To be fair, fans would have rioted if he let Cal walk, and nobody would have been sitting here imagining a world where Cal dropped off the way he did.
Cal was coming off of 3 elite-eight appearances in 4 years, won the SEC tournament 4 years in a row (15, 16, 17 and 18), etc. - nobody would have been happy with a Cal departure at that time, and anyone who says otherwise would be twisting the narrative.
That said, hindsight being 20/20, it would have been so much better for Kentucky, and probably better for Cal also, if he did leave in 2019 for UCLA.
I wonder who we would have hired? Who were the hot names at the time? Obviously Bruce Pearl had just taken Auburn to the Final Four, Tony Bennet won the national title (boy that would have been a disaster).
Honestly, we probably would have hired Chris Beard.
He had just taken Texas Tech to the National Championship game, was being praised by anyone and everyone as a "win no matter what" guy, and this was before he had any off-the-court issues- I bet that's who we would have made a play for.