Worst/funniest items found in your food?


Jan 3, 2003
Actually none of these were to me, they were all to my Ex-wife.

- back when Wendy's had a salad bar, I think we were near interstate between Philly & KY, she scooped some lettuce into her bowl, and a retainer was also scooped in
- just a few months after we moved to NC, hurricane Fran has a direct hit traveling over 100 miles inland hitting us too. No power for about a week. My work did re-open after a couple days and was sending home dinners to employees and their families from the caffeteria. I get ours home, she opens hers up and starts eating (pasta), and there was a band-aid in her pasta.
- this one not gross, just funny. When living near Philly, we went to a outlet mall and while there got some Chinese. We sit down to eat and she can't get the straw in her cup of coke. I'm like WTH, hand it to me, but I can't get it in either. I take the lid off. And in the cup was a whole peeled apple.
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Got a hot chocolate at Hardee's one blustery day in Virginia, and it had coffee grounds in it. Not one or two, but a ton of them. The guy at the counter said that was impossible when I asked for a refund, then I showed him and told him I'd give him $1 if he could drink it. I got my refund and left.
Oh, this reminded me of the time I took my 8yo to CiCi’s pizza. He was tracked out, but was a school day for most, so was quite empty. Anyway, I saw the girl working there refill the sweet tea dispenser, so I went to get him a refill. Decided I would take a sip walking back to our table. Damn(!!!), they had used salt instead of sugar to make that batch.
Was with my dad when he was served a salad with a cigarette butt in it at TGI Friday's. This was back when people could smoke in restaurants legally.
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Worst: Comically long hair in a Taco Bell 7-layer burrito.

Funniest: Ordered take out from B-Dubs with another couple during COVID. My buddy’s wife is a vegan. There was a random “naked” chicken wing flat in her salad. She took it pretty well, but damn if it wasn’t hilarious to see the look on her face.
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Not food, but a guy I know saw a big chaw that someone spit out in one of his Old Milwaulke returnables before he opened it and kep it on his nightstand that whole year of college. You could clearly see the chewing tobacco hanging there, suspended in the bottle of beer.
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I ordered carry out Chinese, I think lo mein, can’t remember but about halfway through I bit into the hottest pepper I’ve ever encountered in my life. I was sweating, couldn’t talk, thought I was gonna pass the eff out. Funny now
Nothing that I can think of, thank goodness. But a psycho I went to high school with told me that he pissed in the pickles pretty regularly at the McDonald's he used to work at.
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My wife had a cockroach in her chinese food once. When she pointed it out to the owner who reached in, grabbed it and crumbled it between her fingers and said "No it's just ash you can eat's okay". So now not only was their a roach but her fingers had been in my wifes food. She politely told the owner "No ashes wouldn't have feet" but they still refused to give her a refund.

I never witnessed it myself but heard other people say they saw this same woman scrape food that people left on their plate back into the buffet.
Found a stringy piece of one of these in my Chicken Fajita Quesadilla one time.
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I ordered carry out Chinese, I think lo mein, can’t remember but about halfway through I bit into the hottest pepper I’ve ever encountered in my life. I was sweating, couldn’t talk, thought I was gonna pass the eff out. Funny now

I went to DC with my parents in high school. We are at an Asian restaurant and my dad ordered something with those super hot peppers. He loves em, my mom not so much. So she wanted to try it and my dad snuck a whole pepper in the bite. She got sick and almost went to the ER. She was not amused in the morning when my dad confessed.
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I got food poisoning ordering a crab salad sandwich from Subway. I don't know what I was thinking. I found a long stand of hair in my food once. A hungover friend's brother once threw up in the donut batter of a donut shop, according to my friend.
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Pretty much every response in this thread bothers me. Finding stuff in food legitimately grosses me out.

Anybody remember this?

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