they want, guys want more minutes and now guys want.. less minutes?

The only thing Cal did wrong here was seemingly recruit over him for next year. Everything else, he did right by Askew.. which proved detrimental to the program. Cal gave Askew a ton of wiggle room that most coaches wouldn't.. and while we as fans can be mad about that (as we are), Askew should be praising Cal.
The problem is, Askew thinks he's better than what he is. He was rated as a 5* in the top 12 in his original class and when you get that kind of ranking and you get the keys to run a program like UK, you aren't going to settle for anything less than a starting role.

The only way Askew was going to stay here, is if he ate about a 55 gallon drum of humble pie. That's really tough to do.

I feel bad for him, that was a frustrating season to go through, but he's headed for a large dose of reality.
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Does this transfer drive a CARR by chance???
I think he does and no idea--all is quiet which I usually take as a good thing. Look at Grady just announcing out of nowhere.

But I view the '21 team like a horrible relationship with a beautiful girl who is a terrible fit for you. You keep looking at her other suitors and who she choose you over, and you think she's so hot you want to invest everything into keeping it together despite the fact you have nothing in common, all facets of the relationship are underwhelming (keeping it PG for the kiddies) so why pretend that more time will change/help it? Move on and let them claim they dumped you--as long as you are rid of them, who gives a ****?

Ruthless Cal showing some teeth with today's announcement and about damn time.

I feel like you didn't care much for some of last years team. 😉
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When people stop trying to bash Cal, for so many contrived reasons, and players like Askew, then I'll worry about criticizing them for the obvious. Transfers happen all over and some turn out to be really good, it's been that for a while and the rules changes will only add to that. How does it take to understand that simple concept?
I bash Cal for the simple reason that he is a mediocre coach!
I feel like you didn't care much for some of last years team. 😉
Not at all, I was 100% wrong as I felt they had some killers and it's not that I was incorrect or anyone who was positive about them--specifically Clarke/Boston. It's just that some of the BS that went on behind the scenes was pathetic and ridiculous and Cal has to quit enabling some things--he let it happen with Hagans in '20 and it came to a head and then look at last year--it was a mess after UNC game. I've been wrong many times and will continue to be. Already said so regarding players, the '21 team 3/4 different times this year because that's all you can do is admit you were wrong/misread something significantly. But the behavior issues and guys not buying in.....that's something we fans don't control and needs to be dealt with. So far we're seeing it which is a great sign.

There is a way Cal does things and when you have a season like this-you take time, evaluate and hit re-set button. Now I'm in camp that thinks changes shouldn't end with roster moves--but also coaching move(s), but we'll see.
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Can't wait for him to be good somewhere and everyone hating on him will be here blaming Cal

Yet, nothing is Cal's fault. Nothing.

He's not responsible for identifying players who will fit well here.

He's not responsible for conveying a realistic message to them.

He's not responsible for getting guys who will buy into realistic roles.

He's not responsible for conveying a realistic message to families.

He's not responsible to creating relationships that will make it harder for players to leave prematurely.

Nothing is his fault.

Yet, nothing is Cal's fault. Nothing.

He's not responsible for identifying players who will fit well here.

He's not responsible for conveying a realistic message to them.

He's not responsible for getting guys who will buy into realistic roles.

He's not responsible for conveying a realistic message to families.

He's not responsible to creating relationships that will make it harder for players to leave prematurely.

Nothing is his fault.


no way man! I mean sure... it happens at Kentucky more than ANY other school by far but it is NOT because of Calipari.

Beta men/ apologists like @SpamburgerHamburger will always always always defend John Calipari. Always. No matter what, for different reasons...
Cal's system is so messed up if its not One and Done it is One and transfer. Not at all what I want. I would like to see Askew develop so when he finally gets it he feels he owes UK something for making him who he is. Not beating him down until he feels unwanted. Good job Guys!

See what I did there, I blamed Cal and the Fans.
It’s happening everywhere. It’s not a Cal thing, it’s a culture thing. Players are way too soft these days. They want to bounce at the first sign of adversity. It’s sad really.
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Yet, nothing is Cal's fault. Nothing.

He's not responsible for identifying players who will fit well here.

He's not responsible for conveying a realistic message to them.

He's not responsible for getting guys who will buy into realistic roles.

He's not responsible for conveying a realistic message to families.

He's not responsible to creating relationships that will make it harder for players to leave prematurely.

Nothing is his fault.


If you can't see that the criticism of Cal on this board has risen to a ridiculous level then you're willfully blind. And my defense of the guy starts and stops with pointing to his record at UK. Not cherry picking seasons to fit my agenda, just looking at the record in total.
for those wanting Carr ,

Carr, 31% 3pt shooter this past season. No thanks. Not a good FG % overall meaning his 19ppg came from taking a lot of shots and not efficient enough for greatness we need at PG
I think Carr would be really good for us. He can get to the rim at will, he can defend and he can be coached to not take bad shots.
When you watch his videos, he tries to be THE MAN too much and he has fallen in love with that stupid Harden jump back three point shot. I have confidence that Cal would get that out of him.
Carr's positives greatly outweigh his negatives. He just needs the right coach and Cal has proven himself with point guards.
I'd rather have Abmas, the kid from Creighton or the kid from Toledo, but Carr is right behind them.
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If you can't see that the criticism of Cal on this board has risen to a ridiculous level then you're willfully blind. And my defense of the guy starts and stops with pointing to his record at UK. Not cherry picking seasons to fit my agenda, just looking at the record in total.
I'm blind because I can understand why fans would be pissed after losing 70 to 90% of our roster annually, followed by one of those guys playing better than any other player in the NCAA tourney, in a year when we lost 64% of our games, in a season followed up by multiple early NBA entrees and transfers?

I agree that some posters are overboard with their distaste for Cal. I also agree that some posters don't think Cal has ever done anything wrong while at UK whether it's in-game coaching, personnel decisions, player rotations, etc. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

I respect that Askew seemed to try/work very hard this past year. He seems like a good kid and I hope he goes on to do well (I won't go so far as 'once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat', though). Cal counted on him to grow up quickly this past year and it just didn't happen. Part of that is on Cal - he expected too much too soon from Askew. Perhaps because he had no other options, he continued to play Askew significant minutes until it became painfully obvious that he just wasn't up to the task (yet, perhaps). I'm willing to cut Cal some slack with Askew's handling except I thought he stayed with him too long rather than finding another option.

If DA truly feels like his PT will be cut this upcoming year then I don't blame him for moving on. Again, good luck to him. But, Cal has to take some responsibility and heat for having to rely on DA as much as he did this past year. Any reasonable person can see that he did a piss-poor job in building this team and his reliance on DA was only one of the shortcomings due to poor design of the roster that was completely obvious after only a few games. Once again, we had a dearth of backcourt quickness, a lack of 3-point shooting, poor basketball IQ, too many players who were similarly sized, athletically gifted and athletically lacking. That's on Call 100%. If his first choice (or first two choices) for OAD PG didn't come on board, he should've had a 3rd and 4th choice. It felt all along that Cal/UK 'settled' on Askew, regardless of what his HS ranking was. Did Cal accurately evaluate DA and put him in a position to succeed? I don't see how any Cal apologist could come to that conclusion.

With Mintz' decision still up in the air and several transfers committed elsewhere, what is Cal's strategy for not repeating the same roster design mistakes he obviously made this year? If Mintz decides to leave and one of the remaining top targets don't come on board, are we in a similar situation as this year's team? It just seems like the most recent years, the roster has felt like it's a haphazard, last-minute concoction rather than the culmination of a very structured plan. And, for the money Cal is making, there is no excuse for UKBB to ever seem haphazard.
Maybe it wasn't his choice. Cal did say he was going to have to review everything and make any necessary adjustments.

My thoughts exactly. I supported the kid. He gave what he had but, if we are all honest, we all know that he wasn't what we needed. Maybe another year, another team it could have been different.
This is what I said about Askew last Wednesday. We're putting alot of faith in a getting a PG that can lead us to glory surrounding him with freshmen and tier 2 transfers.

I can't imagine Askew returning and then being relegated to backup position.

It may happen, but Askew will not return for a Jr year here if it does. Starter to bench is a tough role to take for a kid aspiring to be more in life when the transfer portal is calling you.

Is it a loss to Kentucky if that does happen? Well the loss would be if we are back at square one the year after searching for yet another PG.

You know how some teams say "they've had 8 coaches in 12 season" as a mark of a team in turmoil that isn't going anywhere?

I feel that way about UK. How about we plan on having a PG for 2-3 years for a change of pace and see what that does for the program.
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We've lost 5/6th of our freshmen from a team that went 9-16.

Think about that and tell me things have changed.

Remember when some of you said we would need a horrific season to experience player retention?

Well, we just had that season. How's the "retention theory" working out?
He's won an awful of meaningful games for a mediocre coach, but I'm sure that you know better with all your experience.
He’s lost a lot of games he should’ve never lost.
This season is Cal without the cream of the crop talent.
He has to out talent opposing coaches because he definitely can not out coach them.

Great players have carried Cal for a longggg time.

Now that the playing field is equal we’re up the creek with him as coach!
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Don't need to go back that far--Cal from '10-17 was pretty ruthless. But you can only order a hit--you need killers to execute it. His "Capos" are soft. Too many Jackie Jr's not enough Furios. (sorry for Sopranos reference but been binge watching lately)

Off topic!

Where have you been binge watching the Soprano’s?
I want to start doing that myself!
OK...I've only read the title of this thread. THIS IS A JOKE RIGHT? If not...


Again, I haven't scanned the posts above...but still.

JFC, if this is a joke...YOU WIN the INTERNET!

We've lost 5/6th of our freshmen from a team that went 9-16.

Think about that and tell me things have changed.

Remember when some of you said we would need a horrific season to experience player retention?

Well, we just had that season. How's the "retention theory" working out?
Don’t forget Saar and Fletcher