Worst FT shooter for UK


Mar 2, 2009
Central Indy
Strictly opinion or memory, not necessarily numbers based. But who did you dread most stepping to the line? Maybe it's my age at the time, or the passage of time, but I can't think of a worse UK FT shooter than Andre Riddick. He was fun to watch play, but comically bad from the FT stripe.
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Has to be Riddick. He was so bad, that RP had him try them for awhile underhanded.
But I also have a file with all of the stats in the 2000's.
Looking at that file, the worst single season (at least 1 attempt per game) have been, and I'm adding a (*) to non-post-players:

*Jasper - 36% on 25 attempts (injury limited to 20 games)
WCS - 37.2% on 86 attempts (but improved at least 10% each year)
Parker - 39.8% on 93 attempts
Lee - 40.3% on 62 attempts (he made only 32% the year before, but not enough attempts (25))
*Matthews - 41.2% on 34 attempts (not quite 1/gm, 36gms, but I still included since so bad)
*Whitney - 43.5% on 23 attempts (transferred after 18 games)
Dakari Johnson - 44.7% on 85 attempts (improved to 62.5% the next year)
*Briscoe - 46% on 124 attempts (how did a team with 3 guys making <50% still shoot 69% at the line?)
WCS - 48.2% on 83 attempts (improved to almost 62% the next year)

Then I looked up Riddick's stats online, and he had at least 1 attempt per game all 4 years, making:
26.3%, 45.8%, 39.6%, 50.9%, so he made 41.3% across all 4 years.
I'm right-handed, but bet I could make 26% lefty.
Some not mentioned :
Jared Prickett
Marvin Stone
Jamaal Magloire
Rob Locke
Dicky Beal
Wayne Turner
Nerlens Noel
Dakari Johnson

Top 5
Derrick Jasper
Rodney Dent
Rajon Rondo
Marcus Lee
Lance Ware (He didn't shoot many but he was terrible) 3 seasons at UK - 55% / 43% / 33%

Probably the worst TEAM Ft shooting : 2017-18
Diallo - 61%
Washington - 60%
Sacha Killeya-Jones - 52%
Jared Vanderbilt - 52% (1/2 year)
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But I also have a file with all of the stats in the 2000's.
Looking at that file, the worst single season (at least 1 attempt per game) have been, and I'm adding a (*) to non-post-players:

*Jasper - 36% on 25 attempts (injury limited to 20 games)
WCS - 37.2% on 86 attempts (but improved at least 10% each year)
Parker - 39.8% on 93 attempts
Lee - 40.3% on 62 attempts (he made only 32% the year before, but not enough attempts (25))
*Matthews - 41.2% on 34 attempts (not quite 1/gm, 36gms, but I still included since so bad)
*Whitney - 43.5% on 23 attempts (transferred after 18 games)
Dakari Johnson - 44.7% on 85 attempts (improved to 62.5% the next year)
*Briscoe - 46% on 124 attempts (how did a team with 3 guys making <50% still shoot 69% at the line?)
WCS - 48.2% on 83 attempts (improved to almost 62% the next year)

Then I looked up Riddick's stats online, and he had at least 1 attempt per game all 4 years, making:
26.3%, 45.8%, 39.6%, 50.9%, so he made 41.3% across all 4 years.
I'm right-handed, but bet I could make 26% lefty.
I completely forgot about Jasper. Enigma.
I cringed every time Briscoe shot anything other than a layup. At least WCS had good form. Briscoe pushed the ball
Lance Ware. Low number of attempts but was a complete zero when it came to any type of shooting.

yeah, Riddick had the ugliest FTs ever, but I don't think Ware was significantly better percentage wise.

UK Career = 32/71 for 45%
2020-21 = 15/27 for 55%
2021-22 = 10/23 for 43%
2022-23 = 7/21 for 33%

So, he got worse the longer he was in Lexington.

This season @ UT-Arlington, he has somehow found his stroke...
26/31 for 84% !!!

Good for you, Lance Ware!
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I watched Ware in person at a game a few years ago and saw him completely miss four straight free throws without hitting the rim. He would be my number one.
Some not mentioned :
Jared Prickett
Marvin Stone
Jamaal Magloire
Rob Locke
Dicky Beal
Wayne Turner
Nerlens Noel
Dakari Johnson

Top 5
Derrick Jasper
Rodney Dent
Rajon Rondo
Marcus Lee
Lance Ware (He didn't shoot many but he was terrible) 3 seasons at UK - 55% / 43% / 33%

Probably the worst TEAM Ft shooting : 2017-18
Diallo - 61%
Washington - 60%
Sacha Killeya-Jones - 52%
Jared Vanderbilt - 52% (1/2 year)
Any list without Riddick is incomplete. He’s likely top of the list, but without a doubt top 5.
Strictly opinion or memory, not necessarily numbers based. But who did you dread most stepping to the line? Maybe it's my age at the time, or the passage of time, but I can't think of a worse UK FT shooter than Andre Riddick. He was fun to watch play, but comically bad from the FT stripe.
It’s going to be hard for anyone to top your choice.
James Blackmon was not the worst but he was the worst attention span at the line. I remember one game I attended he as at the line dazed and confused, looked like he had rolled one up on side lines and smoked it in the tunnel, stepped to the line and bricked it. Got the ball from the ref for the 2nd shot, looked at his girl in the stands, waved and then missed the rim entirely. lol