Why is anybody surprised Calipari keeps losing?

When he was at Memphis, he was ahead 9 points in the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP game with 2:12 remaining in the game and LOST!!!! The most important game in his career and he wasn’t good enough to close it out. Same thing with the John Wall team and the 38-1 team. He’s a terrible basketball x’s and o’s coach. Bottom frickin’ line. Great recruiter though!!!
Yea I get you with all those games. But recently , I have rewatched a lot of the UK games of the last 12-13 years.. 2011, they pulled out a lot of close games down the stretch.. Princeton, Ohio State, UNC. 2012 some big plays at critical moments.... UL FF game. And even against Kansas when they cut it to 5-6 in the last few minutes...... And of course 2014, was unbeaten Witchita State, UL, Michigan and Wisc. We remember the big Harrison shots, but in rewatching there were a lot of other key plays by other players, and Calipari got wins in those.

Like I said in another thread, would like to see the stats on 5 point Calipari games the last 5 minutes and his won/loss percentage.
Before the game, in another thread, I said that I could live with a close loss, being without 3 7-footers, against the #1 team in the country, that is led by a dominant post player. But, I was wrong. The way the game played out, particularly blowing a 14 point lead, really pissed me off. I’ll give Calipari credit for the first 30 minutes or so. We had great ball movement & shot it very well in building the lead. We were solid, defensively, & held our own on the boards, too.

But, to then watch the lead evaporate so quickly as Wagner & Edwards chucked brick after brick was infuriating. Almost as infuriating as seeing Dillingham get yanked in the midst of an unbelievably hot streak with something like four made 3s & an assist in 5 straight possessions. Calipari also seemed to forget about Sheppard for long stretches, as well, who was also hot & playing very well on both ends.

Just like Tubby, Calipari has always had a habit of benching guys while they were on fire. And, he’s also had another bad habit of giving far too much rope to players who were OBVIOUSLY having an off night &, unsuccessfully, trying to shoot their way out of it, possession after possession, at the expense of the team. Last night’s episode with Wagner & Edwards had serious Brandon Boston vibes, IMO.

Shit like that is what really makes me question his intentions. Was it more important for his two most hyped prospects to salvage their games in front of scouts than it was for the team to win the game behind two other guys who were hot & playing extremely well? It’s a damn shame that question has to even be asked. Watching him blow late game leads & repeatedly lose to any team with a pulse is really old, too.

I thought we were at a significant disadvantage going into the game last night & I probably wouldn’t have been too upset with the loss if things had played out differently. But, instead of feeling optimistic after giving KU all they wanted, while playing short-handed, I’m still left doubting that he can close out any good team or big game, OR, if winning is even his top priority.

I’m so sick of losing, seemingly, every big game we play. Especially, when it’s bc certain players shoot us out of leads while guys who were obviously playing better, watched from the bench. You’d think it was a sin to go with the hot hand & sit your favorites when they don’t have it. Promises, promises.
I wonder what those scouts thought of the 2 five*'s. If their "potential" was still there after last night's performance. And I agree with your BJ Boston comment.
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All I’m seeing from you is hypotheticals. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. I choose to live my life in reality. And unfortunately for UK fans, we’re not the Gold Standard of College Basketball any longer. What part of constantly losing basketball games against ranked teams is so hard to understand? Loser.
Huh? You clearly don't understand what a hypothetical is, right?

"Constantly losing basketball games against ranked team". You clearly don't understand what the word "constantly" means, right? I mean let's be real, I'm wasting my time with you, right?

You can check just last year's schedule if you want, before you get embarassed again. Or even better, look up the 2021-2022 schedule. I dare you.
Huh? You clearly don't understand what a hypothetical is, right?

"Constantly losing basketball games against ranked team". You clearly don't understand what the word "constantly" means, right? I mean let's be real, I'm wasting my time with you, right?

You can check just last year's schedule if you want, before you get embarassed again. Or even better, look up the 2021-2022 schedule. I dare you.
You keep saying you’re wasting your time with me while you continue to “waste your time with me”. Let me simplify it a little for you so you can hopefully understand more clearly. Since 2015, we have played 61 games against ranked teams. We have lost 58% of those games. Those are mid major type results. You can kick and scream and call people un-intelligent til the cows come home but the facts won’t change. We’re on a downhill trajectory.
1. I am not surprised at said before...Cal loses like 75% of non November/December non conference games vs. legit team.
2. Another year of guys not ready to play for UK....and it happens every year.
- Oscar surgery last year
- Brooks surgery to start the 2019 season
- All the injuries that take way longer for a UK athlete to heal vs. rest of college
- We get to hear from Cal's pro day with ESPN that Bradshaw and Ugonna are out for X more weeks
2. But as a fan...I still get amped up for the team and disappointed when they fall short....that is why I comment on the team. Nothing to do with Cal...just want the team to win.
You keep saying you’re wasting your time with me while you continue to “waste your time with me”. Let me simplify it a little for you so you can hopefully understand more clearly. Since 2015, we have played 61 games against ranked teams. We have lost 58% of those games. Those are mid major type results. You can kick and scream and call people un-intelligent til the cows come home but the facts won’t change. We’re on a downhill trajectory.
Wait, so did you check to see if we beat any ranked teams last year? You claimed we didn't. What about the year before, did you check that schedule to see if we beat any ranked teams?

I'm just curious, since you claim we CONSTANTLY lose to ranked teams. Go ahead, check for yourself.
Wait, so did you check to see if we beat any ranked teams last year? You claimed we didn't. What about the year before, did you check that schedule to see if we beat any ranked teams?

I'm just curious, since you claim we CONSTANTLY lose to ranked teams. Go ahead, check for yourself.
We keep losing to good teams at an alarming rate. Run along LOSER!!
We keep losing to good teams at an alarming rate. Run along LOSER!!
Soooooo did you look it up or not? It's hard to decipher from your post...

I'll give you a hint, we beat some ranked teams (whisper voice: even on their own home floor)
Since 2018 we’re 17-24. VS. ranked teams. Since 2015 it’s 26-35. Are you dense?
(still whispering: you said *constantly* loses to ranked teams)

What does our record against ranked teams have to be in order for you to be happy again? Do we have to beat 100% of the ranked teams we play? 80%? What standard are you looking for?
Soooooo did you look it up or not? It's hard to decipher from your post...

I'll give you a hint, we beat some ranked teams (whisper voice: even on their own home floor)
I looked it up for him. We went 2-4 against ranked teams last season with both wins coming against UT. In the 4 losses to Gonzaga, UCLA, Alabama & Kansas, the closest we came was a 9 point loss to KU. Gonzaga & Alabama blew us out & UCLA won by 10.

In addition, we lost to a very mid Michigan St team. And, we had two really bad losses to South Carolina (11-21) & Georgia (16-16). Our best OOC win came against a Michigan team that didn’t even make the NCAAT.

Then Vandy beat us twice in 9 days in March when we should’ve been peaking, including a first round exit from the SECT, which we haven’t won in 6 years. And, the cherry on top was the shit show, 2nd round loss to Kansas St, which was the 2nd time they had ended our season in 5 years. I’m struggling to see what it is that you’re so proud of from last season. Looks pretty underwhelming & embarrassing to me.
We've had 3 bad really disappointing years. And I think people are feeling this is just more of the same. But it really wasn't.

We had a completely different brand of basketball. You could watch the game and see the basketball being played was light years ahead of the last 3 years.

I think we'll be picked a lot in big games as the season goes on. I think this is an elite 8 team that will be in a rock fight for the Final 4.

But, 3rd game of the season with a freshman heavy team, missing 3 7 footers vs #1 and the best big man in the country--it's a recipe to lose. Regardless of what happened the last 3 years.

I'm going to wait until we play Miami and UNC to be all doom and gloom. You're welcome to start now.

That's my take away. I mean you have people literally admitting they'd be fine if we lost, and then we lose, and then it kind of surprised them and they get mad.

I'm upset that Cal got tight at the end and not happy about his choice to play some players who maybe should have been benched. But I also think the latter isn't a huge issue as we're still figuring out who is legit and who is more of a reserve guy.

But we went up by 14 on the supposed best team in the nation and some of our guys showed they were legit ballers. Dilly already looks better than any guard we've had since Maxey. Several other guys looked great. Even the guys who looked bad (edwards and DJ) still played hard.

Cals snafus aside, I look at last night and I see it as a UK team that can likely beat anyone in the nation. Not only is that something we haven't seen with many recent UK teams, but it's something we're seeing in November.
(still whispering: you said *constantly* loses to ranked teams)

What does our record against ranked teams have to be in order for you to be happy again? Do we have to beat 100% of the ranked teams we play? 80%? What standard are you looking for?
I’ve tried to be nice to you but you’re making it extremely difficult. When we get back to winning games we’re supposed to win ala 2010- 2015 UK fans will be happy. But to expect us to be content with winning far below half (42%) of games against good teams is ludicrous. It’s called accepting mediocrity. UK is the “Gold Standard of College Basketball”. Mediocrity doesn’t coarse in our veins. And anyone who accepts those results are merely sheep.