I've never understood why everyone is brutally harse with him. While his criticism about problems on D are valid I think it's a shame we don't have him anymore.
I've always been a believer in playing multiple defensive schemes to throw off oppenents and leave them guessing if you're playing man to man, zone, and what type of zone. Wevehad numerous teams that should've ran zone, esp due to the personal we had, and if we ran zone at times, we could play a 4th year player with a unique set of skills not possesed by anyone else on our team.
Am I really the only fan who agrees with Cal and myself, becauseCal hasstatednumerous times that he should be played zone numerous times after the fact, and talked about how he should Prolly run more zone Just in general, not about particular one particular game. Cal has said that we practice zone defense a fair amount of time to the point that he feels comfertable going to it if we are getting killed man to man, and have used zone defense sparingly, however effectly in the past and it was usually after the few timesweused zone and it worked well were usually when her bring up that we should probably run it more often.