Zagoria: UK Showing Interest in 6-10 Sudanese Player Mading


Gold Member
Mar 13, 2012

Mading said he’s now hearing from Kentucky, Arizona, Arizona State, Wake Forest and Marquette, among others. He also holds offers from Florida and UConn, and Georgetown is also trying to get involved.

With Kentucky, assistant coach Kenny Payne has reached out but not offered.

“He’s just saying keep working hard,” Mading said. “They’re going to come down soon. It just makes me want to work harder
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175 lbs? Feed this kid - needs to add 50 lbs

I remember when I was 18 years old I was 6'1 and 155 lbs. He will gain some weight when he gets to wherever he plays collage ball. I'm 214 lbs. now and wish I could give him 14 lbs.
Maybe it's me, but all of the sudden Cal is looking at a lot more foreign players

Cal must do his part concerning immigration reform.... :) (Please don't take over the thread...this was stated as a joke....a joke.... not political...) Thanks NOW smile...
I like this kid he would be a nightmare to defend with his quickness and ball handling and shooting. Quick feet to guard any position probally outside of 5 man and he could learn to defend them.