Would you hate UL as bad if.....


Dec 10, 2012
Would you, me, we hate UL as bad if they didn't have 3 such low character maggots Jurich, Pitino & Petrino in their 3 most high profile positions in their athletic departments? Myself I've disliked/hated UL for 40 years. Long before those 3 jerks ever came along. I believe If UL had 3 decent people instead of Jurich, Pitino & Petrino I wouldn't hate them quiet as bad. What about you?
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Personally I look a it in terms of business. As far as Jurich he runs one of, if not the most profitable athletic department's in the country. Patino has won a title and Patrino usually puts out a good product that until this year is very entertaining to watch. That being said I'm not perfect so I juge no one on a personal leval, lord knows I'm not perfect... R u? Don't take me wrong I'm a huge Kentucky fan just don't hate on others. I root for my squad n the hell with everyone else.
Without a doubt! What I hate about Louisville isn't just the coaches but the loud mouth fans constantly trumpeting their greatness, even when given evidence of the contrary.

I understand being a fan but at least keep one foot in reality. I mean come on. Who gives an ish about them nationally.
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How about if ul goes like 4-8 for 4 or 5 years in a row, I might start liking the bird fans if there's any left, lol.
I was born and raised in Virginia and didn't become a UK fan until I decided to go to college there. I didn't learn to hate Louisville as a kid. I learned to hate Louisville because of their fans and the way they run their program.
I'm so torn man. I live in Louisville and that makes it tough both ways. It's hard to root for them because of the bad fans but I know plenty or good UL fans too, including my brother so I have a hard time rooting against them for that reason.

Honestly I find myself pulling for them more than against them.
I'm so torn man. I live in Louisville and that makes it tough both ways. It's hard to root for them because of the bad fans but I know plenty or good UL fans too, including my brother so I have a hard time rooting against them for that reason.

Honestly I find myself pulling for them more than against them.
I'd be brotherless,, lol.. I've already disowned a couple of close cousins and friends I grew up with over being fans of that team.. I hated them prior to Pitino going there.. Since then it's ten folds worse.. Their bad fans make me hate all of their fans equally now.. And I'm sure they're a few good ones.. I just have no desire to get to know them though..
You would be brotherless, have disowned cousin's for being a fan. You do realize it's a game. Wow that gives a be meaning to family first. I'm not judging you but really dude. You are a Fanatic (fan) beond the core, kind of weird really.
To answer the OP's question...Yes I would. Living in Louisville, I have to put up with all the red pigeon crap 24/7/365. So, I cannot stand anything about that athletic program; from basketball all the way down to women's tennis.
I can't hate them for some reason. I do have brothers and a child who are fans of that team - but that isn't why I don't hate them.

When I do bother to think of the UofL fanbase, or their coaches or AD - (and I really don't think of them much) I kind of feel pity, if anything. For all their trying, for all their talking, for all their idiotic comments and conspiracy theories, they will always and forever be little brother (or sister, depending on your viewpoint). It must be hard to have those little winning streaks they've had every now and then, and a profitable athletic department that everyone knows, deep down, is kind of a sham situation, but still not be top team in the state. Must be hard to have a coach that was ours first - and even though he did eventually win a title, it took him much longer and he is NOT the same man he was at Kentucky. It must gnaw at their vitals knowing that even with their moderate success, no one really thinks of Louisville as the team of the state.

Don't get me wrong - I will never EVER cheer for them. I have been quite amused, and will continue to be amused whenever they face turmoil within the team, or they've gotten beaten badly (especially by us) or anything else that might go wrong, EXCEPT for injuries (no laughing at those).

I can't hate them because I know what they have and what they wish they had.
Would you, me, we hate UL as bad if they didn't have 3 such low character maggots Jurich, Pitino & Petrino in their 3 most high profile positions in their athletic departments? Myself I've disliked/hated UL for 40 years. Long before those 3 jerks ever came along. I believe If UL had 3 decent people instead of Jurich, Pitino & Petrino I wouldn't hate them quiet as bad. What about you?

Are you serious? Every UK fan I know hated Louisville long before any of those three were there.
You would be brotherless, have disowned cousin's for being a fan. You do realize it's a game. Wow that gives a be meaning to family first. I'm not judging you but really dude. You are a Fanatic (fan) beond the core, kind of weird really.
They should have never rubbed their championship in with our nit year.. I'd have disowned my dad for that.. You gotta draw the line somewhere.. Family will usually screw you over before anyone.. :)
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Absolutely. Their fans make up much more of my hate for U of L than those three.
I guess I'm the opposite. Though I live in Louisville, the only obnoxious Card fans I see are on the internet, which of course is home to obnoxious people of all tribes. Maybe I'm rationalizing, but in Pitino, Jurich and Petrino, I have a "legit" reason to dislike UofL. I don't kid anyone - I live here, they are our biggest rival, I'd dislike the Cardinals if 3 of the greatest most upstanding peoples ever were to replace those 3 scallywags.

but those 3 make it easier to dislike them and feel completely justified in doing so....
I just can't help but loathe and detest the filthy cards no matter what.

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Since I'm from Louisville and was a fan of Denny Crum, the current threesome are just sorrows to bear. This, too, shall pass.

I can never tell how from the web how much "dislike" is just Sportsman Fun Dislike and how much is Uh-oh Psycho Dislike. Any "dislike" I have for a sports team is tempered by the fact that it's a game and as soon as it's over, the distinction is dead. I hope everyone here on RR is only talking about Sportsman Fun Dislike. But you never know. [shakes head somberly like a TV actor emoting something] You never know.
Yes.... I would hate them regardless of who their coaches and AD were. Loserville fans give me all the reason I need to hate their teams.
I'd never really thought about it until now. I cannot say that I think about them that Austin Peay or IUPUI. No real strong feelings one way or another.
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Louisville can't stand it because they not the number one program in state of Kentucky, Louisville jealousy by there fans just keep the mad & running there mouth 24 7. This is why that I am for 2 teams Kentucky & who ever is playing Louisville.
I have had an opinion for the last few years that when Dr Ramsey retires as president of UofL the stuff is going to hit the fan. He has enabled Jurich for years, and the elephant in the room is the YUM Center. There has been too much money floating around that has been unaccounted for down there. IMHO someone has lined their pockets at the expense of the public, and when the "book cookers" finally leave there will be questions asked that will have uncomfortable answers. As for Ricky and Bobby, I believe that they are incapable of telling the truth. Even though Pitino brought us back from the brink, I always saw him as a con artist who felt as though he was lowering himself when he had to deal with the majority of UofK fans. He is a hell of a coach though. Bobby has no redeeming worth. I hesitate to use the word hate, but I do think that the whole bunch has run a game on the city of Louisville for years.
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I guess I'm the opposite. Though I live in Louisville, the only obnoxious Card fans I see are on the internet, which of course is home to obnoxious people of all tribes. Maybe I'm rationalizing, but in Pitino, Jurich and Petrino, I have a "legit" reason to dislike UofL. I don't kid anyone - I live here, they are our biggest rival, I'd dislike the Cardinals if 3 of the greatest most upstanding peoples ever were to replace those 3 scallywags.

but those 3 make it easier to dislike them and feel completely justified in doing so....
Yes, I would hate them just as much. It is their fans that turned me against them. Sure, I know plenty of good ul fans but the bad ones taint the school so badly, I would pull for isis against them. Had to block a ul fan on Facebook during our 38-1 season. He actually wanted our players to be hurt. And just when I thought it was because he was a one of a kind nut, one of his relatives echoed the sentiment.

So screw em!!!
I'm so torn man. I live in Louisville and that makes it tough both ways. It's hard to root for them because of the bad fans but I know plenty or good UL fans too, including my brother so I have a hard time rooting against them for that reason.

Honestly I find myself pulling for them more than against ]

Sounds like you're a closet UL fan. I'm sorry but no true UK fan can root for Louisville. It's just not possible. It's like a UNC fan rooting for Dule, a Red Sox fan rooting for the Yankees, a Cowboys fan pulling for the Redskins, a Celt is fan pulling for the Lakers. I think you get my drift. I don't mean to be harsh but it's just not possible if you're a bleed blue fan and living in Louisville is not an excuse. There may be more UK fans in Louisville than UL fans, or at least even with UL fans.
If you live in Louisville, you don't have a choice...

Their fans spew so much hatred towards UK, that it's IMPOSSIBLE to like both teams.

You'd have to be a giant wimp (I wanted to use a different word) to listen to those fans and not HATE the Cards!

When you live in this town, you either LOVE the Cats and hate the Cards or vice versa.

I like it this way!
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I was in high school when UL won the first of their titles, and I recall thinking "how cool, if UK can't win it, why not another in state school"?

Now, when I think back how I pulled for them to win in the FF, I throw up a little in my mouth.

As others have stated, it's their horrid fan base, and of course Pitino taking the job there, that made me realize they're scum.
I'd never really thought about it until now. I cannot say that I think about them that Austin Peay or IUPUI. No real strong feelings one way or another.

I haven't been posting long, but I've noticed every thread you post in or start is Louisville related; you even have a Louisville related sig. Yet you claim not to think about them that much?
My earliest memories of watching college basketball date to the 1975 season, when i was 9/10 yrs. old. I actually liked UL as much as UK that season. They had a couple of undersized forwards, Jr. Bridgman and ? can't remember, who were decent players, and they ended up in the final 4 along with UK. I didn't have anything against them and pulled for them to beat ucla...i wanted the all Kentucky final. I started to lose this ambivalence toward them shortly thereafter due to crum's harping to the press trying to force a seasonal game against UK, insinuating UK was scared to schedule them. The breaking point came the year they won it when I believe it was Darrel Griffith who declared "We ARE the university of Kentucky!", and crum's incessant yapping reached intolerable levels. I said then that I hoped they lost every game so long as crum coached them (and he tried to make that a reality his last year or two on the job ;) ), and after he retired I might start pulling for them again on a limited basis.

Then they went and hired the one s.o.b. that'll send me to my grave rooting against them.

The animosity came with the advent of the message boards when I began to run across those idiot internet fans (chiefly a dude using the moniker mecca cards--nutjob louisville attorney who went to UK law school), and that hiring of p.ricky made it explode into something that's probably not healthy. And I need to say here that the handful of ul fans I know personally are, for the most part, reasonable folks, but those internet fans are a disgrace to humanity. I could never allow myself to be aligned w/ such a malignant bunch. So to end this long winded diatribe and answer the question: it doesn't matter who's in charge of that cesspool at this point, whoever they're playing has a fan in me.
I'm so torn man. I live in Louisville and that makes it tough both ways. It's hard to root for them because of the bad fans but I know plenty or good UL fans too, including my brother so I have a hard time rooting against them for that reason.

Honestly I find myself pulling for them more than against them.
Have you been tested?

You may be retarded and not even know it.
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