Williams played hurt

Everyone is playing hurt right now.
Exactly. If the $ is not enough--we now need to give commendations to excuse a bad offensive night and being a soft/bad finisher around the rim? I thought Amari's floor game was fine and team won--which is only thing that matters this time of year. But enough of the excuses. Everyone is banged up/hurting.
Explains why Amari was so unwilling to back his man down. He could have had that all night, instead he threw up little sissy shots and missed all of them.
Say the coach is in fact taking up for his player (I don’t think that’s the case). If the coach who knows the player knows it’s in the players interest for the fanbase to not be all over them, why would we as a fanbase say no I won’t trust the coach and go at the player anyway? None of it makes any sense to me. Give the player and the coach benefit of the doubt and move on I think. At least that makes sense to me
Have you MET UK fans?

Y'know, the most knowledgeable fanbase in sports? BBN?

We don't just act like sheep when we're told things. We understand basketball.
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