Hey sefus12, why shouldn't Higgins Integrity and Honesty be questioned? Higgins showed to millions of viewers watching that he had an agenda that potentially caused some of our players the possibility of making millions of additional dollars in NBA contacts. Higgins almost single handedly prevented our players from playing at a competitive opportunity that he provided the UNC players due to biased and atrocious calls against Ky. Consider the fact that should our players have played in and won The Final Four, it could very probably have raised the draft stock of numerous U.K. players. Do you not think for a moment that Higgins, by his dishonest play calling affected numerous business opportunities for some of our players?
Pure and simple the fact is this. This whole situation needs to send a signal to Higgins and people like him. That message is that should you not have integrity and honesty in your day to day business life, rather it be in your officiating duties or roofing business, then you will suffer the consequences.