Would you hate UL as bad if.....

All who responded on here need therapy....most paranoid fan base known to man....your a one sport school so save your comments for other schools and worry about building your own.
All who responded on here need therapy....most paranoid fan base known to man....your a one sport school so save your comments for other schools and worry about building your own.
You're a moron Tard fan who doesn't even know basic grammar!! LOL.

BTW: UK has been kicking your commuter school's ass in the director's cup for awhile now.

Oh yeah, isn't your football team of criminals Owen Three? :joy:[jumpingsmile]:chairshot:
My earliest memories of watching college basketball date to the 1975 season, when i was 9/10 yrs. old. I actually liked UL as much as UK that season. They had a couple of undersized forwards, Jr. Bridgman and ? can't remember, who were decent players, and they ended up in the final 4 along with UK. I didn't have anything against them and pulled for them to beat ucla...i wanted the all Kentucky final. I started to lose this ambivalence toward them shortly thereafter due to crum's harping to the press trying to force a seasonal game against UK, insinuating UK was scared to schedule them. The breaking point came the year they won it when I believe it was Darrel Griffith who declared "We ARE the university of Kentucky!", and crum's incessant yapping reached intolerable levels. I said then that I hoped they lost every game so long as crum coached them (and he tried to make that a reality his last year or two on the job ;) ), and after he retired I might start pulling for them again on a limited basis.

Then they went and hired the one s.o.b. that'll send me to my grave rooting against them.

The animosity came with the advent of the message boards when I began to run across those idiot internet fans (chiefly a dude using the moniker mecca cards--nutjob louisville attorney who went to UK law school), and that hiring of p.ricky made it explode into something that's probably not healthy. And I need to say here that the handful of ul fans I know personally are, for the most part, reasonable folks, but those internet fans are a disgrace to humanity. I could never allow myself to be aligned w/ such a malignant bunch. So to end this long winded diatribe and answer the question: it doesn't matter who's in charge of that cesspool at this point, whoever they're playing has a fan in me.
Mecca cards still posts on those boards and is one of the top 3 worst Louisville fans on the net by far.
Well into the past I honestly never gave much thought to UL, one way or the other. I kind of liked Denny Crum but can't say I openly cheered for his teams. Today, I am more against UL because of their fan base, as many have pointed out. Having those 3 the OP mentioned at high levels in their programs doesn't help at all but it's their fans that make me cheer so much against the Cards.
Actually, I probably would like them better if their fans did not have such an nasty, ugly attitude toward anything UK. Living in Louisville and seeing it first hand, their fans have serious mental issues when it comes to UK. The level of hatred that have is just unhealthy. Maybe it comes from the whole little brother complex they have.
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All who responded on here need therapy....most paranoid fan base known to man....your a one sport school so save your comments for other schools and worry about building your own.

1. We don't need to "build" anything.
2. Louisville sucks ass in just about everything, most of the time that includes both sports that matter.
3. Louisville. Lol. Here in Tennessee and around the country people had to take a double take when UL won the title in 13. No one realized who you were. Lol. You're only known in, well, Louisville.
Would you, me, we hate UL as bad if they didn't have 3 such low character maggots Jurich, Pitino & Petrino in their 3 most high profile positions in their athletic departments? Myself I've disliked/hated UL for 40 years. Long before those 3 jerks ever came along. I believe If UL had 3 decent people instead of Jurich, Pitino & Petrino I wouldn't hate them quiet as bad. What about you?

I would hate them if my mom was the coach.
We are all taught to hate things that are evil, nasty , trashy, and vile correct? then I just described U of Smell, so yes I would hate them just as much !