Working from home

Are you as productive?

  • Yes but I am lying because I like the advantages

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • No. Because I am honest

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Yes because I have a 31-35 hour per week that I am stretching out to 40

    Votes: 9 33.3%

  • Total voters
My last job was like that. When we went remote, I found myself working odd hours and checking my email on weekends. One of the reasons I quit that job besides being forced to return to the office was they expected us to be “available” on paid days off. Eff that. That job wasn’t my life and I didn’t get paid nearly enough to be on call permanently.

My new job encourages us not to “take work home” meaning don’t let it spill into our personal time.

Now, I close the laptop and 5 and don’t think about opening it again until the next morning. When quitting time hits on Friday, I shut the computer down and don’t think of rebooting until Monday. It’s really nice.

Apparently that's called "Quiet Quitting" lol.

I am fortunate to land with a company that feels very "European".. in that they work to live, and not live to work. Weekly wellness hour, 1-for-1 comp time, 17 holidays, 6 weeks of PTO with carry over, $5,000 for your first kid. No one is rushing, everyone is happy, everyone is respectful (for the most part).

My coworkers and I have said, it would take like 20-30K from another company to even think of switching. And coming from other places that worked you like a mule, landing at a company like above is a game changer. I don't think I'll ever leave.
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I guess it balances out b/c you get the folks who don’t shut it down at all at home and the others who use wfh days as chore/etc. days.

Our workforce was doing a hybrid 3 in/2 wfh but apparently customers complaining to upper management about issues in December with customer service is lending to a “5 days in the office during your peak season approach” which obviously means there’s a lack of trust employees are as productive on their 2 days at home.
I guess it balances out b/c you get the folks who don’t shut it down at all at home and the others who use wfh days as chore/etc. days.

Our workforce was doing a hybrid 3 in/2 wfh but apparently customers complaining to upper management about issues in December with customer service is lending to a “5 days in the office during your peak season approach” which obviously means there’s a lack of trust employees are as productive on their 2 days at home.

One has to wonder if management isn't using customers as a scape goat to get people back into the office. Some of these CEOs and execs are so prissy about covid and wfh. Some of them are on such power trips that they just can't NOT have their staff around them to keep tabs on them.
I work from 730 to 5 every day from home. I try to take a 1 hour lunch so it's 8.5 hours of work. I'm bad about checking emails at night or on weekends though. I work in payroll management so some employee is always going to be complaining about or wanting something from payroll. 99% of the time it's not even something payroll is responsible for and almost never our fault but everything is payrolls fault lol.
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Apparently that's called "Quiet Quitting" lol.

I am fortunate to land with a company that feels very "European".. in that they work to live, and not live to work. Weekly wellness hour, 1-for-1 comp time, 17 holidays, 6 weeks of PTO with carry over, $5,000 for your first kid. No one is rushing, everyone is happy, everyone is respectful (for the most part).

My coworkers and I have said, it would take like 20-30K from another company to even think of switching. And coming from other places that worked you like a mule, landing at a company like above is a game changer. I don't think I'll ever leave.
What is the name of the company?
What is the name of the company?

I can't give that out, only cause it could be traced back to me. But it's not really a nationwide company, anyways. 500ish-person tech company local to me.

But there are lots of these companies popping up. Built to be WFH, good benefits to attract talent, quality of work life.
I’m a workaholic so don’t follow my advice. What is this work life balance you all are talking about?
I’m a workaholic so don’t follow my advice. What is this work life balance you all are talking about?

Used my lunch break to hit the gym, sauna, and then a 10min hydro massage lol. I just eat at my desk anyways.

treat yourself parks and recreation GIF
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