Wimp Sanderson


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2007
The other night at the game I had the privilege of sitting across the isle from Wimp, he along with Wendell Hudson, Anthony Murray, CM Newton and several others were honored at halftime. When the game concluded he stood up to leave I shook his hand and thanked him for wearing that blue shirt under his beige sweater, and told him that brought us good luck. He said "all those good players are what brought y'all that good luck". I always liked Wimps teams and remember vividly that 103-102 Kentucky win when Truman Claytor and company were here. He was nearly as entertaining a the game as he sat there with his jaw in his hand studying Cal and the game as it progressed.
Wimp was a character. Unfortunately for him, his time at Bama ended abruptly when he slapped a secretary I believe? Shortly after the '92 season ended.
Wimp put more guys in the NBA during his tenure than UK did:

Bobby Lee Hurt
Ennis Whatley
Buck Johnson
Terry Coner
Derrick McKey
Jim Farmer
Michael Ansley
Melvin Cheatum
David Benoit
Robert Horry
Latrell Sprewell
James 'Hollywood' Robinson
Jason Caffey
Originally posted by Jerry.Edwards:
Wimp was a character. Unfortunately for him, his time at Bama ended abruptly when he slapped a secretary I believe? Shortly after the '92 season ended.
I can't remember if it was an actual "slap", but it was a physical altercation of some manner.

The first time Rick came out in a gawdy plaid sport coat was absolutely hilarious. Of course, that was back when he was the young, cool, hip coach. LOL!
Originally posted by Jerry.Edwards:
Wimp was a character. Unfortunately for him, his time at Bama ended abruptly when he slapped a secretary I believe? Shortly after the '92 season ended.
And then CM Newton ended up marrying that woman. Makes you curious what those guys talked about during the reunion.
Talk about a fun relationship....Robert Horry and Reggie Hanson ....there were always fireworks when those two took the court....
Wimp was very colorful and coached some very successful teams. He be ever looked the part of a successful division one coach. He looked more likeva car salesman. His antics and facial expressions in the sideline were very entertaining.
Sanderson resigned from Alabama on May 18, 1992, days after Nancy Watts, his longtime secretary, filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against him and the university with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission. Both Sanderson and Watts admitted they had had an affair from about 1970 to 1985, but both offered conflicting stories about what happened on March 17, 1992.[3]

Watts said that on that day, two days before Alabama was to play Stanford in the NCAA Tournament, Sanderson punched her in the face, giving her a black eye, during an argument. Sanderson said Watts had become hysterical and that, in an effort to defend himself, he stuck out his hand. She collided with it, giving her a black eye. More than a year later. Watts' lawsuit against Sanderson, the university and then-athletic director Hootie Ingram, was settled out of court, days before it was scheduled to go to trial. Alabama and Sanderson's homeowner's insurance policy paid Watts $275,000. Sanderson's 32-year relationship with Alabama, in which he had been a graduate assistant, assistant coach or head coach for more than half of the basketball games the school had ever played, was over.[3]
Originally posted by preacherfan:
Sanderson resigned from Alabama on May 18, 1992, days after Nancy Watts, his longtime secretary, filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against him and the university with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission. Both Sanderson and Watts admitted they had had an affair from about 1970 to 1985, but both offered conflicting stories about what happened on March 17, 1992.[3]

Watts said that on that day, two days before Alabama was to play Stanford in the NCAA Tournament, Sanderson punched her in the face, giving her a black eye, during an argument. Sanderson said Watts had become hysterical and that, in an effort to defend himself, he stuck out his hand. She collided with it, giving her a black eye. More than a year later. Watts' lawsuit against Sanderson, the university and then-athletic director Hootie Ingram, was settled out of court, days before it was scheduled to go to trial. Alabama and Sanderson's homeowner's insurance policy paid Watts $275,000. Sanderson's 32-year relationship with Alabama, in which he had been a graduate assistant, assistant coach or head coach for more than half of the basketball games the school had ever played, was over.[3]
Yeah, story goes that Wimp had been supplying her with tickets/airfare/lodging during Bama BB trips for years prior. At some point before or during the '92 season, something happened either with the NCAA/SEC or maybe even Bama admin where the number of eligible members or maybe overall costs of these trips was truncated and he could no longer take her with him. This, supposedly, is what caused her to lose her rag on Wimp. She, allegedly, demanded that he find a spot for her and there just wasn't one to give. She threatened to go public and the fit hit the shan...
Wimp did hit her.....after she hit him. A lover of his at the time, she walked in on Wimp when he was banging a female swim coach on his desk. TIFWIW, this came from a man who had a very successful business in Birmingham, who's dead now....John Bayless
Wimp got fired for slapping his Secretary with something besides his hand. Wimp is a character I agree, but he absolutely hates UK..
This thread screams for a pic
Ultimate whiner as I remember him. Hated when the camera went to him with that sour crybaby look.

This post was edited on 1/19 6:27 PM by Kybluedude
Originally posted by preacherfan:
Sanderson resigned from Alabama on May 18, 1992, days after Nancy Watts, his longtime secretary, filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against him and the university with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission. Both Sanderson and Watts admitted they had had an affair from about 1970 to 1985, but both offered conflicting stories about what happened on March 17, 1992.[3]

Watts said that on that day, two days before Alabama was to play Stanford in the NCAA Tournament, Sanderson punched her in the face, giving her a black eye, during an argument. Sanderson said Watts had become hysterical and that, in an effort to defend himself, he stuck out his hand. She collided with it, giving her a black eye. More than a year later. Watts' lawsuit against Sanderson, the university and then-athletic director Hootie Ingram, was settled out of court, days before it was scheduled to go to trial. Alabama and Sanderson's homeowner's insurance policy paid Watts $275,000. Sanderson's 32-year relationship with Alabama, in which he had been a graduate assistant, assistant coach or head coach for more than half of the basketball games the school had ever played, was over.[3]
It is so weird that this subject would come up on here. We were waiting for the shuttle (near the soccer fields) Saturday and an Alabama couple showed up. and we introduced each other. The nice looking lady said that she and her husband were Alabama Alumni and that she had worked in the compliance office for Wimp Sanderson. I joked at her and asked if she was Wimp's GF. She said no, but that woman had married C.M. Newton. We all laughed. I have always had a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig mouth. Lol.
Originally posted by wildcatdonf:
Originally posted by preacherfan:
Sanderson resigned from Alabama on May 18, 1992, days after Nancy Watts, his longtime secretary, filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against him and the university with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission. Both Sanderson and Watts admitted they had had an affair from about 1970 to 1985, but both offered conflicting stories about what happened on March 17, 1992.[3]

Watts said that on that day, two days before Alabama was to play Stanford in the NCAA Tournament, Sanderson punched her in the face, giving her a black eye, during an argument. Sanderson said Watts had become hysterical and that, in an effort to defend himself, he stuck out his hand. She collided with it, giving her a black eye. More than a year later. Watts' lawsuit against Sanderson, the university and then-athletic director Hootie Ingram, was settled out of court, days before it was scheduled to go to trial. Alabama and Sanderson's homeowner's insurance policy paid Watts $275,000. Sanderson's 32-year relationship with Alabama, in which he had been a graduate assistant, assistant coach or head coach for more than half of the basketball games the school had ever played, was over.[3]
It is so weird that this subject would come up on here. We were waiting for the shuttle (near the soccer fields) Saturday and an Alabama couple showed up. and we introduced each other. The nice looking lady said that she and her husband were Alabama Alumni and that she had worked in the compliance office for Wimp Sanderson. I joked at her and asked if she was Wimp's GF. She said no, but that woman had married C.M. Newton. We all laughed. I have always had a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig mouth. Lol.
I can tell you the woman Wimp is married to is a very pretty lady, don't know if she is the one he started with or not, she appears to be a right smart younger than him and was really a nice person. If I knew how I would put their picture on here but unfortunately not that gifted.