With the dawn of the "like" feature, has arse kissing increased on this message board?

Deplion hardly posts here at all anymore...

Hell, Jason Spear has almost as many "likes" as I do total posts in 10 years on this board!
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One thing that's happens a lot on here is the misinterpretion of what a post is trying to say. Sometimes it just doesn't come out right.
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Just seems that the board has recently adopted more of a "We are the world, we are the children" mantra as of late. I'm not saying it's a bad thing by any stretch (I like the upbeat mood); I'm just noticing more of a correlative positivity since the likes feature has become a board function.


I think it becomes obvious who follows who on here. I've seen a post by someone who says XYZ and nobody will comment on it for days. Then after the thread is longer another poster will say XYZ and they will have 10 likes and everybody quoting them and telling them how awesome it was. LOL it's hilarious.
It just shows me who are lemmings and have to have somebody to hold their hand.

But yes Son I have seen a difference on this board. More are interested to see how many likes they get than anything. Personally I could care less if I have a single one as I don't go out and seek others approval. I tell it like it is and if you don't like it then I don't care. :okay:
I think it becomes obvious who follows who on here. I've seen a post by someone who says XYZ and nobody will comment on it for days. Then after the thread is longer another poster will say XYZ and they will have 10 likes and everybody quoting them and telling them how awesome it was. LOL it's hilarious.
It just shows me who are lemmings and have to have somebody to hold their hand.

But yes Son I have seen a difference on this board. More are interested to see how many likes they get than anything. Personally I could care less if I have a single one as I don't go out and seek others approval. I tell it like it is and if you don't like it then I don't care. :okay:

And another obvious troll...

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I think it becomes obvious who follows who on here. I've seen a post by someone who says XYZ and nobody will comment on it for days. Then after the thread is longer another poster will say XYZ and they will have 10 likes and everybody quoting them and telling them how awesome it was. LOL it's hilarious.
It just shows me who are lemmings and have to have somebody to hold their hand.

But yes Son I have seen a difference on this board. More are interested to see how many likes they get than anything. Personally I could care less if I have a single one as I don't go out and seek others approval. I tell it like it is and if you don't like it then I don't care. :okay:

It is very convenient when you want to agree with a statement and not have to type and post you agree with the statement.

It is also interesting to see when the trolls do come out who likes their posts...
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Well I am going to be sacrilegious here but a lot of arse kissing was going on before, remember that Tubby Basher guy, I think his username was Deplion, if he said it snowed crystal meth he was applauded.

^ Tubby super friends to the rescue.
I take great pride in getting blacklisted several times for pointing out we needed a change. I was saying he wasn't the right fit after the 2000 season when we lost to USC that's how far back I go... and getting banned lol
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^ Tubby super friends to the rescue.
I take great pride in getting blacklisted several times for pointing out we needed a change. I was saying he wasn't the right fit after the 2000 season when we lost to USC that's how far back I go... and getting banned lol

Yep... but then the guy turned around and went 32-4 a year later.

It was silly for people to call for a coaches head 2 seasons after a championship, hell Cal went to the NIT after his.

The following year (2004 recruiting season) with only Adam Williams coming in was the beginning of the end for me.
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You were just mad you don't have my likes.

Also, I just assume most of you are borderline special needs. No clue who you are or the other posters.

You do have quite the manlihood of likes there...

Cuts and Rex are two of our more combative posters, thought for sure you would recognize the names
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Yep... but then the guy turned around and went 32-4 a year later.

It was silly for people to call for a coaches head 2 seasons after a championship, hell Cal went to the NIT after his.

The following year (2004 recruiting season) with only Adam Williams coming in was the beginning of the end for me.

Yep and I re-upped again and got blacklisted for telling others it was insane to demand our administration to give him a lifetime contract. That was just stupid. A coach can catch lightning in a bottle every once in a while but it takes a good coach to build consistency. We were consistent in getting 9-10 losses or more.
As far as the '03 season goes I thought we were playing really well in SEC play (good ball movement) but I thought the refs were a little too much on our side and as soon as we play another talented team then it would give us problems. I don't know the FT stats during the season but I remember us shooting FT's like mad during Tubby's tenure. I was embarrassed on some of the calls.
I'd also like to add that I had a friend that was apart of UK then so I was getting a lot of inside info none of you guys got. Lets just say that the practices, game plans etc was not done by Tubby.
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Yep and I re-upped again and got blacklisted for telling others it was insane to demand our administration to give him a lifetime contract. That was just stupid. A coach can catch lightning in a bottle every once in a while but it takes a good coach to build consistency. We were consistent in getting 9-10 losses or more.
As far as the '03 season goes I thought we were playing really well in SEC play (good ball movement) but I thought the refs were a little too much on our side and as soon as we play another talented team then it would give us problems. I don't know the FT stats during the season but I remember us shooting FT's like mad during Tubby's tenure. I was embarrassed on some of the calls.
I'd also like to add that I had a friend that was apart of UK then so I was getting a lot of inside info none of you guys got. Lets just say that the practices, game plans etc was not done by Tubby.

What NC directional school were we playing at Rupp that just about had us beat and we pushed the ball handler out of bounds under the basket and we got the call? May have been pre Tubby but I remember it so well.
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What NC directional school were we playing at Rupp that just about had us beat and we pushed the ball handler out of bounds under the basket and we got the call? May have been pre Tubby but I remember it so well.

Well though out the decades of watching us play we never got the benefit of the calls but got them from around 2000-2006. When Billy Clyde come on board it went the other way fast. lol Refs did not like him too much. Thought of all the years the Pitino era was the worst against us.
If we got the calls like we got under Tubby then we would have titles in all but 1 yr under Cal.
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Not that it matters, but where do you look to see how many "likes" you have? Why not have a dislike button if you're going to have a like button?
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Well I guess I'm on 0.

If you really prefer likes, just wear a bra everyday and stay on the paddock.

Woke up this morning.
Wife vomit from swinger party.
Leg still has cramp from the frisby toss yesterday.
Hate my job.
Dorks forever.

**** you have received likes from the same 80 people as always, and Coolguy81!. *****
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Thanks for reinforcing mine.

I am no Tubby lover. I don't hate the man, he did some good things here, but it was time for him to go. Billy Clyde was a great upgrade :) If you notice my moniker it says JC Cats...John Calapari Cats. I support Cal. I just think Dep was too harsh on Tubby and after Tubby was gone so was Dep for mo
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Just seems that the board has recently adopted more of a "We are the world, we are the children" mantra as of late. I'm not saying it's a bad thing by any stretch (I like the upbeat mood); I'm just noticing more of a correlative positivity since the likes feature has become a board function.


I personally think it's gotten progressively worse over the last 3 years...
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I am no Tubby lover. I don't hate the man, he did some good things here, but it was time for him to go. Billy Clyde was a great upgrade :) If you notice my moniker it says JC Cats...John Calapari Cats. I support Cal. I just think Dep was too harsh on Tubby and after Tubby was gone so was Dep for mo

Interestingly enough, Dep was far more positive on Tubby than some other posters. For example, Dep said that Tubby would have Minny in the Sweet 16 on a regular basis. I disagreed and felt that Tubby would struggle in Minny. Dep also liked Billy and thought he was a pretty good hire. I had never heard of Billy G but once he started making hires, I was somewhat negative.

Having said all that, Dep was pretty much the leader of the LOD. I think he was far more moderate than you might recall. And, it is clear that he wasn't what I would call a Tubby basher.
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Maybe. But if you want to make something out of likes, the ratio of likes to posts is a more informative indicator than just the number of likes or just the number of posts.

Some folks had posted over 20,000 posts before the likes feature ever existed, so I think they'd make the claim that ratio is also irrelevant.
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I recall a discussion amongst Paddock posters that claimed all of the nerds on rafters would just give each other thousands of likes and the feature would be a joke . In a twist of irony I don't know of any mainstay rafters poster that has over a thousand , there might be one but I haven't noticed . There are a bunch of Paddock posters with thousands of likes , just saying .
I don't like any of you. I just dislike some of you more than I dislike others.... :) Yes, I smiled when I said that.
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