Would Not Boo Cal on his return to Rupp


Nov 8, 2006
I know UK has UT to worry about but this is becoming a thing on twitter

I have been wanting him gone for years, but he left, he didn't cost Kentucky $40m and he hasn't talked 'ish about UK since his departure.

Cal is Cal, we knew how it would be.

But if I were in Rupp, I'd clap softly at the announcement of him and then cheer my butt off for Pope

Of course I'd much rather both programs be powerhouses in the SEC and it be an epic game. But UK is going to need the win , you could argue at this point more than Arkansas does.
I'm sure it will be a combination of cheering and booing.

I think the people that boo are just focusing on recency bias and forget the 4 final fours n 5 seasons and the overall success the program had his first 11 seasons.

The last 4 were disappointing and he had long overstaid his welcome (he should have left n 2019 imo) though. No reason 2022 shouldn't have made sweet 16 at least and really same with last years team.
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Did we boo Pitino? Now he went to UL but Cal took our players, recruits and coaches in the same league. I appreciated his first 8 years but he started getting stale and annoying. I would boo him and cheer him when they lose. It’s not a very good Christian attitude to have and I’m working on being a better person but until then I hope he runs his reputation into the ground.
I'm all for showing some class and respect to the man when he comes to town. NO need to pile on at this point. Results speak for themselves.

I say treat him with class and dignity, show him politeness and respect (even though that was sorely lacking from him in recent years) and cheer like crazed fanatics when they announce Coach Pope. Show him where it's at.

Keep it classy, respectful and maybe someday we can all give him the kind of recognition a national championship coach here should get for leading us to a title. especially for all the years of greatness he gave us. I am grateful, but the emotions of his departure and the recent baggage wore too thin for me to be totally magnanimous towards the man. YET.

Hopefully that day will come.
I will be there and plan to boo loudly. Judge me if you must but he left us to coach a rival and took a bunch of players and recruits to use to try to beat us. Granted, I was more than ready for him to be gone--but there are gracious ways to exit and F-you ways to exit. He chose the latter, so boos are more than appropriate in my mind.
I know UK has UT to worry about but this is becoming a thing on twitter

I have been wanting him gone for years, but he left, he didn't cost Kentucky $40m and he hasn't talked 'ish about UK since his departure.

Cal is Cal, we knew how it would be.

But if I were in Rupp, I'd clap softly at the announcement of him and then cheer my butt off for Pope

Of course I'd much rather both programs be powerhouses in the SEC and it be an epic game. But UK is going to need the win , you could argue at this point more than Arkansas does.
I’d rather give him applause for the great things he did here and then beat him by 30 on his way out.
Why give respect ? Like , from BBN , he shit on us regularly .. he earned no respect at all .
But he did so much for BBN for 10 years. Doesn't that count for more than half of the argument? Don't get me wrong I can relate to your anger for the ending. But after Billy G we were Totally lost in the wilderness and Cal resurrected our Cats from Indiana level obscurity. PS most of BBN new early on when Cal left he would decimate our roster.
Ok , to be fair , he earned respect , then pissed it away . He ruined it . He sabotaged the team and all for his petty ego not wanting to acknowledge BBN was correct on several issues and he was flat out wrong . His HOF ego wouldn’t take it . I’ve got no use for him … and he has none for Kentucky.. his mouth may say different , I suspect he’s lying
I know UK has UT to worry about but this is becoming a thing on twitter

I have been wanting him gone for years, but he left, he didn't cost Kentucky $40m and he hasn't talked 'ish about UK since his departure.

Cal is Cal, we knew how it would be.

But if I were in Rupp, I'd clap softly at the announcement of him and then cheer my butt off for Pope

Of course I'd much rather both programs be powerhouses in the SEC and it be an epic game. But UK is going to need the win , you could argue at this point more than Arkansas does.
Cal is not worth the effort to boo, plus I would hope our fans have more class. Cal made his bed, let him live with it,
Since he choose another SEC team he can live with fan reaction. I'm sure he knows his time in Lexington was for the most part good and no violations or team implosion that made the news. I'm not gonna be there but it's more important to win next Saturday at home then to worry about Cal return to Lexington 7months after leaving. Let's just say hey to him and then jump ball. This is the University of Kentucky and we paid him well for his service. Now it's get out of our way...
I will be there and plan to boo loudly. Judge me if you must but he left us to coach a rival and took a bunch of players and recruits to use to try to beat us. Granted, I was more than ready for him to be gone--but there are gracious ways to exit and F-you ways to exit. He chose the latter, so boos are more than appropriate in my mind.
what a mind it must be.
Best thing is to neither cheer or boo for him . Just remain silent and act like he is any other opposing coach .
Until he starts yelling at the players . Then do whatever u think appropriate . This may be the only time we get a fair called game .
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The, "He took ouuurrrrr players" is such a made up issue. An invented reason to rationalize acting like a bigger ass and obsessing. Those players all left on their own. They all looked at others schools, and some did choose somewhere other than Arkansas. Thiero and Wagner wanted to find anyplace hard but gave in. Cal didn't prevent them from coming back. Pope didn't make the effort for whatever reason, which is fine.

And he took ouuurrrr coaches? Come on. Stop pretending you care about that.

Sometimes silence speaks more loudly than words. It should be like a funeral service when he is announced. Let that get in his head and rattle around for the rest of the game.
I know UK has UT to worry about but this is becoming a thing on twitter

I have been wanting him gone for years, but he left, he didn't cost Kentucky $40m and he hasn't talked 'ish about UK since his departure.

Cal is Cal, we knew how it would be.

But if I were in Rupp, I'd clap softly at the announcement of him and then cheer my butt off for Pope

Of course I'd much rather both programs be powerhouses in the SEC and it be an epic game. But UK is going to need the win , you could argue at this point more than Arkansas does.
Yeah let's clap and cheer for a coach whose goal is to come into Rupp and beat our team. Do we clap for other SEC coaches that aren't named Cal? No we don't, Cal will get his flowers one day from UK when he's retired, but until then he's the opponent
Ok , to be fair , he earned respect , then pissed it away . He ruined it . He sabotaged the team and all for his petty ego not wanting to acknowledge BBN was correct on several issues and he was flat out wrong . His HOF ego wouldn’t take it . I’ve got no use for him … and he has none for Kentucky.. his mouth may say different , I suspect he’s lying
Sadly, I think this is accurate. I am so glad he is gone. Booing lasts 5 or so seconds and serves no purpose. I'm fairly sure he knows how UK fans feel about him. Play the game ,get him out of Rupp Arena and hope he is gone from coaching in 2 years or less
People expecting Pitino level of boos when he first returned to Rupp with Louisville are likely going to be disappointed. He will get a mixed reaction. Certainly not the warm welcome Tubby got with High Point coming in or Pitino at Big Blue Madness this season.

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