You really can't make this up...


Jan 11, 2010
"Cal Berkley is a really damn good school.......................... it's really the UNC of the west coast."

"I cannot tell you all how much I wish honesty and doing right was the norm and dirty shady stuff unheard of."

From the UNCheat board. Great humor on a Monday morning.
"Cal Berkley is a really damn good school.......................... it's really the UNC of the west coast."

After the season starts...they will drift down to Pac12 level on the news churn. Brown might get them a round past their typical uneventful post season...
Cal Berkeley is the Harvard of the West Coast. Stanford, Berkeley, and Cal Tech are some of the best of the best. UNC is a good state school, but not in the same category, which is fine.
"Cal Berkley is a really damn good school.......................... it's really the UNC of the west coast."

"I cannot tell you all how much I wish honesty and doing right was the norm and dirty shady stuff unheard of."

From the UNCheat board. Great humor on a Monday morning.
I assume he means they have fake classes. LOL
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Is this thread serious? UNC is clearly a joke. Berkley has not collectively been sober long enough to tell what they are. One is academically bankrupt. The other is, well, I don't know, excels in horticulture? Maybe.
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Why not, I'll add another post count as well.
I guess it matters as much as going to class or taking tests do at UNC.
They are essentially the school doesn't attend classes in order to riot and protest. The other doesn't attend classes in order to, know.

Mario Savio and the Free Speech Movement was 1964. Which may be the last time Cal was in the news about some kind of protest. 51 years ago. To put it another way, 51 years prior to that moment, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was still hunting kangaroos or whatever Mittel-European potentates did for amusement.
Mario Savio and the Free Speech Movement was 1964. Which may be the last time Cal was in the news about some kind of protest. 51 years ago. To put it another way, 51 years prior to that moment, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was still hunting kangaroos or whatever Mittel-European potentates did for amusement.

You're kidding right? You obviously don't live out here. Please Google any combination of Cal, Berekley, riots, and/or protests and get back to me on that.
You're kidding right? You obviously don't live out here. Please Google any combination of Cal, Berekley, riots, and/or protests and get back to me on that.

Every school has local stuff. My daughter protested stuff at UK. Is UK known for an activist student body? Cal is regarded that way because of the stuff over 50 years ago. As you said, if you don't live out there you don't hear about it.
Mario Savio and the Free Speech Movement was 1964. Which may be the last time Cal was in the news about some kind of protest. 51 years ago. To put it another way, 51 years prior to that moment, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was still hunting kangaroos or whatever Mittel-European potentates did for amusement.
It's well known in historical circles that Archduke Ferdinand was NOT a hunter. He preferred birdwatching.
It's well known in historical circles that Archduke Ferdinand was NOT a hunter. He preferred birdwatching.

Some of Franz Ferdinand's hunting trophies. Basically, if it moved, he'd shoot it.
Mario Savio and the Free Speech Movement was 1964. Which may be the last time Cal was in the news about some kind of protest. 51 years ago. To put it another way, 51 years prior to that moment, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was still hunting kangaroos or whatever Mittel-European potentates did for amusement.
I dunno about out and out rioting in the sense that you mean, but as somebody who is very familiar with the students in that area, I can confirm that they are generally struggling to find a happy medium between attending class and openly calling for the extermination of males and white people. It can get tricky sometimes - there's a lot to juggle.
May have been meant facetiously. If not, I can tell you I visited Konopiste Castle outside Prague a few years back. It was Archduke Ferdinand's last residence before he was killed in Sarajevo. There were enough hunting trophies in that place to populate the American Great Plains circa 1830, plus the African Savannah. The woman from New England I was traveling with was appalled, and even as a guy who grew up hunting in Kentucky, it struck me as amazingly wasteful. How many mounted reindeer heads are enough?
Sorry man, I was just trying to be funny. I guess I should have looked it up. Instead of being funny, I should have just put this Austrian kin of the Archduke here to lighten things up.
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Some of Franz Ferdinand's hunting trophies. Basically, if it moved, he'd shoot it.

And THIS is not exactly the subject that I expected to see on my reoccurring nightly visit to RR. I would think that there is a more appropriate forum somewhere to discuss the recreational habits of one Franz Ferdinand. Really? Freakin' Franz Ferdinand? Never thought I would see that name on this sight, that's for sure. Well, looks like this thread has gone to the birds.........and Kangaroos.
Sorry man, I was just trying to be funny. I guess I should have looked it up. Instead of being funny, I should have just put this Austrian kin of the Archduke here to lighten things up.

Oh WOW!! OK!! GREAT! Franz Ferdinand! I've always liked him and always wanted to learn more about him. And his family history, of course. So please, please continue with this awesome thread.........

Me want more!!