Pope kind of touched on what he is looking for for next year. Said he is looking to get 2 "superstar" caliber players and a couple nice depth pieces from the portal, blend it in what what we have coming back, along with the guys he signed from HS ranks. He thinks the correct way to build a roster is this : talented HS kids with a couple multi year guys, returning players for cohesiveness, and a couple super stars and some depth from the portal. I stated the exact thing was they way to do it. You have to have a mixture of young, highly talented kids, returning players and finish up with studs and depth from the portal. He and I share the exact same philosophy to build a contender YEAR IN and YEAR OUT. Can't be slanted one way, or you will have a team like this year, very solid, depth, but flawed and limited. Or like Cal, super talented young guys with not much veteran leadership. Mixture of age and talent strengths. I think another year growth for Oweh and Garrison, next year we have a very strong nucleus we did not have coming into this year. Perry and Noah will help some in depth next year, but i feel they are another year away from being really productive. Noah maybe before Perry. Chandler ? I don't really know when or IF he ever gets there. I really like some stuff Perry and Noah have shown, Chandler, not so much.