I'm rooting for him to reach his dream even if it is a long shot.
I learned a few things about him, and some other Cats, this past week. Nothing earth shattering, ha, ha, but interesting tidbits. Most of this stuff is already common knowledge, so don't shoot me.
Briscoe felt he was a one and done coming out of HS. At the end of his freshman year, the people at the workouts told him to return to Kentucky and improve his shot, and his shot form.
At the end of the past season he felt he had proven enough to at least get drafted in the 2nd round, and apparently still does. (This guy talks to him several times a week)
He loves Cal & UK, but hates college. Said he's not lazy, he just despises the course work and wanted to be done with school all together, regardless of the outcome.
He told me that, back last winter they were going to go to the mall the next day, so they stopped at an ATM. Briscoe withdrew $55. Said that was all he had in his account. The next morning word was going around that a fellow student's dad had passed away and they were struggling to find a way to pay for the funeral. (Guy was not a UK player, just a guy most knew and liked)
Anyway, he said Briscoe opened his wallet up on the spot and gave the guy two $20's. I thought that was pretty cool of him to do that. He said other players chipped in as well, but this thread is about I.B.
I'm hoping the guy makes a roster and fulfills his dream.
I don't normally have info on UK things, so I thought I'd at least share this.